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Results 115621-115650 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your Letter of the 27th May was Duly recd am perfectly Satisfied with your Generous offer of...
Permit me to offer for your perusal, a copy of the History of the late Insurrections &. in...
The enclosed volume of a continuation of Massachusetts History, is introduced more abruptly to...
It is with eagerness I find an apology for presenting myself to your notice in your second...
Geo. R Minot presents his most respectful compliments to the President of The United States, and...
Sir I am informed you have a Conveyance of three tracts of Land from Vallentine Crawford one of...
The reverend Doctor Mason my friend will present to you a small Tract on the Theory of the...
¶ From William and Jonas Minturn. Letter not found. 9 July 1806. Described in Jacob Wagner to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Venant d’etre informé par Les papiers publics des marques de...
You are again called to execute the high and dignified trust of a first magistrate of a free...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai passé ce matin chez vous, Monsieur, pour avoir...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permestes monsieur que je me rappelle dans lhonneur de votre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. gattelier, très digne et utile mèdecin dans le canton ou...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Marquis de Mirabeau desireroit fort avoir l’honneur de...
I had this pleasure a few days ago from Baltimore; and now I have nothing to add with respect to...
I arrived here last noon & I have seen a part of your Capital; I like it very much: the situation...
I have been obliged to defer my returning Your Excellency my most respectful Thanks for all the...
Having received on the 22nd Inst. two Letters from the Govor and Captn Genl of Havanna, dated...
By the way of Charles Town in South Carolina I have received Letter from the Govor of Havannah...
Letter not found : from Don Juan de Miralles, c.26 July 1778. On 26 July, Henry Laurens wrote...
As I have received from the Havannah among other Articles, a Sea Tortoise weighing more than a...
I had written the annexed Letter & was just about to send to Your Excellency, when on the 23d...
With the utmost appreciation I have on the 7th Inst. received the Letter which your Excy was...
Having come back from the Havannah in to this River, a Vessell which I dispatch’d for that Port...
Celle-ci vous sera remise, mon Cher et respectable Ami, par mon Compatriote D. Pedro Josef de...
Le général Miranda S’empresse d’envoyer à monsieur Prevost la résponse à la lettre de M. Monroe,...
Voici mon digne Ami, des Papiers d’une grande importance pour le sort futur de ma Patrie—et tres...
il-y-a quelque tems mon respectable et cher ami que j’eûs le plaisir de vous ecrir de Paris, et...
C’est depuis quatre ans que je reprends la plume pour vous dire que je suis encore au Nombre des...
Le General Miranda fait bien des Complimens à M. Prevost. Il a reçu Sa note d’hier, et ne...