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Results 1141-1150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
As you have ordered me in a Letter which I have Lately receiv’d to give you my own Observations on the Countries thro’ which I have travelled, the following are some upon Russia; but I must previously beg you will remember, that you Say in your Letter that you expect neither the precision of a Robertson, nor the Elegance of a Voltaire, therefore you must take them as they are. The government...
We are waiting with some Impatience to hear of the Arrival of some of the Massachusetts Troops at Head Q uarte rs. The Lassitude and Torpor, that has seized our New Englandmen, is to me, very surprizing. Something will happen I believe, to arrouse them from their Lethargy. If they dont go and crush that little Nest of Hornetts at Newport, I shall think them dead to all Sense of Honour, Virtue,...
The inclosed Slip from Benjamins Paper of this Morning will Shew you that the Electioneering Campaign is opened already. The “good Patriot, Statesman and Philosopher” is held up as the Successor. I am determined to be a Silent Spectator of the silly and the wicked Game and to enjoy it as a Comedy a Farce or a Gymnastic Exhibition at Sadlers Wells or Astleys Amphitheatre. I will laugh let them...
I hope you will not think me criminally negligent in not particularly addressing myself to you before now— You may be assured I always think of you with the tenderest affection, & wish that I could have time, in a more correct manner to evidence the ebulitions of a Heart, filled with every sentiment of Esteem Love, & Gratitude— When I write to my Sister Cranch, I generally write in great...
This Morning I have your favour of the 3 d which raised my Spirits again after the mortification of passing the whole of last Week without one. Benjamin has grown very dull—No Abuse—No lies no Terrors no Panicks no Rant—in comparison of what he used to have— The Subject which you think will excite all their feelings is well known to every body in public Life, but is talked of by nobody: but in...
I have receiv’d two Letters from you since I wrote last. one contain’d the Border & Lace for my cap, & a cap for Mrs Norton—for which We thank you. mrs Greenleaf also for hers— how you do love to dress up your Friends! there is certainly More pleasure in it than in adorning our own Persons— we cant wear our Blue ribbons yet we are all in mourning— not a person in our Meeting house but has Some...
If my dear friend Required only a very Long Letter to make it agreable I Could Easily Gratify her but I know There must be many more Requisits to make it pleasing to her taste. If you Measure by Lines I Can at once Comply, if by Sentiment I fear I shall fall short. But as Curiosity seems to be awake with Regard to the Company I keep and the Manner of spending my time I will Endeavour to...
Your Son JQA is become a son of Harvard. He was admited last wednesday, and we are now prepairing him for House-keeping. He has a chamber with one of the Masters till commencment, then He and his Brother charles will live together if they can. The young Gentleman finds the Bed and Linnen. I have taken the Furniture for the Chamber from your House a few things were to be purchased at Boston....
Near the dusk of last Evening, I was Honored with your Favor, by the hand of the amiable Master Charles Adams, but was unhappy in not having a light ready to know the Contents. The Young Gentleman Seeming in hast, having Company in waiting, prevented my detaining Him. I regret my not having His Company to lodge and the Young Ladies who were with Him, as it would have greatly amusd me in my...
I wrote to my brother Thomas more than a fortnight ago, respecting the warrant, & requesting him to see it forwarded— But whether from an apprehension on his part of an additional delay, or from what other cause I know not, he has not done it, and last Evening in answer to my Letter I received from him one urging very strongly the necessity of his having an order to receive the money.— Two...