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Results 112201-112250 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am very much pestered with letters from persons enquiring what is the course of education in the University, what the expences & other particulars in long detail, and I expect you are also. I have therefore prepared the inclosed handbill, of which we must have 200. copies printed, which we may inclose by way of answer to such letters. be so good therefore as to get mr M c Kenny to print them...
General Washington presents his Compliments to Mrs Fairfax, and havg received a letter from Mr Fairfax, dated the 28th of April last, in which he says that he was better at that time, than he had been for months before; he could not refrain from giving Mrs Fx the pleasing account of it (in case Mr Fairfax’s letters to her self should not have got to hand)—especially too, as in another part of...
I have received your letter of the seventeenth of February with it’s enclosure. The proceedings of the Court Martial in the case of James Barrons will be considered as void, his offence being of a capital nature—You will have him brought before any General Court Martial which may be now sitting at Fort Independence , or which may hereafter sit there in your vicinity— I agree with you that the...
112204General Orders, 19 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
A Board of General Officers, consisting of all the General Officers not on duty, to sit to morrow at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at General Greene’s quarters, for the purpose of settling the rank of all the Pennsylvania Field Officers. The Commander in Chief is pleased to approve the following sentences of a general Court Martial, held the 17th instant, whereof Col. Shreve was president; and...
Falmouth Monday October 16: 1775. The Canceaux Ship of Sixteen Guns Commanded by Capt. Mowatt, a large Ship, Schooner & a Sloop Armed, Anchord below the Town. The 17th at 3 P.M. they weighd and came up and Anchored within gunshott and Immediately Capt. Mowatt sent a Letter on Shore to the Town, giving them two hours to Move their families out, as he had orders to fire the Town. The Town...
1122064th. (Adams Papers)
For want of sufficient exercise, I have been unwell, for several days: there is no walking at this Season, and we are consequently obliged, to keep too recluse for health. Mr. Andrews, and Freeman, pass’d the evening with us, at the professor’s. Miss Jones as usual was severe. Her disposition would be much more amiable, if she was not so sensible of her satirical talents, and so fond of them...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr Charles Helsted, whom his Majesty the King of Sueden has appointed Consul of that Nation, will have the Honour of presenting this Line to your Excellency. He is recommended to me by the Suedish Ambassador at this Court, as a Gentleman of great Merit: As such I beg leave to recommend him to your Civilities and Countenance. With sincere Esteem, I have...
I have this moment received your favour of yesterday. In some future Letter I must write you an Apology for S. Adams and J. Hancock: which your inherent good nature will not reject. Please to give to your Son the inclosed Inquiston, with / Cordial regards of, We have this Moment the news of J Q A Acceptance, and hopes to embark in all May— MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I have just recd. yours of the 4th. A few lines from Doctr Dunglison had prepared me for such a communication; and I never doubted that the last scene of our illustrious friend would be worthy of the life which it closed. Long as this has been spared to his country and to those who loved him, a few years more were to have been desired for the sake of both. But we are more than consoled for the...
I am just favoured with yours of the 2d. inst. I owe an apology for not informing you that the articles sent by Commodore Elliot were duly received from the Courthouse, more than you did for not apprizing me that they were left there. Our only regret has been that you & Mrs. Coles could not give us the pleasure of your intended call. We hope another opportunity will be free from disappointing...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La protestation, en Allemand, de la minorité du Chapitre de Munster, m’ayant été communiquée ce matin, je me suis tout de suite mis à la traduire, pour pouvoir vous l’envoyer ce soir. Cette piece me paroît très-bien faite. D’ailleurs la matiere est de la plus grande importance, puisqu’il s’agit du futur Electeur de Cologne & Evêque de Munster. Je la crois...
I must ask the favor of you to supply me with the window glass below stated, of the best quality. I wish it divided into two parcels packed in separate boxes, the one being wanting here, the other at my place near Lynchburg , for which purpose I inclose two cards of different addresses to be nailed on the boxes, and delivered to Cap t Bernard Peyton who will forward them to their respective...
