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Results 112151-112200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Col: Fitzgeralds favor of 6 oClock last Evening I received. A Young fellow of Character has been...
Des circonstances heureuses pour nos deux Republiques m’ont mis dans le cas de concourir encore...
I had the pleasure of duly receiving your letter written from Georgia, and have written one to...
§ From Robert Wilkinson. 29 April 1806, Smyrna. “I have the honor to transmit herewith duplicate...
LS : American Philosophical Society We the subscribers (persons put on board the Drake by Capt....
I had the honor of writing you yesterday, since which, some reflection on the late accounts...
28 June 1801, Treasury Department. Encloses papers relating to the claims of Gouvion’s heirs,...
Your Company is to form part of a battalion under the command of Major Hoops. You will,...
Ham[ilton]—among other reasons ag[ains]t it— mentions the probability of having the appointments...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 8, 1792. Asks if anyone has been appointed keeper...
It is with real pleasure we comply with the Request of our fellow Citizens of Frederick County,...
112162Fryday April 10th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
At Plymouth. Court open and Business proceeding. This was the Inferior Court of Common Pleas.
I am much obliged by the letter you sent me from the Count de Vergennes to Baron de la Houze,...
Congress are equally affected and alarmed by the information they have received that the...
We marched in force to the English Neighbourhood on tuesday morning, for the purpose of making a...
[Baltimore] 28 Nov. 1791. Recommend David Harris, a former merchant of this town, as very...
Mr. Pichon présente ses respects à Monsieur Le President des Etats Unis, et le prie d’agreer son...
I am glad I forgot to return your Son’s beautiful morsel on Industry with my last Letter; because...
I received on Saturday night your favor of Aug 1st, & thank you for your care in transmitting the...
I have been honored with yours of the 17th and 20th Ultimo. It gave me pain to find myself...
Dear and much much much and very much respected friend, I wrote thee two volumes Some good while...
I have receiv’d two Letters from you since I wrote last. one contain’d the Border & Lace for my...
I agree to Adjutant Peabody’s discharge; & Colo. Otis’s Son taking his place —I do not know of...
The companies of the Virginia Regiment are completed to an equal number, except yours, which,...
112175[Diary entry: 21 May 1768] (Washington Papers)
21. Reachd my Brothr. John’s who & his wife were up the Country. Crossd over to Mr. Booths....
112176[Diary entry: 7 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Jany. 7th. Accompanied Mrs. Bassett to Alexandria and engagd a Keg of Butter of Mr....
I am favor’d with yours by to nights post—I think I wrote you by last post that the chimney piece...
Your favor from Westpoint has been duly recieved. we are as yet far from the time at which we may...
I fear you will think Mamma is unmindfull of you if she does not write you a few lines by so good...
Your Excellency’s Favors of the 6th, 16th, and 21st Instant came safe to hand and were read in...
It is necessary to prepare instructions in conformity with the 10th Section of the new embargo...
The Secretary of state has the honor of sending to the President the opinions of the gentlemen on...
By virtue of the Act entituled “An Act making certain appropriations; and to authorize the...
Your two favours of Mar. 15, and Aug. 23. 1785. by Monsieur de la Croix came to hand on the 15th....
I need much of your indulgence for the want of punctuality in acknoleging the reciept of your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here safe on the Evening of the 13th. Currt. after...
The post of yesterday brought me your letter of the day before. I regret that the idea of a...
It is with the most real pleasure that I congratulate you on your safe Arrival in America, the...
Mrs. Rider is infinitely obliged to Mr. Jefferson for his very kind attention. She has not as yet...
AL : American Philosophical Society Dr. Franklin presents his Respects to Mr. Pemberton, and is...
I was honored in due time, with your favor of the 16th Ultimo from Paramus. The pressing duties...
112192General Orders, 9 February 1781 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolutions vizt: Congress...
I recd yours respecting Crow &c., for which I am greatly obliged to you—Previous to the rect...
Contrary Winds, Heavy Rains, Disappointments of vessels And Every Inconvenience to which we Had...
Your messenger being about to return before I have an opportunity of conferring with Mr. Blair on...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in London Chronicle , November 14–16, 1765. Yes, my friend,...
Having been assured, by upwards of Fifty persons, of Your generosity to Your Subjects (to...
I make no doubt but you have been surprised why I did not comply with your Orders of the 12th...
I have delayed acknowledging the receipt of your favor of the 1st in expectation that it would...
Letter not found: from Angelica Schuyler Church, 27 Nov. 1790. On 6 Feb. 1791 GW wrote to Mrs....