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Results 1131-1140 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
General Instructions for the Recruiting Officers of the Virginia Regiment. Septr 1755. First; That each Captain shall, by beat of Drum or otherwise, Raise Thirty men; Each Lieutenant Eighteen; and each Ensign, Twelve men. Secondly: That each Captain shall appoint proper Persons to act as non—commissioned Officers, during their Recruiting Service: But those noncommissioned Officers, so...
The Favour you granted me on aug. 12 was unluckily packeted with a number of Letters and carried to Leicester, but a certain kind Gentleman has just brought it to hand. I will not lessen the pleasure it gave by a Description. But one detestable quality that usually attends your Letters, I find has stain’d it. I think Phylosophers call it, brevity. But, on second reflection I am not surpriz’d....
Copy: Yale University Library I beg Leave to introduce to you the Revd. Mr. Allison Rector of our Academy; a Person of great Ingenuity and Learning, a catholic Divine, and what is more, an Honest Man; For as Pope says By Entertaining then this Gent. with your accustomed Hospitality and Benevolence, you will Entertain one of the Nobility. I mean one of Gods Nobility; for as to the Kings , there...
ALS : Yale University Library I wrote to you yesterday, and now I write again. You will say, It can’t rain, but it pours: For I not only send you manuscript but living Letters. The first may be short, but the latter will be longer and yet more agreable. Mr. Bartram I believe you will find to be at least 20 folio Pages, large Paper, well fill’d, on the Subjects of Botany, Fossils, Husbandry,...
ALS : Yale University Library At the same time I acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of March 12th from New Haven, and May 20th. from Newport, I must beg your Pardon for not answering them sooner. Mr. Allison will tell you how my Time has been devoured this Summer, and how impracticable it has been for me to keep up my philosophical Correspondencies. I have not yet made the Experiment I...
I promised to write you an account of the scituation of my mind. The natural strength of my facultys is quite insufficient for the task. Attend therefore to the invocation. Oh! thou goddess, Muse, or Whatever is thy name who inspired immortal Miltons pen with a confusion ten thousand times confounded, when describing Satan’s Voyage thro’ Chaos, help me in the same cragged strains, to sing...
1137Memorandum, 3 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
All the Officers then present received the foregoing Instructions, and money for Recruiting; and some of them were appointed to act ’till further Orders, as followeth: viz. To Captain Spotswoods Company, Lieutenant Lomax and Ensign Carter, were ordered to do Duty as Subalterns: and to Captain Harrison—Lieutenant John Hall; Ensign Nathaniel Thompson. To Captain Lewis: Lieutenant Peter...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , September 4, 1755. This introduction preceded a reprinting of John Pringle’s “Account of several Persons seized with the Goal Fever, working in Newgate; and of the Manner, in which the Infection was communicated to one entire Family,” from Phil. Trans ., XLVIII , pt. I (1753), 42–55. Because of BF ’s interest in the subject as it related to German...
It is a Sensible Pleasure to me to hear that you have behaved yourself with such a Martial Spirit in all your Engagements with the French Nigh Ohio. Go on as you have begun; and God prosper you. We have heard of General Bradock’s Defeat. Every Body Blames his Rash Conduct. Every body Commends the Courage of the Virginians and Carolina men: which is very Agreable to me. I desire you, as you may...
1140Memorandum, 6 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
At the same time, the Instructions given to the other Subalterns were the same with these, differing only in this Respect; those who were ordered to Rendezvous at Fredericksburgh, were to apply to Mr Dick for orders, in case the Field Officer for that place was not arrived; and those who were ordered to Alexandria, were to apply to Mr Carlyle. After issuing the aforesaid Orders, I set out for...