If my dear friend Required only a very Long Letter to make it agreable I Could Easily Gratify her but I know There must be many more Requisits to make it pleasing to her taste. If you Measure by Lines I Can at once Comply, if by Sentiment I fear I shall fall short. But as Curiosity seems to be awake with Regard to the Company I keep and the Manner of spending my time I will Endeavour to...
J. Madison, with his respects to Mr. Wilde, thanks him for the copy of his speech on the reasons of the Secretary of Treasury for the removal of the Deposites; delivered in the house of Representatives, March 18. =34. The speech is certainly a very able one, and belongs to the first class, on that very distinguished subject. Amid the painful aspects presented in our public affairs, the pride...
Franklin, when he arrived in France, began to keep accounts even before he began to write letters. His first entries are dated December 3, the day he set foot ashore; they show how much money he had on hand and what he paid for the boat from the Reprisal to Auray. These humdrum details started a collection that grew and grew over the years. The financial records of the commission throw a great...
At the moment of sending off the inclosed Letter to you of this same date, Your favor of the 8th of this Month, which had been long on the way came to hand. Your Idea of not moving the French Troops, in our present state of anxious uncertainty, is quite coincident with mine; but it is left entirely to your Judgment to maintain or alter that opinion as you may find necessary on further...
I had left the inclosed papers with mr Griffin in case Scott should have given any further trouble. on his departure he returned them to me, and I think it proper they should be delivered up to you. I state the list of them below. accept the assurance of my respects. 1771. Mar. 16 Richard Tullos’s patent for 374. acres 1797. May 22. Thomas Jefferson’s patent for 100. a s 1795.
When you were so kind as to permit me to resign my Command in this City, and retire from the Service until recovered of my Wounds, I expected to have done it immediately; but the Villianous Attacks made on my Character, by the President and Council of this State in their Publications, made it necessary for me to continue in the Command until their Charges were cleared up, or resign under the...
agrebel to your Excelene Requst I Send you my opeion of what we ought to Do for the Preservastion of the Conteray this fall and winter. Qs. to what object our attention ought to be Derected this fall and winter. An. to Tray to Recrueat as meney of the Solderes that is Now in the feld as Can be ingeaged Ether for the war or for one year from the first of Janery Nixt and in Case the Second...
Although unknown to you, yet Possessing a very high opinion of your Integrity Wisdom & Patriotism & knowing you to be a firm inlightened Federalist & great statesman. I Present you with the loan of a Pamphlet of Essays, written by an Honest Scotch Clergyman Mr Young—a Book which I am sure will contribute much to your satisfaction as it has to mine. I would have presented it as a Gift only I...
I have been favored with your Letters of the 18th & 22d Instant with their Inclosures. I am sorry to find there is such a Scarcity of Blankets, and doubt not, whatever Measures you pursue to procure a Supply, will be founded on the strictest propriety. I thank you for your Information respecting Mr James Fisher, and shall avail myself of it in a suitable Manner. I am Dr Sir with great Esteem &...
Le Sieur Estco Estko ci’devant Major à l’armée Polonaise neveu du feu le Général Kosciuszko , se trouvant dans le cas d’avoir besoin d’une information éxacte sur le l’ état de la fortune que le dit Général a’pu delaisser, a reclamé l’intervention de son Gouver ne ment à l’effec l’effet de lui procurer des éclaircisements nécessaires à cet égard par l’entremise de la mission de S. M. I. et R.
112223Cash Accounts, November 1769 (Washington Papers)
Cash Novr 4— To Ditto [Cash] of Mr R[obert] Adam by Mr [Hector] Ross 200. 0. 0 Contra Novr 1— By Servants 4/—Expens. at Peytons Ordy 23/6 1. 7. 6 4— By Expences at [William] Parkers 1.15. 0 By Ditto at Todds Bridge 13/10 0.13.10 5— By Ditto at King Wm Ct Ho. 1. 7. 6 By Ditto at Ruffins 16/—Seeing Tyger 3/1½ 0.19. 1 1/2 By Servants 0. 2. 0
Genl Washington presents his compliments to Doctr Thornton. Mrs Washington recollecting her promise of saving him a few of the Spanish Chesnuts, some are now sent. They are immediately from the tree, & should, without delay, be planted where they are intended to remain—or put into a box with earth, otherwise they will soon get hard and worm eaten, & the vegetation be prevented. AL , DLC :...
