Benjamin Franklin Papers

Titus Ogden to the American Commissioners, [after] [6] July 1778

Titus Ogden to the American Commissioners6

ALS: American Philosophical Society

<Lorient, [after] July [6],7 1778: On arrival at the beginning of April I consigned my ship and cargo to Mr. Moylan, who showed me his authorization as your agent, and I conceived the highest opinion of his abilities. When the Boston and her prizes appeared, I was astonished to have a foreigner, Mr. Puchelberg, who speaks no English and is little known here, claim to be agent by Mr. Schweighauser’s appointment. He offered to make purchases for me; I enclose his bill to show that he knows how to charge. I should be glad for my country’s sake if trust were put in a man of Mr. Moylan’s character; we Americans are better served by a compatriot than by one who understands neither our language nor our ways.8>

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6Published in Taylor, Adams Papers, VI, 336–7. Ogden identifies himself as a New Bern, N.C., merchant and master of the Harmony Hall, which brought a cargo of tobacco.

7When the Boston’s prizes, which he mentions, arrived in Lorient. He went to Paris and was back by Aug. 1; see Moylan to the commissioners of that date. He must therefore have been writing not long after the 6th.

8See the note on Moylan’s letter to the commissioners, July 8.

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