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Results 1111-1140 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Copy: American Philosophical Society M. Peltier duDoyer mon Correspondant de Nantes m’a fait signiffier une assignation à lui donnée en votre nom, aux fins de delivrer à votre Procureur, la foible cargaison de ris et d’indigo venue pour moi de Charlestown, sur le Navire la Thérese que Mr. Peltier a vendue par mon ordre et dont il m’a fait passer les fonds. Surpris de cette attaque, j’ai chargé...
1112[Diary entry: 2 December 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 2d. Thermometer at 37 in the morning—47 at Noon and 46 at Night. Clear, with the Wind at No. Wt. but not strong. Visited all the Plantations. In the Neck, the People were gathering Beans, corn, and drawing them in. Only 5 plows were at Work—the Waggon being employed in drawing in Corn. That part of the Corn which was intermixed with Carrots, would be gathered (tho’ not measured) to...
LS and press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society; draft: Royal Library of Malta; copy and transcript: National Archives J’ai reçu avec la plus vive sensibilité la médaille que Votre Excellence m’a fait parvenir, et le prix que je mets à cette acquisition ne laisse pas de bornes à ma reconnaissance. Ce monument de la liberté Américaine, d’un événement que Votre Excellence a eu la...
18 July 1802, “near the Old Bridge,” Washington. “I take the liberty of writing a few lines soliciting your Patronage to procure a Clerkship, as Copyist, in the Office of the Treasurer .… I am told that the duties are extremely easy, and can be performed by a Common Capacity.… I have long depended on Your humanity for being placed in a Situation more permanent than Painting for my Support.” RC...
I thank you for the printed paper you sent me, and for your Letter by Monsr. Cadignan. On maturely considering the latter I took an opportunity in an informal conversation with Ld. Grenville to communicate it to him. Still I am unable to say any thing decisive relative to the objects of my mission—appearances continue to be singularly favorable; but appearances merit only a certain degree of...
J. M. has recd. the 2d. Vol. of the Amn. Register wth. which Mr. Walsh has favored him. Regarding the work as a very valuable contribution to the stock of Amn. literature, it has always been his intention to possess it; has taken steps wch. will save the politeness of Mr. W. from being again taxed for the purpose. He is at the same time not the less sensible of the kindness to which he is...
I have the honor of offering, for your acceptance, the life of the Duke of Malborough lately published here by the Emperors’ instructions. He has intimated his intention of engaging certain literary Men to write the lives of other distinguished Generals according to the same plan. I also inclose two brochures relating to Mr Barlows’ Poem, and am, Sir, with the greatest respect Your very obedt...
It is at the Solicitation of Majr. Wm. Campble that I take ye. liberty of troubling you with this, He informs me he is about to make application to yo. for a deputy Inspectors Place in the Army. I was acquainted with ye. Majr. while he was an Officer in ye. American Army, in the Revolution, and from my General Knowledge of him, I think I can venture to say, should he be fortunate enough to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Owners of the Black Prince privateer haveing intrusted me With the managment of all the business and transactions here, Concerning Said Vessell, I have the honnour to forward to your Excellency, a Journal of her proceedings at Sea, by which you’ll See, that Captn. Merchant, Mr. Luke Ryan, one of the owners on board, as well as all the Rest of the Crew,...
M. P. Gibson having further remitted us on your account $ 255.6. to meet the $256.79.—mention’d & in respect of the 20 t ult o whereby the first of your Bonds to Mess. N. & J. & R Van Staphorst for $ 1000. with Interest, becomes cancelled we have the honor of Sending you Said bond, here enclosed, with our receipt thereon and acknowledging your favr of 25: ult o we Salute with great respect RC (
When the House of Representatives, under the Charter of Charles I “broke out” as Huchinson expresses it, I presume they were chosen by the Towns. I never heard of any Elections by districts before the revolution, except of Registers of deeds and County Treasurers, by Counties, nor by General Ticket except of Governors and Lt Governors and perhaps of Secretaries Under the Charter of W. and...
Irvin’s House [i.e., Colle, Albemarle co., Va.], 23 Aug. 1780 . Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 12 Apr., received 14 May. TJ’s previous kindness in forwarding letters to Generals Phillips and Riedesel emboldens him to ask once more that the enclosed letters be sent. Names of addressees and nature of enclosures not identified. RC ( DLC ); 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed “JF Specht Brig: Gener.”...
I sincerely wish you success in the object of the visit which yourself & Maj r Clarke propose to make to Europe . to your country it promises advantage, & I hope it will yield it to yourselves also. as you seem sensible of the danger to which it will expose you, under the laws of those countries, I need say nothing on that head but that the secrecy enjoined on me shall be observed. the letters...
In obedience to your Excellency’s orders for the opinion of the Board of M. Gls respecting the next Winterquarters. It appears to me that they should be taken in the State of New-york, on North River either on the left Bank or on both Sides, at the Distance of about 40 Miles from the Enemies Lines at kings Bridge, if they keep their present position. for the following reasons. 1st Because ’tis...