§ From James Caldwell and Reasin Beall. 21 December 1813, Washington. “We take the liberty of addressing you on the subject of the appointment of Marshal for the district of ohio, to fill the vacancy of Genl Cass lately appointed Governor of Michigan territory—the influance of the office of marshall is considerable and if placed in the hands of the opposition, would add great weight to a party...
In the list of claims which have been or are to be preferred to the Commissioners have been observed the names of James Swan, Joshua Barney and Thomas Eldred. The first would appear to be disqualified by his having been engaged in foreign partnerships, the evidence of which is exhibited in the enclosed copy of an original letter from him to the Secretary of the Treasury dated 6th. May 1795,...
Having recieved an official communication of certain orders of the British government against the Maritime rights of Neutrals, bearing date the 11th. of November 1807. I transmit them to Congress, as a further proof of the increasing dangers to our Navigation and Commerce which led to the provident measure of the act of the present session laying an embargo on our own vessels. DNA : RG...
[ Monticello , 17 Oct. 1819 . SJL entry reads “sickness. invitn to come on to Mont o .” Letter not found.]
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; ALS (draft): Library of Congress When the Ship Alliance belonging to the Congress was at l’Orient, under the Command of Capt. Jones, Moylan & Co Merchants there, were appointed to supply the Ship with what was necessary during her Stay. Capt. Landais taking Possession of the Ship surreptitiously in the Absence of Capt. Jones, apply’d to one...
I have postponed the return of the two papers, to the present time, in consequence of your intimation, that you would not return from Bedford till about a week before the day of assembling at Rockfish, and I shall note that this letter is not to be forwarded from Monticello. Affectionate respects RC (owned by Linwood M. Jr. and Tucker Respess, Charlottesville, Va., 2003). Undated; conjectural...
It is generally understood that the Essays under the Title of the Federalist, which were published at New York, while the plan of our present Federal Constitution was under the consideration of the people, were principally written by two persons James Madison, now Secretary of State, Alexander Hamilton, formerly Secretary of the Treasury. who had been members of the Convention which devised...
112232[Diary entry: 7 April 1787] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 7th. Mercury at 52 in the Morning—58 at Noon and 52 at Night. Wind Easterly in the Morning & cool; but shifting afterwards more Southerly and dying away till the evening it grew warmer. The appearances of rain vanished. Rid to the Fishing landing and the Plantations at the Ferry, French’s, Dogue run, and Muddy hole. At French’s the rolling of the Barley, and the Flax seed & Oats would...
I duly received the letter you were so good as to write me from New York. We have here under our contemplation the future miseries of human nature, like to be occasioned by the ambition of a young man, who has been taught to view his subjects as his cattle. The pretensions he sets up to the navigation of the Scheld would have been good if natural right had been left uncontrouled. But it is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu il y à trois semaines une Lettre de Mr. Gérard avec un cathalogue de Plants quil m’envoyoit. La datte de sa Lettre est du 3 décembre 1778. Le 26 Juillet dernier J’ai recu une autre Lettre avec des cathalogues d’arbres et graines, la datte de cette derniere Lettre est de Philadelphie le 28 mars 1779. Ces deux Lettres m’ont été Envoyées des Bureaux...
C. Peyton presents his respects to M. Jefferson And informs him, there is some Ladis hear, from below, who is desirous, of seeing Monticello And if a greeable, will wride up, in the fournoon Noon tomorrow. RC ( DLC: TJ Papers , 211:37615); dateline at foot of text; with Dft of TJ to Thomas Appleton, [20] Aug. 1817 , on verso.
I have recd. with great pleasure the information in your letter of the 11th that the University is not to lose your Co-operation in its fortunes; and that it more than retains the warm interest you have taken in them. Mrs. M. & myself feel all that is due to your & Mrs. P’s kind invitation to make a part of your family during the approaching Session of the Board of Visitors. But...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society Your Favour of July 30. came duly to hand, and I have since received and sent to France the Drawings brought to Town by Lady Bewick. I hope they were not too late to be of Use, tho’ I had a Letter from M. Morand about three Months before, that he then despair’d of receiving them, and thought of publishing his Work without them. I have not heard from...
