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Results 1121-1150 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received your kind Letter of Feb’ ry 9th and was quite rejoic’d to hear that mrs Baxter was like to do well, when I feard to open the Letter least it should inform me of her death. I have been Confined with a cold like the influenza for several days past. I have dreaded least it should prove one of my Feb’ ry attacks. it came on with a very soar Throat and hoarsness and terminated in...
Mrs. Adams’s compliments to Mr. Jefferson and in addition to her former memorandum she requests half a dozen pr. of mens silk stockings. Mr. Trumble will deliver to Mr. Jefferson four Louis and one Guiney. Mr. parker will be so good as to take charge of them, if no opportunity offers before his return. RC ( DLC ). Not recorded in SJL , but certainly received on 19 Dec. when Trumbull arrived...
Your two kind Letters of the 19 & 20 th reachd me on the 28 th they are my saturday evenings repast. you know my mind is much occupied with the affairs of our Country. if as a Female I may be calld an Idle I never can be an uninterested Spectator of what is transacting upon the great Theater, when the welfare and happiness of my Children & the rising generation is involved in the present...
we left Philadelphia on Wedensday last. the day preceeding was very Hot a partial Rain had waterd the Roads for 15 or 20 miles So as to render the first part of our journey pleasent. we were overtaken by showers—and detaind by them, but on thursday we found clouds of dust for want of Rain. troops and calvacades did not lessen it, and the Heat was intolerably oppressive, so much so as to nearly...
What you will say, or think, I know not at the Wages I am obliged to give. they are not higher than mr Black and others are obliged to give, for I was determind not to be deceived by report, and Made inquiry of him Myself Bass & Savile give the same which is no less than 14 Dollors pr Month. things can never go on at this rate. I hired a Man on the 15 for one Month. he did not incline to...
I have received two Charming Letters from my much loved sister since my last to her. they demand from me a More minute reply than my time will allow, being unwilling to leave a visitor who has been with me for a week past, Mrs Johnson & Son from Georgetown, the Mother and Brother of My Dear absent Sons Louissa, tho formerly known to me as a visitor an acquaintance merly , without any...
I received your Letter of May 16. and was very happy to find that you were all upon the recovery. we have daily mercies to be thankfull for, tho no state is exempt from trouble and vexation. the one which at present Torments me is the apprehension of a Removal from a very delightfull situation, to I know not where, and I am too short sighted, or too much blinded, to see any real advantage from...
I know not but you are upon your return home. If you be a pleasent journey to you but you will not I fear find us a bit better people than you left us. We are more extravagant, selfish, oppressive than we were last year, and then you well know we were bad enough. What can be done with this light commodity which makes such strange work amongst us. It cost me as much to live one month as it used...
I believe this is your Birth day, may you have many returns of this Period, encreasing in wisdom knowledge wealth and happiness at every Aniversary. it is a long time since I wrote to you, yet I have not been unmindfull of you I am anxious for your welfare, and Solicitious for your success in Buisness. you must expect however to advance slowly at first and must call to your aid Patience and...
Not receiveing any Letters on saturday evening I was so impatient that I sent James to Town on sunday afternoon, and he brought me home your kind favours of the 8 th 9 th & 10 th of this Month; I do not omit writing to you once a week, and sometimes twice The late King of Prussia Said that every age must commit its own follies, and that the experience of others was but of little benifit to...
I yesterday received yours of Jan ry 1 st 4 th and 5 th. I See by the papers the judicious Motion of Giles as it is an other Bone to pick; and brought forward with no other view or design, but to render himself popular with the Sans Culotts I cannot help despiseing and abhoring a Man, who is governd by Such base and Sordid motives. Giles’ face was allways my aversion and his Heart I detest,...
I received your Letter from Providence and rejoiced in the favorable account you gave of your journey thus far, but a Letter Since received by your Sister dated at Newark gave us all much anxiety upon Mrs Adams’s account. We hope her disorder was only occasiond by over fatigue; and that a little rest would restore her. She is a veteran in journeying, and has frequently gone through what would...
Col. Trumble has been so kind as to visit me, and request a Letter from me to you; I have promised him one. You direct me to write by every opportunity, I very seldom let one slip unimproved, but I find many more conveyances by way of England than any other. I have written twice to you since the recept of your last favour, which was dated july 17th. I wish you to write by way of England but to...
I received by the last post your kind Letter and the Poem of Mrs Mortens which the President had received a few days before from the Author “For the beloved President of a Free and enlightned People, the following Poem is gratefully and Respectfully offerd, by the Author” I would fain flatter myself that the fair Authoriss did not take a poetic lisence in this sentance; I send you in return...
Several of Your favours have come safe to hand for which I thank You. in Your last You Mention it probable that mr Strong will be Voted for as Govenour—a very good Man, who will be acceptable to every good Man, not devoted to Party, but to enable a Man who has not a fortune to spend in the public Service, and who has a large and increasing family to provide for, it will be necessary to enlarge...
