115551From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Bancroft, 5 August 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
I am now to acknolege the receipt of your favor of July 21. The measure adopted for reimbursing us will doubtless be effectual. I mentioned to you that my advance had put it out of my power to pay a sum of money in London which I was highly bound to pay. It brought on me a letter from the creditor which permitted me no longer to delay sending him Mr. Paradise’s bill on you. This I did by the...
115552[Diary entry: 17 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
17. Clear and pleasant. Wind So. West and West. Hard frost.
115553Vergennes to the American Commissioners, 21 May 1778 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress Je reçois dans le moment, Messieurs, la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 19. pour m’informer que vous avez rendu compte au Congrès des Etats Unis des plaintes renfermées dans le Raport de M. de la Ruelliere Consul de France à Madere. Je vous prie d’agréer mes Remercimens de l’usage que vous avez bien voulu faire de la Communication que je vous en...
115554To James Madison from Thomas Bulkeley, 5 July 1801 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
5 July 1801, Lisbon. Has no certain news since last dispatch. Anticipates determination of fate of country in a few days. Napoleon has reportedly refused to ratify the treaty. Notes in postscript that since closing his letter, Bulkeley has seen an order in council directing all Portuguese commanders of men-of-war to capture Spanish vessels wherever they meet them. “The order directs the...
115555To James Madison from George Henry Rose, 14 February 1808 (Madison Papers)
Mr. Rose will do himself the honor of waiting upon Mr. Madison at his house at 2 o’clock, this afternoon. DNA : RG 59-NFL-Notes from Foreign Legations, Great Britain.
115556From Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 24 March 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
I am honoured with your Letter of the 20th. inst. and am sorry that a want of Ammunition should have abridged your intentions at Portsmouth. I have made enquiry what have been the Issues of ammunition from the State Stores and am informed by returns that there has issued (naming principal Articles only) To Thomas Smith acting for Major Pryor 1,000lb Cannon po[wder] for York. To Captn. Bohannon...
115557To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 30 April 1778 (Washington Papers)
I had the honor of writing to Your Excellency the day before yesterday by Sharp. This bearer is dispatched by special order of Congress to return with the bundle of Papers, sent to Head Quarters some time ago by the Committee appointed to collect Evidence &ca on the loss of Tyconderoga & Mount Independence which Your Excellency will be pleased to deliver to him. I have the honor to be With the...
115558To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 9 June 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
The wreck’d articles were forwarded to Milton yesterday.—The boxes were found to be right, there having been 15, exclusive of Mr. Burwells—no bill of lading came with them, or the mistake would not have been made.—I omitted in my hurry to take the numbers of the 3 missing casks, to enable you to replace the articles they contained. The mill stones have likewise been received & forwarded.—Some...
115559From Alexander Hamilton to the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York, [6 March 1777] (Hamilton Papers)
The change in my own circumstances and in those of your company of Artillery lately under my command make it necessary I should inform you of the present state of things, respect⟨ing⟩ it; in order that you may determine as to the future disposal of it; and I should be happy as speedily as convenient to know your pleasure on the subject. His Excellency has been pleased to appoint me one of his...
115560To Benjamin Franklin from Hilliard d’Auberteuil, 17 June 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer à votre excellence les épreuves des feuilles T & V. et de vous prier de me les renvoyer le plustot possible. Je suis avec les sentimens de la plus profonde Consideration Monsieur de votre Excellence Le très humble & très obéist. servir.