George Washington Papers

To George Washington from James Napper Tandy, 22 December 1795

From James Napper Tandy

Tuesday Morn. 22d Decr 95

Jas Napper Tandy, presents his most respectful Complimts to the President of the United States; and incloses him a Letter from their mutual Friend Sir Edward Newenham1—and Tandy will take the Liberty of waiting upon his Excellency tomorrow, Or attend any other time he may think proper to appoint; to receive his Commands—previous to his writing to the Knight.


1The docket on this letter states that Tandy was “enclosing a letter from Sir Ed: Newenham of 2d August ’95.” No such letter has been found, and it seems almost certain that Tandy enclosed Newenham’s letter of 15 August.

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