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Results 115551-115600 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I venture to address myself to you as Minister of foreign Affairs, because I Sincerely hope that...
In our letter of Novr. 11th. we had the honour of laying before Congress a state of our...
[ Paris, 15 Dec. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Barclay. Receipt of letter Nov. 19.—paiment of...
[ Paris, 15 Dec. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Carmichael. à Havre to know if it is stopped at...
[ Paris, 15 Dec. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Garvay. à Rouen. For the China forwarded to him...
[ Paris, 15 Dec. 1784 . Entry in SJL under this date: “Mr. Holker. à Rouen. To know if copying...
J’ai rendu compte à ma Cour de l’ouverture contenue dans La Lettre que Vous m’avez fait l’honneur...
I know your good will to have written to me if you had been able. It gives me pain to hear that...
I have been so much taken up these four or five days, in copying both for my Pappa and Mamma,...
I thank you for your obliging letter of September 8, which I received in November. I now take the...
Mon Ami! J’ai remis Votre lettre a Mr: J. Je le trouve disposé a Seconder mes demandes, Lesquels...
Copy: National Archives I have the honor to enclose to your Excellency a resolve of Congress...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There dwells an uneasiness in mine & Lady Newenham’s mind,...
Letter not found: from Elias Boudinot, 14 Dec. 1784. On 31 Jan. 1785 GW wrote to Boudinot : “I...
The letter which you did me the honor to write to me on the 20th of last Month, only came to my...
Resolved ^ Unanimously ^ . Eight States only being represented that his Ex y the President inform...
I have recd. yr. favor of the 27. of Novr. in answer to mine of the 15th. My last gave you the...
Upon my arrival here I wrote you and committed my letter to the care of the secretary of Congress...
We are assembled under our new Commissions, and have begun our Negotiations at least by...
I received your Favour of 18 August with its Accompaniments. We are all well and very happy. I...
Your Favour of the 1 st. of June, has not, I fear been answered. I have indeed been very happy...
One of these Days I shall devote a Leisure Hour to forming a Cypher, and will send it to You by...
ALS and AL (draft): Columbia University Library The Marqs. de la Fayette is so obliging as to...
My brother John is much in want of four, five or six hundred pounds which he is desirous of...
One of these Days I shall devote a Leisure Hour to forming a Cypher, and will send it to You by...
The Marq s . Dela Fayette is so obliging as to take Charge of this Letter— He has seen much of...
The Letter you favored me with gave me great Pleasure; it was well written, and well spelt; and...
I duly received the letter you were so good as to write me from New York. We have here under our...
My Mamma has desired me, My dear Aunt, to give a Copy of a few cursory minutes, that I took at...
A Gentleman in Boston, who is as much a Friend of Mankind, as he is of me, M r James Lovell,...
I know not whether you intend to serve in Congress again or not: but whether at Trenton, or...
I am ashamed to confess that your Letter of the 5. of July is unanswered. But my dear Sir, I have...
This day twelve months I arrived at Boston from Europe, and when I consider that I have never...
Letter not found: from Chastellux, 12 Dec. 1784. On 5 Sept. 1785 GW wrote Chastellux : “I am your...
R. H. Lee presents his compliments to the honorable M r . Jay and sends him a paper of such...
Trenton December 1784 At a Conference at M r . Jays on Fryday Evening the 10th Dec r present all...
I received in due Season and in good Condition your Favour of the 7. of Nov.— But D r Franklin...
ALS : Library of Congress I am sorry that your Grandson did not stay long enough for me to shew...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; ALS (draft): Yale University Library; copy: National...
Letter not found: from James Madison, 11 Dec. 1784. On 28 Dec. GW wrote to Madison : “I have been...
The Gentn who will have the honor of presenting this letter to you, is a Nephew of mine, heir to...
I was, by Thursday’s post, favoured with your’s of the 26th of November. We had begun to despair...
Neither of the two last posts brought me a line from you. I find one in the office for Mr. Jones...
Letter not found. 11 December 1784, Richmond . Washington had traveled to Annapolis to further...
J’ay l’honneur de vous adresser une publication qui vous interessera certainement et qui ne fait...
Very little Progress has been made since your departure in the Plans for improving the great...
You can judge of my impatience my Dear Cousin, the last week when we heard from Mr. Storer who...
La lettre dont Vous m’avez honoré, Messieurs, en date du 10 de Novembre ne m’est parvenue que le...
New York, December 10, 1784. “When you were in town you mentioned to me some cause which you...
LS and copy: National Archives ⟨The Hague, December 10, 1784, in French: Your letter of November...