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The President of the United States having understood that Mrs Adams intends visiting the Theatre this evening, he presents his Compliments to Mrs Adams, and requests her acceptance of a Ticket for his Box. The Play begins at 6 o’clock. L , in the writing of Tobias Lear, owned (1976) by Mrs. Harry Hull, Manchester, Massachusetts. GW’s diary entry for this day notes: “Went to the Play in the...
I have at length made up my mind to accompany my brother and his lady to Berlin. In justification of this resolution I shall only observe, that it was formed after full and mature consideration, in which both sides of the question, to go or not to go, were deliberately examined, but I may also add, that compliance with the earnest desires of my brother, had a greater share in producing this...
Yesterday, I had the Pleasure of dining with Mr. Purveyance. There are two Gentlemen of this Name in Baltimore, Samuel and Robert, eminent Merchants, and in Partnership. We had a brillant Company, the two Mrs. Purveyances, the two Mrs. Lees, the Ladies of the two Colonels R ichard H enry and F rancis , Mrs. H ancock and Miss Katy Quincy , and a young Lady that belongs to the Family. If this...
The Legion of Lauzun has arrived, and We hope has brought the Orders of Congress, for Us, but We have not yet received them, and are as much at a Loss as ever. I know not whether my Resignation is accepted, and consequently can give you no Conjecture, when I Shall be able to get away. As the Spring and Summer Passage is lost, I cannot now embark before September or October, or November....
I arrived here, last Evening, in good Health. This Morning, General Whipple made me a Visit, at the Tavern, Tiltons, and insists upon my taking a Bed at his House, in so very affectionate, and urgent a Manner, that I believe I shall go to his House. The Cause comes on Tomorrow, before my old Friend Dr. Joshua Brackett, as Judge of Admiralty. How it will go I know not. The Captors are a...
Three of our Company, have now the Small Pox upon them, Wheat, Badger, and Elderkin. We have seen them for two or Three days each, wading thro Head Acks, Back Acks, Knee Achs, Gagging and Fever, to their present state of an indisputable Eruption, chearful Spirits, coming Appetites and increasing strength. Huntington begins to complain and look languid.—Our Turn comes next. We have compleated...
I have had the pleasure of seeing and perusing two or three letters from you to my Father and M r Shaw since my arrival here, and have learnt with joy that your health is better than it has been for some time past. Do not be impatient for my coming on, for I shall certainly make no unnecessary delay, and unless I should take a run to George town for a moment, I shall set off for Boston on...
A Promiss made to my son to spend a week with our Friends at Braintree is readily Caught at nor Can I Receed had I inclination. I hope his Behaviour is such as no one will think it too Long Except his mamah who is very Choice of the Precious Moments of Youth. But you will put into his hand such Books as will both instruct and Entertain. I am sorry Naby is not at home. Why will my Friend be so...
Inclosed are Some Signal Accomplishments of Prophecies. Be cool and discreet in your Communications of them. No Such Person as Jasper Dwight is known to either of the Senators of Vermont. The Signature is thought to be fictitious. I have no Letter from you later than the Sunday after my Departure. Major Butler has indeed resign’d. They kept back Paines Letter Several Weeks, presuming no doubt...
The Fall of Dr. Ch urc h, has given me many disagreable Reflections, as it places human Nature itself in a Point of bad Light, but the Virtue, the sincerity, the Honour, of Boston and Massachusetts Patriots in a worse.—What shall We say of a Country which produces such Characters as Hutchinson and Church?—However to turn my Attention from this detestible Subject to another more agreable....
A thousand thanks to you, my dear Madam, for your kind attention to my little daughter. Her distresses I am sure must have been troublesome to you: but I know your goodness will forgive her, and forgive me too for having brought them on you. Petit now comes for her. By this time she will have learned again to love the hand that feeds and comforts her, and have formed an attachment to you. She...
In my solitude in Markett street, I find nothing so sociable as your Letters— those of 18 & 20 th. are this moment recd d.— Your health & Spirits are a great Improvement of mine. I have avoided the Epithets perfidious and unprincipled as much as I could, but neither they nor any that could be borrowed from the Hebrew & the Greek would be too strong, for the House of Mass to Use.— My Religion...
