Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Landais, 5 April 1779

To Landais

Copy: Library of Congress

Passy April 5. 1779


I am glad to hear that you are at Length clear of your Mutineers; and that your Iron Work is repaired. I hope you will have a good Passage to Nantz.

The Bearer of this, Mr. Joseph Wharton, is a friend of mine, a Merchant of Philadelphia who is about to return thither. If you can conveniently accomodate him with a Passage in the Alliance, you will oblige me. I do not mean to propose that he should have his passage free. He does not desire it; but will make a proper Compensation.1 I recommend him to your Civilities & have the honor to be, Sir &c

Capt. Landais

1Wharton proceeded to Brest, but arrived after Landais had sailed: Wharton to WTF, April 25, 1779 (APS). He did not reach Philadelphia until about the beginning of August: RB to BF, Aug. 6, 1779 (APS).

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