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Results 1151-1200 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1151 Washington, George Memorandum, 6 September 1755 1755-09-06 A Copy of these Orders was also enlosed for Captain’s Lewis and Harrison, and Lieutenant Lowry,...
1152 Dick, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Dick, 6 September … 1755-09-06 I wish I had been at Home when you was pleased to call last Night. it might have saved this...
1153 Franklin, Benjamin Hancock, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Hancock, 11 September … 1755-09-11 LS : Harvard College Library You may remember that when I last had the Pleasure of seeing you, I...
1154 Franklin, Benjamin Ray, Catharine From Benjamin Franklin to Catharine Ray, 11 September … 1755-09-11 ALS and enclosed translation: American Philosophical Society Begone, Business, for an Hour, at...
1155 Washington, George Stephen, Adam From George Washington to Adam Stephen, 11 September … 1755-09-11 Instructions for Lieutenant Colonel Stephen. 1st So soon as you arrive in Alexandria, you are to...
1156 Washington, George Peachey, William From George Washington to William Peachey, 11 September … 1755-09-11 You are hereby Ordered, as soon as you arrive in Town with your Recruits, to put yourself under...
1157 Washington, George Memorandum, 11 September 1755 1755-09-11 A Copy of these Instructions was also left for the other Officers appointed to this Rendezvous;...
1158 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 11 … 1755-09-11 After waiting a day or two at Fredericksburgh, writing Orders for the Recruiting Officers...
1159 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 11 September … 1755-09-11 After a small Halt at Fredericksburgh, to issue out Orders to the Recruiting Officers appointed...
1160 Shipley, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Shipley, 13 September … 1755-09-13 ALS : American Philosophical Society I believe that you will be supprised to hear from one who am...
1161 Robinson, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Robinson, 14 September … 1755-09-14 I received your favour by the Express, anduch approve of the Method you propose of supplying the...
1162 Washington, George Memorandum, 15 September 1755 1755-09-15 After giving the necessary Orders, and collecting Returns of the Provision, Clothing, &c. at this...
1163 Washington, George Gordon, George From George Washington to George Gordon, 15 September … 1755-09-15 You are hereby Ordered, and appointed to act as Cornet of the Light Horse, until further Orders:...
1164 Washington, George Gordon, George From George Washington to George Gordon, 15 September … 1755-09-15 Instructions for Ensign Gordon. 1st You are immediately upon your coming to the Troop, to...
1165 Washington, George Jones, John From George Washington to John Jones, 15 September 1755 1755-09-15 I have sent the Bearer (of the Light Horse) to desire an exact Return of all the Things and...
1166 Washington, George Bell, David From George Washington to David Bell, 15 September 1755 1755-09-15 If it happens that I am not in Winchester when you arrive there with your Recruits; You are...
1167 Washington, George Bell, David Orders, 15 September 1755 1755-09-15 Instructions for the Commanding Officer at Winchester. 1st So soon as you arrive in Town, you are...
1168 Shirley, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Shirley, 17 September … 1755-09-17 Copy: American Philosophical Society; also copy: Library Company of Philadelphia I have just...
1169 Washington, George Memorandum, 17 September 1755 1755-09-17 From thence I continued to Fort Cumberland, and took upon me the Command of the Troops there;...
1170 Washington, George Orders, 17 September 1755 1755-09-17 Ensign Forgie for the Day. Parole Success. Fort Cumberland: September 17, 1755. George Washington...
1171 Washington, George Memorandum, 17 September 1755 1755-09-17  Lieutt Colo.—Adam Stephen Andrew Lewis—Major Captains Lieutenants Ensigns 1st Peter Hogg 2 Jno....
1172 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 17 … 1755-09-17 I recd yrs of the 11th with Acct of the Clothg & Provis[ion]s I suppose You will find some more...
1173 Jones, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jones, 17 September 1755 1755-09-17 Its impossible to Return an exact Accot of whats on hand as to perticulars, I haveg no delivery...
1174 Washington, George Orders, 18 September 1755 1755-09-18 Ensign Buckner, Officer for the Day. Parole Diligence. Fort-Cumberland: September 18th 1755....
1175 Washington, George After Orders, 18 September 1755 1755-09-18 After orders. The commanding Officers of Companies, are this Evening to Recommend such Men of...