Your two sons did me the favour of calling upon me yesterday morning and Breakfasting with me. The bad roads prevented their lodgeing here the Night before as they kindly intended. I was very glad to see them, and would have had them remain with me till the Storm was over, but they were apprehensive of worse weather, and chose to go on. I feel for these young Gentlemen a particular affection,...
I arrived here about half after Six, without any accident, but beat and bang’d enough I do not wish for the present, a severer punishment to the Jacobins & half feds who have sent me home at this Season, than to travel the Roads in the san culot stile just now; the Roads were hard frozen points up, all the way. we were 4 hours making our first stage, and then commenced a voilent snow storm....
I received Your kind congratulatory Letter upon the new year. accept My thank for the filial regard and affection with which they are expresst. it is the will of Providene to place me in a very conspicious station. it shall be my endeavour so to conduct in it, as to excite neither envy ill will or Jealousy. as shakspear expresses it, I would bear my Honours meekly fully sensible that I can say...
I was most sadly dissapointed last Evening when my Newpapers came from the post office without a Letter. the latest date I have received was Nov br 26, so that two post have arrived without a line. I am not anxious if one, only passes, but you are usually so good in writing me once a week always; and very frequently oftener, that I am really allarmd least you are sick, & very sick otherways...
If I was sure your absence to day was occasioned, by what it generally is, either to wait upon Company, or promote some good work, I freely confess my Mind would be much more at ease than at present it is. Yet this uneasiness does not arise from any apprehension of Slight or neglect, but a fear least you are indisposed, for that you said should be your only hindrance. Humanity obliges us to be...
Rejoice o young Man in thy youth, and let thy Heart Cheer thee. this is the language of Soloman. Youth is therefore the season of rejoicing, nor can there be any thing more suitable, provided that joy is temperate, moderate and Rational. The old year is closed upon us, and a New one commenced; we have abundant cause for thankfullness and rejoicing; our Lives are still preserved, whilst...
I have to acknowledg the receipt of two kind Letters from You Since I wrote You last, No 21 from the Hague June 30. and No 22 July 25. for both of them accept my Cordial Thanks. Letters from either of my sons, give me a flow of spirits for a week, and a Durable gratification in the perusal of them, as they contain judicious reflections and observations which would do honour to the most...
1143Sunday July 4th 1784. (Adams Papers)
This is the Anniversary of our Glorious Independance. Whilst the Nations of Europe are enveloped in Luxery and dissipation; and a universal venality prevails throughout Britain, may the new empire, Gracious Heaven, become the Guardian and protector of Religion and Liberty, of universal Benevolence and Phylanthropy. May those virtues which are banished from the land of our Nativity, find a safe...
I keep up My old Habit of rising at an early hour. if I did not I should have little command of my Time at 5 I rise from that time till 8 I have a few leisure hours. at 8 I breakfast, after which untill Eleven I attend to my Family arrangements. at that hour I dress for the Day. from 12 untill two I receive company, sometimes untill 3. we dine at that hour unless on company days, which are...
Yours of the 17 th came this day to me I do not know to what to ascribe the failure of my letters unless our son forgot to put them into the post office. I wrote you twice upon the very week of which you complain; & tho I have not faild writing to you once a week ever since you left me, I have not very often written twice, but some Buisness that week occurd which I wanted your opinion of. That...
Before Mr. Smith went away I had no opportunity to ask Master John a Question but in company. I find by his accounts that Some Letters are gone to America the contents of which should they come into your hands; I hope you will keep wholy to yourself. I own I am rather surprized at them, and I think I may rely upon your prudence, and all connected with you to keep them intirely to yourselves. I...
26 yards of Dutch bed tick 2 Gray muffs and tippets 2 Bundles of english pins 2 sets of House Brushes 1 doz. of blew and white china tea cups and sausers half a doz. pint china Bowls half a doz. diaper table cloths 2, 5 Ells wide 2 four 2 three. one Scotch carpet 4 yards square or 6 Ells. half a doz. white gauze handerchifs the same size that the black were NB an Ell in Holland is but 3...
in Porcupines paper of last Evening I read a Letter Said to be Written by Mr Findley to his Friends in the Western Country. Is it to be wonderd at that the people are disunited in sentiment When such grose Misrepresentation are made them respecting the Veiws and designs of the Government, and its Representitives? it is rather a subject of surprize that So little Effect is produced by them. I...
Mr Bass is to pay 20 Dollors pr Year and the Taxes for one half the House and the whole, of the small garden this Rent is to be paid this Year in work to me or my order Pheby is to pay four dollors a year the year to commence from July 1. st 1789 Seven months she has lived in the House to be given to her— Mrs Palmer is to pay 15 dollors pr year She is to have what is now upon the Garden, the...
After a week of anxious expectation, I received by last Thursdays post, a packet containing three News papers a pamphlet, two excellent Letters from our Dear sons, and fourteen lines from a hand, from which I was desirious of receiving, fourteen times as much. unreasonable do you exclaim! Publick Buisness, publick cares, allow’d, but there is a kind of communication and intercourse which is a...