George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Frederick County, Va., Citizens, 2 December 1795

From Frederick County, Va., Citizens

Winchester [Va.] 2d Der 1795


It is with real pleasure we comply with the Request of our fellow Citizens of Frederick County, by forwarding to you the inclosed Resolutions, which express the Sentiments they entertain of your Conduct, in a situation the most delicate, and upon an occasion the most interesting and important, that has, perhaps, occured during your administration.1

Permit us, Sir, to seize this opportunity of expressing our sincere and Anxious wish, that you may long continue to preside over the Interests of these States, with that Wisdom and firmness which have hitherto so conspicuously adorned and supported your official Conduct, And That you may in an eminent degree partake of that happiness, which you have been so instrumental in procuring and preserving to your fellow Citizens. We Have the Honor to be with Sentime⟨nts⟩ of Real Esteem and Respect Sir your Hbl. Se⟨rvts⟩

Danl Morg⟨an⟩
C. M. Thruston
Robt White jr
Cha. Magill
Joseph Caldwell

LS, DLC:GW; LB, DLC:GW. This letter and GW’s reply of 16 Dec. were published at Winchester on 15 Jan. 1796 and reprinted in newspapers, including the Aurora General Advertiser (Philadelphia), 22 Jan. 1796.

Robert White (1759–1831), a former Revolutionary War officer, represented Frederick County in the Virginia House, 1789 and 1791–93, and was at this time a state judge.

Charles Magill (c.1760–1827) of Winchester, a former Revolutionary War officer, represented Frederick and other counties in the Virginia Senate from 1799 to 1801, when he was appointed a federal circuit court judge.

1At a meeting at the Frederick County courthouse on 1 Dec., citizens resolved “That the Conduct of the President of the United State[s], in Ratifying the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between the United States of America and Great Brittain negotiated by John Jay Esqr., agreeably to the advice of two thirds of the Senate of the United States, is entitled to, And meets with the entire approbation of this meeting.” A second resolution appointed the signers of this letter as a committee “for the purpose of transmitting to the President the Sentiments and proceedings of this Meeting” (DLC:GW).

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