Cap. Davis arrived here last Thursday, by him Mr. Adams had sent a number of Letters, and was order’d to throw them over in case he was chased. He was chas’d on his passage and threw them over. Messrs. De Neufville wrote a Letter to my father inclosing one for you which was saved and have sent it by the Bearer. The packet for you will be taken care of as soon as it is out of the Vessell. A...
I went Yesterday at 12 O Clock to the Presbyterian Meeting House in Market Street to hear D r Rush pronounce an elegant and pathetic Elogium on M r Rittenhouse the late President of the Philosophical society. He made him out to be a good Man and a great Astronomer & Philosopher. This I agree and if he had not betrayed Jacobinical Weaknesses I should have liked him very well. D r Euwing is Sick...
Have but Yesterday received yours of Octr. 21. Your Letters of the following Dates I have received. Septr. 8. and 10. 16. 29. Oct. 1. 9. 21. 22. These Letters and indeed every Line from you, gives me inexpressible Pleasure, notwithstanding the melancholly Scenes discribed in most of them of late. I am happy to learn that the Family is in Health once more, and hope it will continue. My Duty to...
In a Letter from your Uncle Smith, and in another from Mr. Mason which I received by this days Post I am informed that you were about taking the Small Pox, with all the Children. . . . It is not possible for me to describe, nor for you to conceive my Feelings upon this Occasion. Nothing, but the critical State of our Affairs should prevent me from flying to Boston, to your Assistance. I...
I have received your letter of the 1st. instant. Altho’ I have not learned that Mr. Adams has yet signified to the Department of State his wish to return from the Mission to St. Petersburg, it is sufficiently ascertained by your communication, as well as satisfactorily explained by the considerations suggested. I have accordingly desired the Secretary of State to let him understand that as it...
We came to the City on the 4 th. The weather & roads were as favorable as could be expected for the season. At New-York we had the pleasure to hear from M rs Smith, that your health was much better than when we were at Quincey. Judge Cranch was so good as to engage us lodgings; they are as agreeable as any here, although not so pleasant to us as the last winter. I have been twice to see M rs...
There is at length a Ministry in England composed of Kings Friends and Peoples Men, which will effervesce, and throw out a great deal of fixed Air like Potash and Lime Juice. Mr. Laurens and Mr. Hartley are to be here in a few days to enter upon the definitive Treaty, but it is now probable there will be a Congress under the Mediation of the two imperial Courts at least respecting the Terms...
Yours of Aug. 12 and 13, came by this Mornings Post. A letter from Cheasopeak Bay, dated Yesterday Morning, informs that the Enemy had not then landed. This Morning General Nash, with his Brigade of North Carolina Forces, marched thro the Town with their Band of Musick, their Train of Artillery, and their Bagage Waggons, their Bread Waggons, travelling Forges &c. General Washingtons Army...
We Stopped at the Governors to take Leave and he told Us the News of last night, which has regaled Us on the Road. We watered at Watertown and reached this Inn at half after one. We hope to reach Williams’s at Marlborough, and Sleep there this night. I strive to divert the melancholly thoughts of our Seperation, and pray you to do the Same. M rs Smith I hope will keep Up her Spirits and the...
I just now recd. your Letter of septr. ye 29th and read it with great pleasure in which you say you think that writing is not a la mode de paris. on the contrary I have wrote very often to you whether they have fail’d, or whether they have been taken by the English I do not know but your Letters have been more lucky than my Pappa’s and mine for to day is the 2d time that I have received a...
Permit me to congratulate both you and my dear Neice upon your safe and happy arrival upon the British Shore. I do not wonder that you appear pleased and gratified, when everything that can delight the Eye, or charm the Sense appears opening to your view, and then there was such a contrast between the stifled Cabin, and the spacious elegant drawing Room, as must very sensibly affect the Mind,...
I have written so seldom to you, that I am really grieved at the Recollection. I wrote you, a few Lines, June 2. and a few more June 16. These are all that I have written to you, since this Month began. It has been the busyest Month, that ever I saw. I have found Time to inclose all the News papers, which I hope you will receive in due Time. Our Misfortunes in Canada, are enough to melt an...
