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Results 1171-1180 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
1171Memorandum, 17 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
 Lieutt Colo.—Adam Stephen Andrew Lewis—Major Captains Lieutenants Ensigns 1st Peter Hogg 2 Jno. McNeill 12–1st Thomas Carter  2 George Mercer 3 William Starke 3d–2 [Edward] Hubbard  3 Thomas Waggener 4
I recd yrs of the 11th with Acct of the Clothg & Provis[ion]s I suppose You will find some more Clothg at Winchester for the Acct at Alexaa belong. to me comes short of my Acct—I have had 500 Shirts made here & 100 Tents—I think you may engage from Mr Carlyle the white Shirts, Shoes, Hatts & the white Yearn Hose. Mr Dick has 84 Doz. of Soldiers Stock[ings] come in wch if he will sell...
Its impossible to Return an exact Accot of whats on hand as to perticulars, I haveg no delivery nor could not get any. Mr Thos Walker gott an estimate of the provisions Vizt. which I think comes near the purpose an exact Return Shall be deliverd Mr Dick on Wednessdays next of whats been deliverd in my time as likewise Ed above of whats on hand. I’m Sr Yr Most Obedt Hbl. Servt ALS , DLC:GW ....
1174Orders, 18 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Buckner, Officer for the Day. Parole Diligence. Fort-Cumberland: September 18th 1755. Lieutenant Bronaugh is promoted as a Captain in the Virginia Regiment. All the Men of the Virginia Troops are to be formed into two Companies, which are to be commanded by Captains Savage and Bronaugh, ’till further Orders. Captain Savage, Lieutenant Blegg, and Ensign Smith, to take care of Captains...
1175After Orders, 18 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
After orders. The commanding Officers of Companies, are this Evening to Recommend such Men of their Companies, as they think fit for Sergeants, and Corporals for the new Companies. It is desired, that none of the officers will recommend any, but such as they can vouch for their Behaviour. LB , DLC:GW .
Whereas the Service Requires a number of Men to be Raised, with all convenient Dispatch—You are hereby ordered to Repair as soon as possible to Annapolis, and other publick Places in Maryland, and there to use your utmost Endeavours in Recruiting Men for His Majesty’s Service, under my Command—taking particular care, to do nothing contrary to your Recruiting Instructions. You are to send your...
You are, until further Orders, appointed to act as Lieutenant in Captain Joshua Lewis’s Company, and are to observe such Orders as you shall receive from him, unless contradicted by your Recruiting Instructions, or any Orders which you shall receive from me hereafter. You are to proceed to any Place where your Captain shall send you; and are to use your utmost Endeavours in recruiting Men for...
1178Memorandum, 18 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Buckner was ordered to act as Ensign under Captain Lewis, and Received the same Orders. LB , DLC:GW . See the orders to Hancock Eustace of this date .
1179Memorandum, 18 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
Lieutenant Starke received the same Orders as Lieutenant Eustace; and ordered to continue in Captain Cockes Company, until further Orders. LB , DLC:GW . Lt. William Stark of the Virginia Regiment was probably the William Stark who was born c.1735, the son of William and Mary Bolling Stark of Prince George County. In Jan. 1755 Stark was serving as a lieutenant in the Virginia forces, and he...
Whereas the Service Requires a number of Men to be Raised with all convenient Dispatch: You are hereby ordered to Repair as soon as possible to these publick Places, where you have the greatest prospect of meeting with Success, avoiding as much as you can, going where other Officers have been before; and there use your best Endeavours, in Recruiting Men for His Majesty’s Service, under my...