Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Cipriano Ribeiro Freire, 22 February 1799

From Cipriano Ribeiro Freire

Franklin Court the 22d. February 1799.

The Chevr. de Freire presents his respects to Mr. Jefferson, and supposing that the favour of his Account of the Culture, or method of raising & curing of Tobacco in Virginia, may arrive here after the Chevr.’s departure for Europe, probably in the beginning of May next; takes the liberty of requesting of Mr. Jefferson, to send the honour of his Communication, to the care of Mr. David Callaghan, Mercht., No. 169. South Water Street, Philadelphia.

The Chevr. has the Honour of assuring Mr. Jefferson of his profound respect & perfect Consideration.

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received on the day it was written, and so recorded in SJL.

Portuguese diplomat Cipriano Ribeiro Freire (1749–1824) entered his government’s service in 1774 as secretary of the legation in London. He served as resident minister to the United States from October 1794 until April 1799 (José Calvet de Magalhães, História das relações diplomáticas entre Portugal e os Estados Unidos da América (1776–1911) [Lisbon, 1991], 333, 347–8n).

For TJ’s promise to furnish an account of the cultivation of tobacco, see TJ to Thomas Mann Randolph, 10 Jan. 1801.

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