Your kind letter dated this day week, has just come to hand. I rejoice to hear of your arrival once more at the farm house & that you have so far recovered from the unlucky accident, which befel you, as to be able to walk about. The return of my father was announced in the newspapers & with the addition of a line, signifying that “his worth would make him welcome there.” It is a source of...
what a feast you have sent us my good sister. for alhough it may be call’d a feast of bitter herbs yet I would not be ignorant from whence the Poison is extracted which is design’d to destroy our constitution this is evidently the design of those declamers. how can the People bare to see their members spending So much of the publick money to the very worst purpose. is it possible that they can...
I last week receiv’d your kind Letter of the 9th of this month & rejoice to here that you are all in so much beter health than when you wrote before. I feel more pleasure at the thought of seeing you here in the Spring than I dare venture to indulge I past by your House this afternoon & the thought of seeing it again inhabited by my dear Brother & Sister gave a chearfulness to its appearence...
I went this morning to D r Greens and this afternoon to St. Pauls where I heard D r Magaw: but I am not Sure it is prudent to go to Church or to Meeting for if there is danger and can be infection any where it is as likely to be in these Assembleis as in any Place. All the World however says and believes there is no danger. Our son Thomas opened at the Bar, on Fryday and acquitted himself to...
If I knew of any more endearing Title I should certainly give it. But this appears to me to express the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. It is at this Time a very still season for News. We are all Impatience to hear from America, having nothing certain since the 3d. July. My Son is well, and servant, and both behave well. The first is in high Reputation here.—Please to draw...
We have very seldom an opportunity of hearing from you; and still more seldom that of writing you by a direct opportunity. An indirect one presents itself, and I cannot let it pass, were it barely for the pleasure of writing you that we are well, and enjoy in profound tranquility the beauties of the Season. The Peace and Alliance between France and Holland; the violent insurrection against the...
On Monday I rec d your favour of the 20 th Nothing will damp the Rage for Speculation but a Peace which may break a few hundreds or thousands of speculators. The Georgia Business is Impudence of uncommon hardness. The Rage of Party is there unrestrained by Policy or Delicacy. Our sons Account of shakespears Relicks Fenno has printed without Names. He must early learn to bear Mortifications. He...
In your last you inquire tenderly after my Health, and how we found the People upon our Journey, and how We were treated. I have enjoyed as good Health as usual, and much more than I know how to account for, when I consider the extream Heat of the Weather, and the incessant Feasting I have endured ever since I left Boston. The People, in Connecticutt, New York, the Jerseys and Pensyl­ vania,...
Mr. Izard goes off, the day after tomorrow, and will carry this, and all the News there is. We have none from America, a long time. I have only yours of 10 decr. since I left you. I hope you have received Letters from me, from Corunna and Bilbao. There are gone many for you, since my Arrival here, but I suppose are still detained at the Sea Ports. They will soon sail. My 3 Boys dined with me...
The Presbyterian Congregation have voted me the front Pew in their Church for my Family. It is an elegant new Building and the Pew is large I have bought me a Pair of Young Horses for a Carriage and a saddle horse. The Birthday was affecting and the Night Splendid but tedious to those who were too old to dance. I have now Settled all My Accounts with the senate as you will see by the inclosed...
I have the happiness of informing you that M rs: Smith and the Boys are in high health and that your presence here as soon as you can possibly make it convenient will be very agreable and is in a great degree necessary— M r. A has taken a House about one mile from the City as he has informed you, and in his Letters has said something about the removal of furniture— on this subject permit me to...
I can never sufficiently thank you for your Letters & the communications you so frequently Supply me with I am considered as the fountain head from whence truth is to be looked for. I have read parts of your Letters till I have them by heart & can preach very well without notes now— wherever I go I am Scarcly welcome without I bring my pocket full of Letters— I was last week Several days in...
Yesterday the Letters of Portia of June 24th. and Augst. 19th. came to my hand together, by Post. The wishes expressed in the latter have made all the Impressions of the most pleasing Commands, and shall be strictly attended to upon the first possible Occasion of fulfilling them; which must, I think, be soon, tho the Embargo is not yet taken off. As to the former , I will not now make it the...
I have received your Letter of the 16 th .— I have taken a large and handsome house, in a beautiful Situation, about two miles out of the City, upon the North River. The Rent is less, than I must have given for a much meaner house in Town, without any such accommodations of Stable Garden, Pasture &c I now desire you to come on, as soon as possible, and to Send by Tirrell, or some other Vessel,...