M r Lambert does not, in the inclosed letter , say precisely that he meant it as a communication to the Philosophical society , yet from a particular expression in it, I think it was his idea. I send it to you therefore to be made such use of as the you think proper, and of which you are the best judge. I salute you with constant esteem & respect. RC ( PPAmP : APS Archives, Manuscript...
112239[Diary entry: 14 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
14. Rid to the Ferry Plantation, Mill, Doeg Run, & Muddy hole.
Enclosed is a letter from Colonel Sprout of this day containing information of the extraordinary conduct of a Mr Honniwell. If upon an enquiry the facts should appear as stated to Colonel Sprouts, The justice and dignity of America are deeply concerned that such an atrocious violation of the Laws of nations, should be punished with exemplary vigor. I have the honor to be with great respect...
112241General Orders, 17 April 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Hand[,] Lieutenant Colonel Conway[,] Brigade Major Hand’s Brigade Four Battalions to be paraded on the Grand parade tomorrow morning 9 o clock at which time Colonels Johnson Courtlandt Ogden and Jackson; Lieutenant Colonels Barber Smith Harmar and Huntington and Major Fish are to attend. General St. Clair’s Division to give 6 Capts. 18 Sub....
As it has been your usual Custom to discharge the Interest of your Bond at the April Genl Court I have directed Mr James Hill to call upon you for it as I can not be down myself & he is directed in respect to the application of the Money. His receipt with this Letter will be equal to one passed from Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt ALS , owned (1993) by Mr. Robert Gardner. For James Carter’s annual...
I thank you for your favors of the 21st & 23d Instt both of which have come to hand since my last to you —had such a chapter as you speak of, been written to the rulers of Mankind, it would, I am perswaded, have been as unavailing as many others upon subjects of equal importance—we may lament that things are not consonant to our wishes, but cannot change the nature of Man; & yet, those who are...
I wrote you a few Lines last week—This Morning I was favored with two Letters from your Son of the 14 & 20th. of This Month—Parents are gratified by hearing of or from Their children—The former Letter was Dated at The Hague—The latter at amsterdam—He had been recd. and acknowledged by The States General, and on the 14th had “a gracious audience of The Stadtholder.”—In his last Letter there is...
It is rarely that such a length of time has past without my having the honor to address you; but being satisfied that you would readily dispense with a letter written merely for the sake of form, I have postponed writing from day to day, in expectation of some sort of occurrence of some interest. But the Swedish Armistice, consequent coolness, or rather misunderstanding between the Courts of...
Your letter of the 14th is this moment delivered to me. Moral obligations, or the obligations of humanity are equally binding on all men: if motives of humanity therefore induced me to bestow a years schooling on Lawce Posey, & to effect it I was willing to incur the expence of a years board also; the same motives might have induced you, without making a charge of it against me, to have acted...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania My journey hither was a favourable one & I am in hopes will turn out to good account; I have not yet however been able to deliver all Your letters—those for the environs of London are yet in my possession, as I preferred keeping them a day or two to make a personal delivery of them, to the risqueing them by penny post. I this day deliverd Miss Shipleys—...
Having written a letter to the Secretary of War, in which I have expressed a readiness to enter on the duties of my military appointment, I take the liberty, from the conversations that have passed on the subject, of reminding you, that I shall take it for granted, that the office of collector at Boston, will be kept open until war be actually commenced, or abandoned for the present and that...
28 February 1803, Lisbon. Encloses a semiannual shipping report for the last half year. Hopes his method of making out port charges renders them comprehensible. Notes additional charges from Belém for a vessel under quarantine. Charges are paid by all friendly nations and by Portuguese vessels not engaged in colonial trade. Has found that American shipping is on as good a footing as that of...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia, at the University, on monday 2d. of Octr. 1820, present Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Robert B. Taylor, John H. Cocke, and Joseph C. Cabell; The Board proceeded to the consideration of the Annual Report, and not having time to go through with the same, adjourned to tuesday 3d. October. Ms ( ViU : Jefferson Papers, Special...