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Results 1101-1110 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received yours of the 11 th I think Thomas Welch should take his degree at College before he goes. I hope to be in Boston in July. if any Vessel should be going to Hamburgh, it would be best for him to embark for that port. I sincerely regreet that you have had an other vessel captured. Captain Brooks is destined to it, it should seem, from his having so often sufferd, but the President says...
I know not whether I ought to reply to your favour of April the first, for inded Sir I begin to look upon you as a very dangerous Man. It was a Saying of a very corrupt Statesman that every Man had his price, had Sir Robert Walpole impeachd mankind with a universal Love of Flattery I believe his assertion would have been more agreable to Truth, but I suppose he was judgeing others by his own...
How does my Dear Mrs. Warren through a long and tedious Winter? in which I have never been honourd with a single line from her hand. Possibly she may think me underserving of her favours; I will not presume to lay claim to them upon the score of merrit, but surely she should have charitably considered my lonely State, and Brightned the Gloomy hour with the Benign Rays of her Friendship...
I think our dear state makes full use of the liberty of the press, but they who write for the benefit of mankind whether learned or unlearned will always find more utility in reasoning than writing; I am led to these observations by several pieces, some in Edes paper, that fountain of Sedition, and a piece in Adams paper signed “a New England man.” This same writer and many others will find...
When I had the pleasure of visiting you in the Summer you may recollect Some conversation which too place respecting a young Gentleman whom You was pleasd to say you wishd to see engaged in writing upon a certain subject as You thought many circumstances concured to render him the most suitable person. at that Time he declined. But an opportunity has since offerd to discuss a subject, by which...
I hope this Letter will be more fortunate than yours have been of late. I know you must have written many times since I had the pleasure of receiving a line from you, for this month completes a year since the date of your last Letter. Not a line from you or my dear Charles since you arrived in Holland, where I suppose you still are. I never was more anxious to hear yet not a single vessel...
we arrived here on twesday Evening on the 11 th , after a pleasent journey in which we met with but few obstructions the Weather on one Day prevented our travelling, and we tarried on sunday at Hartford, and on Monday morning were escorted out of Town by a Troop of light Horse, and the citizens in carriages and on Horse back as far as Weathersfield. we proceed then for New Haven about 40 miles...
I received Your Letter after your return in october to the city. I had written to you as soon as I supposed it probable You had returnd. the Letter I presume reachd you, soon after you wrote to me; I am glad to find your Health improved by your excursion I cannot however but repeat my apprehensions that you are not planted in a soil to flourish, to obtain reputation honour or profit; I regreet...
I little thought when you left me, that so much time would have Elapsed before I had taken my pen to write to you, but indeed Sir my Hands and my Heart have both been full. My whole Time has been taken up in prepareing my dearest Friend, and Master John for their Voyage, and yesterday they Embarked from this Town, the place you well know, Hofs Neck. I think the wind has been fair for them to...
I wrote to you not long since, and inclosed a Bill of a hundred dollors which I hope you received. I inclose in this a Bill of ten Dollors—out of which You will please to pay two pounds 12 shillings to Zube Harman which will be due to her in Jan’ ry for a quarters wages— I could wish my dear sir that every Bill due might be discharged as You have the Means; We shall then know What our income...