Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to James Monroe, [17 July 1797]

To James Monroe1

[Philadelphia, July 17, 1797]


I send herewith an answer to the joint letter of Mr. Mughlenberg and yourself.2 It appears to me on reflection requisite to have some explanation on the note of January 2. 17933 with your signature and It may be inferred, from the attention to record the information of Clingman therein stated after what had passed between us, that you meant to give credit and sanction to the suggestion that the defence set up by me was an imposition. You will, I doubt not, be sensible of the propriety of my requesting you to explain yourself on this point also.

I remain with consideration   Sir Yr. obedient servant

ADf, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1This letter is document No. XXV in the appendix to the printed version of the “Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 25, 1797. For background to this letter, see the introductory note to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., to H, July 3, 1797. See also H to Monroe, July 5, 8, 10, 1797; Monroe to H, July 10, 16, 17, 1797; Abraham B. Venable to H, July 9, 10, 1797; H to Monroe and Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg, July 17, 1797; Monroe and Muhlenberg to H, July 17, 1797.

3Monroe’s note of January 2, 1793, is printed in the introductory note to Wolcott to H, July 3, 1797.

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