George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Abigail Adams, 24 November 1789

To Abigail Adams

Tuesday November 24 [1789]

The President of the United States having understood that Mrs Adams intends visiting the Theatre this evening, he presents his Compliments to Mrs Adams, and requests her acceptance of a Ticket for his Box.

The Play begins at 6 o’clock.1

L, in the writing of Tobias Lear, owned (1976) by Mrs. Harry Hull, Manchester, Massachusetts.

1GW’s diary entry for this day notes: “Went to the Play in the Evening. Sent Tickets to the following Ladies and Gentlemn. & invited them to Seats in my Box viz.—Mrs. Adams (Lady of the Vice-President) Genl. [Philip] Schuyler & Lady, Mr. [Rufus] King & Lady, Majr. [Pierce] Butler and Lady, Colo. [Alexander] Hamilton & Lady Mrs. [Catherine] Green—all of whom accepted and came except Mrs. Butler who was indisposed” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 5:500). The play was a comedy, The Toy; or a Trip to Hampton Court, performed by the Old American Company at the John Street Theatre (Ford, Theatre description begins Paul Leicester Ford. Washington and The Theatre. New York, 1899. description ends , 37–38). A New York newspaper observed that “On the appearance of The President, the audience rose, and received him with the warmest acclamations” (Gazette of the United States [New York], 28 Nov. 1789).

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