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Results 111-160 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
In order to bring the members of society together in the first instance the custom of the country...
Jacob I. Cohen William Hull Wm. Vaughan for Portland           Worcester . Samuel Flagg Abraham...
[made on a letter from Alexander Garrett, April 16, 1831: post April 16, 1831] [ ] H. of Reps....
New Hampsh Massachu R. Island Connecticut Vermont New York New Jersey Pennsylva Delaware Maryland...
Divn. of powers to weaken each br. & to balance the whole [ ] Hence Leg. Ex. & Judy. The 2...
J. M. was born on the 5th of Mar. (O. 5) 1751. His parents J. M. & N. (Conway) Madison, resided...
117II. Cipher Table, [April 1803?] (Jefferson Papers)
suppose the key word to be ‘antipodes’ write it thus. a n t i p o d e s a n t i p o d e s
Hollis —Hollis near Bushtown Maryland, comes every year to fish in the Patowmac opposite...
Monday the 12th. Jno. H. Cocke and Thomas J. Randolp<h> attended. Ms (ViU) .
A statement of the rights &c. in Henderson’s warehouses. the Widow’s dower. conveyed to Peyton...
List of autographs [by James Madison:] Autographs sent [by Dolley Payne Madison:] G. Washington...
Thursday, July 17. The same remark applies to this. Ms ( ViU ).
Tuesday, July 22. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That if Dr Patterson...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am exceedingly oblig’d by the exact Plan and Profile you...
125V. Partial Draft, 8 February 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
When it was vain to deny that our measures were good, they resorted to motives, & alledged they...
Another consequence suggests itself as following the nullifying rule–I will illustrate it...
May 4. in bank. Salary 2083 .33 2083 .33 Disct. 1979 1979 . 3979 4062 .33 bank.  note  of Mar....
Proceeding, fellow citizens, to that qualification which the constitution requires before my...
Interest account between J. Barnes & Th: Jefferson from 1801. Mar. 4. to 1803. May 4. 1801....
This indenture made on the 4th. day of May 1804. between Craven Peyton of the one part and Thomas...
Monday, July 21. The Board met, present James Madison, rector, James Monroe, James Breckenridge,...
List of appointments made by the President of the United States, subsequent to the rising of the...
Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia at a late Session declared almost unanimously, that South...
I James Madison of Orange county do make this my last Will and testament, hereby revoking all...
Mr. Perry. to floor & shelve the loft ✓ lath the Wood-room & put a good door. ✓ pale in the...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 8, 1756. Jacob Levan, Esq; was sent by us...
Philadelphia, 22 Feb. 1805 . Allen petitions the president and Congress that in 1795, Governor...
Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from medical testimony, that ardent...
Notes on Virginia Resolutions more [ ] (all the powers [ ] for one the = one for all [ ] from...
*["Written during the session of the Virginia Convention of 1829-’30. -- Ed.", in Writings of...
Checks . ✓ Lemaire. 700 ✓ Daugherty. 51 .845 ✓ Carpenter 94 .25 ✓ Burwell 100 . ✓ Gaines 20
✓ 1799. Dec. 28. James L. Henderson to Tucker Woodson. deed for ‘all his right &c in the lands of...
Mr. Madison now rose and addressed the Committee in a speech of which the following is the...
J. M. born 5. March (O. S.) 1751 at seat of maternal grandmother opposite Port Royal—recd. his...
N. Hampshire— only one Master & one Mate revenue Cutter—Hopley Yeaton & Benj. Gunnison. appd. 31...
Deposit 5400 + 600 (check every Memorandum of checks drawn on the Bank of Fredericksburg on the...
Period —What? of representations or of restoration of deposit? propositions had been...
Washington, Mississippi Territory, 23 Apr. 1804 . Rodney sends TJ a detailed account of the...
1804 Mar. 10.  in bank 532. 025 cash 175. 707. 025 Hepburn 27. 675 Maine 38. Harrison 2. Treasury
Wednesday, July 16. This day was spent in a similar manner to the preceding. Ms ( ViU ).
Sketch of Apparent Monthly Balances on The Presidents a/c with J Barnes, will Appear from the...
work to be done by mr Dinsmore. ✓ finish the Dome room. ✓ double the door of the cellar under the...
Sibley . on the country between Misipi & Rio Bravo. on the Sabine are Salines. rich low grounds...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, avec ma petite Dialogue, votre charmante...
Friday, July 11. The Board met, present the same as yesterday, with the addition of Joseph C....
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America, To      Greeting: Reposing especial...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in The Pennsylvania Chronicle , June 1–8, 1767. We have been...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society Yesterday we tapp’d the Porter, and found it...
Front March 27 1836. Forwarded for the Lawrville Lyceum at the request in its name, of a Book...
.1805. Boston. Chronicle 3 . Democrat 4 . Aegis 3 Salem register 3 Hartford. Babcock 2 .50 N....