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Results 1101-1150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The President of the United States having understood that Mrs Adams intends visiting the Theatre...
I have at length made up my mind to accompany my brother and his lady to Berlin. In justification...
Yesterday, I had the Pleasure of dining with Mr. Purveyance. There are two Gentlemen of this Name...
The Legion of Lauzun has arrived, and We hope has brought the Orders of Congress, for Us, but We...
I arrived here, last Evening, in good Health. This Morning, General Whipple made me a Visit, at...
Three of our Company, have now the Small Pox upon them, Wheat, Badger, and Elderkin. We have seen...
I have had the pleasure of seeing and perusing two or three letters from you to my Father and M r...
A Promiss made to my son to spend a week with our Friends at Braintree is readily Caught at nor...
Inclosed are Some Signal Accomplishments of Prophecies. Be cool and discreet in your...
The Fall of Dr. Ch urc h, has given me many disagreable Reflections, as it places human Nature...
A thousand thanks to you, my dear Madam, for your kind attention to my little daughter. Her...
In my solitude in Markett street, I find nothing so sociable as your Letters— those of 18 & 20...
Cap. Davis arrived here last Thursday, by him Mr. Adams had sent a number of Letters, and was...
I went Yesterday at 12 O Clock to the Presbyterian Meeting House in Market Street to hear D r...
Have but Yesterday received yours of Octr. 21. Your Letters of the following Dates I have...
In a Letter from your Uncle Smith, and in another from Mr. Mason which I received by this days...
I have received your letter of the 1st. instant. Altho’ I have not learned that Mr. Adams has yet...
We came to the City on the 4 th. The weather & roads were as favorable as could be expected for...
There is at length a Ministry in England composed of Kings Friends and Peoples Men, which will...
Yours of Aug. 12 and 13, came by this Mornings Post. A letter from Cheasopeak Bay, dated...
We Stopped at the Governors to take Leave and he told Us the News of last night, which has...
I just now recd. your Letter of septr. ye 29th and read it with great pleasure in which you say...
Permit me to congratulate both you and my dear Neice upon your safe and happy arrival upon the...
I have written so seldom to you, that I am really grieved at the Recollection. I wrote you, a few...
Your kind letter dated this day week, has just come to hand. I rejoice to hear of your arrival...
what a feast you have sent us my good sister. for alhough it may be call’d a feast of bitter...
I last week receiv’d your kind Letter of the 9th of this month & rejoice to here that you are all...
I went this morning to D r Greens and this afternoon to St. Pauls where I heard D r Magaw: but I...
If I knew of any more endearing Title I should certainly give it. But this appears to me to...
We have very seldom an opportunity of hearing from you; and still more seldom that of writing you...
On Monday I rec d your favour of the 20 th Nothing will damp the Rage for Speculation but a Peace...
In your last you inquire tenderly after my Health, and how we found the People upon our Journey,...
Mr. Izard goes off, the day after tomorrow, and will carry this, and all the News there is. We...
The Presbyterian Congregation have voted me the front Pew in their Church for my Family. It is an...
I have the happiness of informing you that M rs: Smith and the Boys are in high health and that...
I can never sufficiently thank you for your Letters & the communications you so frequently Supply...
Yesterday the Letters of Portia of June 24th. and Augst. 19th. came to my hand together, by Post....
I have received your Letter of the 16 th .— I have taken a large and handsome house, in a...
I have rec d your s of the 30 th. Ult. and given the inclosed to son Thomas, who will do with it...
I wish you a happy New Year, and a Repetition of happy New Years as long as Time shall endure:...
As you have ordered me in a Letter which I have Lately receiv’d to give you my own Observations...
We are waiting with some Impatience to hear of the Arrival of some of the Massachusetts Troops at...
The inclosed Slip from Benjamins Paper of this Morning will Shew you that the Electioneering...
I hope you will not think me criminally negligent in not particularly addressing myself to you...
This Morning I have your favour of the 3 d which raised my Spirits again after the mortification...
I have receiv’d two Letters from you since I wrote last. one contain’d the Border & Lace for my...
If my dear friend Required only a very Long Letter to make it agreable I Could Easily Gratify her...
Your Son JQA is become a son of Harvard. He was admited last wednesday, and we are now prepairing...
Near the dusk of last Evening, I was Honored with your Favor, by the hand of the amiable Master...
I wrote to my brother Thomas more than a fortnight ago, respecting the warrant, & requesting him...