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] November 4, 1780 . Approves Smith’s decision to take the place of a retiring lieutenant colonel. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Smith was a lieutenant colonel in Spencer’s Regiment. In January, 1781, he became adjutant and inspector on the Marquis de Lafayette’s staff.
† Nathaniel White Lt: Colonel New Hampshire. O Bradbury Cilley Major ditto. O Caleb Gibbs Lt. Colonel Massachusetts. O John Hobby Major ditto. O John Chipman ditto Vermont. O James Sawyer Captain ditto. O George Woodward Lieut:
I have been honord this week with your letters of the 28 August 6th. 12th and 17th instant with their inclosures. It gives me the most real pleasure to find that my past communications have meet your approbation; and I feel a particular satisfaction in the friendly confidence which your letters manifest. I am persuaded that substanial reasons have determined your choice in a particular...
I have Occasion for four or five Officers, to settle with the Committee of the State, the Accounts of their Line, for 1780 & 1781. I do not expect to finish them, before some time in May; but I shall in Obedience to your general Order, dismiss those Officers before the 10th of next Month, unless I have your Permission to detain them. the Business is very interesting to the Troops, &, if...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the President of the United States, the following report upon the petition of Slocum Fowler.— The petitioner states that at the last February term of the District Court for the District of Rhode Island, judgment was recovered against him in favour of the United States, for the sum of four hundred dollars, being a penalty incurred by him in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Wrote you that I Could not obtain a new addition of the Common prayer Book. I have Since found one. I take this oppertunity to send it by the Bearrer mr. [ blank ]. Your friends Wh. are many have expectations of Seing you here some time in the summer & I belive you will find them as harry & prehaps more so then ever. London is so much like home that I...
We have recovered our Sloop which I wrote concerning the other Day, & no other Damage sustained by the Tories retakg her, than a few Barrells of Flower, & some Pork, our Party havg surprized & drove them of[f] whilst unloading her. The Brig is like to be much more valuable than was at first supposed, there appears to be a great Quantity of Arms, Baggage & some Cloths, Ammunition Rum & Wine,...
I wrote you by Colo. Stephen, since which I have been favourd with your kind and agreable Letter of Yesterday. We have advice that our Second Convoy of Seventy odd Waggons (contents you were informd of in my last) will be at the South Branch to day, where I expect they will be joind by some Waggons with Forage—the number I cant ascertain—and all proceed to this place immediately. On Friday I...
Your Excellency’s favour, of the 3d instant came to hand, annexed to which are the resolves of the grand Contineltal Congress, respecting captures made, by contineltal armed vessels & others —In complyance with which, and in obedience to your Excellencys Command, I have Libeled all the Vessels which have been bro’t into this port, by the Harrison armed ⟨Sco⟩onr & which are now in my care, Viz....
I now inclose you a power of Attorney for the collection of the bonds enumerated in the list which was inclosed in your letter of Octob. 27. with a special letter to the persons named in each bond notifying your power and desiring them to make the paiment to you at Petersburgh. There is one thing to which I must beg your particular attention, that is, to take measures for having clerks and...
I have just now heard of an opportunity from Havre. I am doubtful whether my letter will arrive in time for it. I therefore confine myself to inform you that Genl Bernadotte is named Minister to the United States in the place of Otto who will be employed here. Genl Bernadotte is brother in law to joseph Bonaparte & is a very respectable man & has the character of a decided Republican. I have...
1136[Diary entry: 13 April 1796] (Washington Papers)
13. Just such a day as yesterday & Wind the same.
From the conversation you were pleased to hold with me last evening on the subject of the possible vacancy of the Office of Marsshall for the State of Virginia, I am induced to give you the trouble of reading the following remarks respecting Major Joseph Scott a resident of the County of Amelia. This gentleman served as an Officer in the revolutionary war with a reputation equal to that of any...
I have been waiting till I am out of all patience to hear that you are returnd to England. One or two vessels have sail’d for London without taking Letters for you. I did not know they were going till it was too late to write. I sent you a hasty line by Mr. Charles Bulfinch which I hope you receiv’d and to tell you the truth I have written you two letters Since, which I thought proper to...
Since the Misfortune that Befel the Enemys Ship Culloden, in the Sound, I have had the Good fortune to Get up Sixteen of Her upper Tier Guns, 32 Pounders, Wt. About 55 lb. —And Understanding that Your Excellency, has had Occasion, to Direct a Number of Heavy Cannon to be Transported from the Eastward, for the Use of theArmy Westward. I have to Inform, that if any further occasion Should...
Vous Sçavez, notre Cher Monsieur, que l’interest de l’amerique a toujours été le notre; nous n’avons jamais perdu de vue cet heureux pais depuis la glorieuse époque de sa revolution, le premier motif de ce Sentiment est la justice que la nature reclame Contre l’oppression et la tirannèe. Nous ne voyions que des hommes malheureux. Des hommes libres qu’en vouloit soumettre à la honte de...