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Results 111-120 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
111[Diary entry: 10 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 10th. We took our farewell of the Branch & travelld over Hills and Mountains to 1 Coddys on Great Cacapehon about 40 Miles. James Caudy (Coddy) owned some 98 acres of land in Frederick County. On 19 Mar. 1752 GW noted that “Pursuant to a Warrant from the Proprietors Office I have Surveyed for James Caudy of Great Cacapehon a certain tract of waste & ungranted Land on the So. Fork of...
Letter not found. 18 June 1789. Calendared in the lists probably kept by Peter Force (DLC: Madison Miscellany). The two-page letter was offered for sale in the Stan. V. Henkels Catalogue No. 694 (1892), which listed items from the McGuire collection of JM’s papers.
In a letter addressed to mr Dearborne I inclose this which covers the one to mr Gray which Jefferson told me would be acceptable to you.— about 20. years ago, mr Stewart of Boston drew my portrait, for which I then paid him 100.D. about 12. or 15. years ago he desired me to set for him again saying he did not like the former portrait & would rather draw another for me. I sat for him, and...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Library of Congress I duly received the Letters your Excellency did me the honor of writing to me the 24 of Octr., and the 3d of December past, respecting the Arrest of our Arms & Ammunition by the sieur Puchelberg, accompany’d by Copies of the Letters of M. Le Marquis de Castries and M. Chardon, and a Paper of the said...
The kindness of the motive which led to the request of your letter of the 14 th inst. and which would give some value to an article from me, renders compliance a duty of gratitude. knowing nothing more moral, more sublime more worthy of your preservation than David’s description of the good man, in his 15 th psalm, I will here transcribe it, from Brady and Tate’s version. Lord, who’s the happy...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Water stains have entirely eliminated the last four lines of this letter and largely blotted out what appears to have been the first eight lines. [Questa serv?]irà di supp[lemento alla pr?]ecedente d[el 30 del passato?] unicamente [un’aneddoto che potrebbe causare una revoluzione?] della Regina [d’Ungheria] della guerra [al me questo?] ultimo [L’Imperatore è tutto...
You are appointed by the President of the United States to go to the Court of Morocco for the purpose of obtaining from the new Emperor a recognition of our Treaty with his father. As it is thought best that you should go in some definite character, that of Consul has been adopted, and you consequently receive a Commission as Consul for the United States in the dominions of the Emperor of...
In consequence of the long and earnest desire of my son Walter , to enter the Navy, and the advice of his friends seconding his views, I have consented to gratify him— Presuming on the friendship which subsisted between yourself and his father, Meriwether Jones , I will take the liberty of requesting your assistance in procuring him a Midshipmans warrant—his friends are respectable and...
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, M, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’h. de mécrire le 15. de ce mois. Comme La distribution de celle du Congrès qui y étoit jointe, ne presente aucun inconvenient, je l’ay addressée à M le Noir, pour qu’il y mette Son permis. J’ay prié en même tems ce magistrat d’en faire le renvoy à la personne que...
Knowing that your former studies & views were directed to the profession of the law, but uninformed whether it is your intention to enter again into that line, I have thought it my duty to avail the public of your services in it, should it meet your own intentions. one of the places of a judge of the Superior court of Orleans will be vacant by the resignation of Mr. Prevost who continues only...