Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 19 October 1808

War Department
October 19th 1808


I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following appointments in the First Legion of the Militia of the District of Columbia viz.

Bayley Washington to be appointed Captain of Infantry
William McKee " Lieutenant  ditto
John Minchin " Ensign  ditto
James McCormick Jnr. " Lieutenant  ditto
Samuel Speake " Ensign  ditto
James D Moore " Captain  ditto
William Moore " Lieutenant  ditto
George Thomas " Ensign  ditto
John Law " 2d. Lieutenant Cavalry
Roger C. Weightman " Cornet  ditto

Accept, Sir, assurances of my high respect and consideration

H Dearborn

Oct. 19. 08.


   Th: Jefferson

PHi: Daniel Parker Papers.

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