1176 Washington, George Lewis, Joshua From George Washington to Joshua Lewis, 18 September … 1755-09-18 Whereas the Service Requires a number of Men to be Raised, with all convenient Dispatch—You are...
1177 Washington, George Eustace, Hancock From George Washington to Hancock Eustace, 18 September … 1755-09-18 You are, until further Orders, appointed to act as Lieutenant in Captain Joshua Lewis’s Company,...
1178 Washington, George Memorandum, 18 September 1755 1755-09-18 Ensign Buckner was ordered to act as Ensign under Captain Lewis, and Received the same Orders. LB...
1179 Washington, George Memorandum, 18 September 1755 1755-09-18 Lieutenant Starke received the same Orders as Lieutenant Eustace; and ordered to continue in...
1180 Washington, George Cocke, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Cocke, 18 September … 1755-09-18 Whereas the Service Requires a number of Men to be Raised with all convenient Dispatch: You are...
1181 Defever, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Defever, 18 September … 1755-09-18 Return of the stores Belonging to the Royal Trane of Artillery Left at Fort Cumberland: viz:...
1182 Washington, George Orders, 19 September 1755 1755-09-19 Lieutenant McManners, Officer for the Day. Parole England. Fort Cumberland: September 19th 1755....
1183 Washington, George Memorandum, 19 September 1755 1755-09-19 The Officers Ordered yesterday to attend, Received their General Instructions, and the following...
1184 Washington, George Montour, Andrew From George Washington to Andrew Montour, 19 September … 1755-09-19 The number of the Virginia Forces is considerably augmented, and I have again taken them under my...
1185 Washington, George Dick, Charles From George Washington to Charles Dick, 20 September … 1755-09-20 You are hereby desir’d, to give in an exact return of all the cloathing of every kind, Arms of...
1186 Washington, George Stephen, Adam From George Washington to Adam Stephen, 20 September … 1755-09-20 Instructions to Colonel Adam Stephen. 1st To complete the Stockade round the Magazine, as soon as...
1187 Stiles, Ezra Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Ezra Stiles, 22 September … 1755-09-22 ALS : Yale University Library I received your very kind and acceptable Favour by Mr. Allison,...
1188 Hog, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Peter Hog, 23 September 1755 1755-09-23 I arrived here on the Sunday Evening which Majr Lewis can Inform you was using great dispatch for...
1189 Washington, George Memorandum, 24 September 1755 1755-09-24 From thence I proceeded to Fort Dinwiddie, on Jackson’s River; where I found it necessary to give...
1190 Washington, George Hog, Peter From George Washington to Peter Hog, 24 September 1755 1755-09-24 Instructions for Captain Hogg of the Virginia Regiment. You are Hereby Ordered, to add Bastions...
1191 Carter, Landon Washington, George To George Washington from Landon Carter, 25 September … 1755-09-25 As I know I shall not be troublesome to you with my little intimacy I have ventured to recommend...
1192 Stephen, Adam Washington, George To George Washington from Adam Stephen, 25 September … 1755-09-25 Sunday about 9 O’Clock two Indians took a fuzee from a Boy within musket Shot of the Sentry in...
1193 Stephen, Adam Washington, George To George Washington from Adam Stephen, 27 September … 1755-09-27 This morning One Packton a Hunter came in quite Spent, being pursued by Indians in Sight of our...
1194 Pennsylvania Assembly Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, 29 … 1755-09-29 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia,...
1195 Brockenbrough, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Brockenbrough, 29 … 1755-09-29 The Parental feelings I have at the parting with a dutifull Son I hope will be some apoligie for...
1196 Champe, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Champe, 30 September … 1755-09-30 Youl observe by the inclosd what is requested of me. I know nothing off the Bearer. but can...
1197 Champe, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Champe, 30 September … 1755-09-30 I am again Solicited to write you in favor of the bearer Mr Brockenbrough, am in great hopes his...
1198 Washington, George Memorandum, 2 October 1755 1755-10-02 After Examining into the State of Affairs here, and giving such Directions as seemed convenient;...
1199 Mercer, George Waggener, Thomas George Mercer to Thomas Waggener, 2 October 1755 1755-10-02 As Colonel Washington has been informed by Governour Dinwiddie, that you was Dispatched from...
1200 Defever, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Defever, 2 October 1755 1755-10-02 A Return of Stores belonging to his Majesty Royall Train Left at the Undermentioned places viz....