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This certifies that Edward D. Hobbs is a Member for life, of the American Colonization Society. R R Gurley [seal] Secretary ( ICHi ).
Names of the Senators of Sou. Carolina Those marked R. are Republicans, D. are doubtful, and F. are Federals Jno. Gailliard President, R J Blake R R Marion R R Barnwell F Jno. McPherson F J Blasinghame D C. C. Pinckney F Josh. Calhoun R R Pinckney, F Levy Casey—R J. Postell Senr. F Wm. A Deas—F B Rogers—F Elias Earl—R Arthur Simpkins R Ths. Farrar R OBrian Smith R C Godwin
INTERESTING FACT. A reference having been made by Mr. Leigh and Mr. Mercer to the 54th number of the Federalist, Mr. Madison yesterday, on a question being put by Mr. Leigh to Mr. Mercer, "who was the author of that paper?" rose and said, that although he was not desirous of saying any thing on the subject, yet, under these circumstances, he thought himself justified in stating that neither...
h. 11. I am happy in observing the union of sentiment which has taken place in the great mass of our country, with some local exceptions only. the union of sentiment is now as general as can be expected among a people having the right to think speak & write with freedom: & perhaps as is desirable, some difference of opinion being useful as it assumes the office of Censor on the public...
right in warehouses . the Widow John Sarah Kerr James L. to Woodson to Peyton Charles to Bramham to Anderson to Peyton 166. 67 Isham to James L. H. to Peyton Bennet H
I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 3d: Mr. Harding in an error in supposing it my intention to pay the debts of J. P. Todd., of which you will please to apprize him. Your Professional Agency in making the application needed no apology.   I thank you Sir for the kind language expressed in relation to myself and beg you to accept my respects & my good wishes RC (MHi : Law School Library).
Your last letter I received just as I was leaving Win r and owing to my being busy there, and since my arrival , I have failed to answer it. I visited Charlo lle for the purpose of seeing the University , and had expected to have the pleasure of seeing you, but as you will testify, was dissappointed, the buildings however I saw, and felt much pleased with; as to the design there is something...
The Washington Federalist of the 1st. inst. has published what he calls the ‘Etiquette of the court of the US.’ in his facts, as usual, truth is set at nought, & in his principles little correct to be found. the Editor having seen a great deal of unfounded stuff on this subject, in that & other papers of a party whose first wish it is to excite misunderstandings with other nations, (even with...
Ingraham’s case for carrying on the slave trade. 1801. Feb. action of q.t. institd. by J. W. Leonard Nov. verdict & jdmt for 14,000 D. & costs. does not appear that any term of imprismt entered into the quantum of punmt adjudged. act of 1794. c.11. §.4. inflicts 200. D. for every slave, by qui tam. 1800. c.51. respects slave trade betw. foreign ports, or in forn. vesls. the conviction then has...
b.  In the transaction of your forn. affairs we have endeavd to cultivate the frdshp of all nations & especially of those with whom we have the most importt. relations: we have endeavored to evince by our conduct that we do justice on all occasions, and frdly offices where our duty to others will permit that peace and happiness are our first objects, and mutual exchanges of superfluities as a...