I have rec d your s of the 30 th. Ult. and given the inclosed to son Thomas, who will do with it what he can. Congress have been together, more than two Months and have done nothing, and will continue Sitting two Months longer, and do little. I for my part am wearied to death with Ennui— Obliged to be punctual by my habits, confined to my Seat, as in a Prison to see nothing done, hear nothing...
I wish you a happy New Year, and a Repetition of happy New Years as long as Time shall endure: not here below, because I shall want you in another Country, better than this. What do you say? shall I keep a national Thanksgiving with you? I hope before that Day We shall have good News from all our Family, tho We cannot be all together. Compliments of the Season to Louisa & all my good friends....
As you have ordered me in a Letter which I have Lately receiv’d to give you my own Observations on the Countries thro’ which I have travelled, the following are some upon Russia; but I must previously beg you will remember, that you Say in your Letter that you expect neither the precision of a Robertson, nor the Elegance of a Voltaire, therefore you must take them as they are. The government...
We are waiting with some Impatience to hear of the Arrival of some of the Massachusetts Troops at Head Q uarte rs. The Lassitude and Torpor, that has seized our New Englandmen, is to me, very surprizing. Something will happen I believe, to arrouse them from their Lethargy. If they dont go and crush that little Nest of Hornetts at Newport, I shall think them dead to all Sense of Honour, Virtue,...
The inclosed Slip from Benjamins Paper of this Morning will Shew you that the Electioneering Campaign is opened already. The “good Patriot, Statesman and Philosopher” is held up as the Successor. I am determined to be a Silent Spectator of the silly and the wicked Game and to enjoy it as a Comedy a Farce or a Gymnastic Exhibition at Sadlers Wells or Astleys Amphitheatre. I will laugh let them...
I hope you will not think me criminally negligent in not particularly addressing myself to you before now— You may be assured I always think of you with the tenderest affection, & wish that I could have time, in a more correct manner to evidence the ebulitions of a Heart, filled with every sentiment of Esteem Love, & Gratitude— When I write to my Sister Cranch, I generally write in great...
This Morning I have your favour of the 3 d which raised my Spirits again after the mortification of passing the whole of last Week without one. Benjamin has grown very dull—No Abuse—No lies no Terrors no Panicks no Rant—in comparison of what he used to have— The Subject which you think will excite all their feelings is well known to every body in public Life, but is talked of by nobody: but in...
I have receiv’d two Letters from you since I wrote last. one contain’d the Border & Lace for my cap, & a cap for Mrs Norton—for which We thank you. mrs Greenleaf also for hers— how you do love to dress up your Friends! there is certainly More pleasure in it than in adorning our own Persons— we cant wear our Blue ribbons yet we are all in mourning— not a person in our Meeting house but has Some...
If my dear friend Required only a very Long Letter to make it agreable I Could Easily Gratify her but I know There must be many more Requisits to make it pleasing to her taste. If you Measure by Lines I Can at once Comply, if by Sentiment I fear I shall fall short. But as Curiosity seems to be awake with Regard to the Company I keep and the Manner of spending my time I will Endeavour to...
Your Son JQA is become a son of Harvard. He was admited last wednesday, and we are now prepairing him for House-keeping. He has a chamber with one of the Masters till commencment, then He and his Brother charles will live together if they can. The young Gentleman finds the Bed and Linnen. I have taken the Furniture for the Chamber from your House a few things were to be purchased at Boston....
Near the dusk of last Evening, I was Honored with your Favor, by the hand of the amiable Master Charles Adams, but was unhappy in not having a light ready to know the Contents. The Young Gentleman Seeming in hast, having Company in waiting, prevented my detaining Him. I regret my not having His Company to lodge and the Young Ladies who were with Him, as it would have greatly amusd me in my...
I wrote to my brother Thomas more than a fortnight ago, respecting the warrant, & requesting him to see it forwarded— But whether from an apprehension on his part of an additional delay, or from what other cause I know not, he has not done it, and last Evening in answer to my Letter I received from him one urging very strongly the necessity of his having an order to receive the money.— Two...