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Results 115551-115600 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Permit one of the sons of Columbia to state his situation, and if consistent to ask your...
I have recieved with much pleasure, your favor of the 6th inst. and take the earliest opportunity...
The Chevr. de Freire presents his respects to Mr. Jefferson, and supposing that the favour of his...
Uncertain whether this will still find you at Philadelphia or no, I shall write but a few lines;...
Your favor of the 28th. of August came to hand not till the 22d. of January. immediately on the...
I have maturely considered the questions raised by your letter of the 21 of January with the aid...
I promised you to commit to writing what I think ought to be done, for the compleating the...
On my return home last evening from Sussex Court, I found your favor of the 20th. instant, and in...
Division of the State of Rhode Island &c into three districts 1st. District— To be composed of...
115560[Diary entry: 23 February 1799] (Washington Papers)
23. Morning clear & very cold. Mer. at 12 & wind at No. Wt. which afterwards shifted to the...
General and Mrs Washington present their Compliments to Mrs Fairfax and family and request the...
General & Mrs Washington present their Compliments to Mr Andw Ramsay, Mrs Ramsay and Mr Willm...
There was never a time when it was more requisite for the public to be truly acquainted with...
I have recieved with great pleasure your favor on the subject of the Steam engine . tho’ deterred...
115565[Diary entry: 24 February 1799] (Washington Papers)
24. Mer. at 18 in the Morning and Wind Southerly—but it soon shifted to the No. Wt. & blew fresh....
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 16th. my proposition was meant exactly as you supposed, to...
My blessings for my Countrey, such as they are, are not, like the old Patriarchs, confined to...
I have not any Letter from you of a later date than the 9th; you was then unwell. I have one from...
I have just rec d yours of 14 th. — it has laid in the Post office I suppose Since saturday. The...
The Proposition of a fresh Negotiation with France, in Consequence of Advances made by the French...
This morning I have recd. your favour of the 21st. We have all been shocked and grieved at the...
The comee. to whom was refered the Prests. message, nominating Mr. Murray, had a free...
[ New York, February 25, 1799. On February 26, 1799, Hamilton wrote to Varick : “I last night...
I have been duly favoured with your letter of the 15th instant. When the disposition was...
Your private letter of the 16th. instant came duly to hand, & safe: and I wish you at all times,...
I had the Honor of receiving a Letter from the Secretary at War, dated the 10th. of January last...
In obedience to your order of the 15 Inst. I have the honor herewith to transmit a Return of the...
I received your favor of the 18th Instant informing me that the recruiting service for the...
115579[Diary entry: 25 February 1799] (Washington Papers)
25th. Clear & very cold in the Morning, and through the day. Mer. at 12 in the Morning and 22 at...
Received Bu. Bu. lb. 1798 Novr 122 by Measure And by Weight 109  15 p. Bu. 8/2 53 139 by  do  And...
I have been duly favoured with your letter of the 15th instant. When the disposition was...
Private My dear Sir Mount Vernon 25th Feby 1799. Your private letter of the 16th instant came...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 19th. and am very sensible of your kind attention to the...
Since writing my letter of the 21st. mr Niemcewicz has put into my hands the inclosed memorandum,...
The letter with which your Serene Highness honored me, bearing date the 30th. of March 1798. did...
Since I had the honor of seeing you, I have conversed with the Secretary of the Treasury, from...
I received your letter of the 14 th of Feb. yesterday— I enclosed to you this morning Browns...
I thank you for your Address of the Twentieth of this Month, transmitted according to your...
I last night received your Letter dated Yesterday. The Resolutions of the Common Council discover...
Among the objects on all hands agreed to be necessary towards preserving the City from...
Mount Vernon, February 26, 1799. “I received your letter of the 18th. instant yesterday. You...
I have received thriplicat Letters of the 30th. Ult. I expect you must have received my Letter...
Selah Strong Esquire Informs me by Letter that He has recomended me to you as a suitable...
115594[Diary entry: 26 February 1799] (Washington Papers)
26. Morning cold & cloudy with the Wind at No. Et. & Mer. at 22 Morng. & Eveng. Abt. 3 Oclock it...
The Columbian Alphabet which you were so polite as to send me, came safe, and for which I pray...
My last to you was of the 19th. It acknoleged yours of the 8th. In mine I informed you of the...
Since the date of my last letter I have entered into an engagement which will render it necessary...
My last to you was of the 19th. it acknoleged yours of the 8th. in mine I informed you of the...
Yours of the 16th . and Martha’s of the 8th. came to hand on the 23d. inst. in mine to you of the...
yesterday afternoon mr Greenleaf returnd from Boston, and as he, as well as my others Neighbours,...