From John Jay to George Washington, 14 October 1779
To George Washington
Pha. 14th Octr. 1779
My Dear Sir
Your very kind letter of of the 7th Instant gave me all that Pleasure, which accompanies marks of cordial Esteem & Attachmt from those whose Commendation is praise, and Whose Friendship is discriminate.
Among the Objects of my mission are some which, however just, will ^not^ be difficult to easily attain’d and therefore its success will be precarious, and probably partial. The only satisfaction I promise myself from this Appointmt will flow from the rectitude with which the duties of it will be discharged, and not from a prospect of general approbation.
God grant that the time may not be far distant when Peace and Liberty shall lead you from the Field, to enjoy, in Silence & Retiremt, the Luxury of reflecting that you had saved your Country— Adieu my Dear Sir with sincere Affection and Esteem I am your Friend & Servt.