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This certifies that Edward D. Hobbs is a Member for life, of the American Colonization Society. R R Gurley [seal] Secretary ( ICHi ).
Names of the Senators of Sou. Carolina Those marked R. are Republicans, D. are doubtful, and F. are Federals Jno. Gailliard President, R J Blake R R Marion R R Barnwell F Jno. McPherson F J Blasinghame D C. C. Pinckney F Josh. Calhoun R R Pinckney, F Levy Casey—R J. Postell Senr. F Wm. A Deas—F B Rogers—F Elias Earl—R Arthur Simpkins R Ths. Farrar R OBrian Smith R C Godwin
INTERESTING FACT. A reference having been made by Mr. Leigh and Mr. Mercer to the 54th number of the Federalist, Mr. Madison yesterday, on a question being put by Mr. Leigh to Mr. Mercer, "who was the author of that paper?" rose and said, that although he was not desirous of saying any thing on the subject, yet, under these circumstances, he thought himself justified in stating that neither...
h. 11. I am happy in observing the union of sentiment which has taken place in the great mass of our country, with some local exceptions only. the union of sentiment is now as general as can be expected among a people having the right to think speak & write with freedom: & perhaps as is desirable, some difference of opinion being useful as it assumes the office of Censor on the public...
right in warehouses . the Widow John Sarah Kerr James L. to Woodson to Peyton Charles to Bramham to Anderson to Peyton 166. 67 Isham to James L. H. to Peyton Bennet H
I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 3d: Mr. Harding in an error in supposing it my intention to pay the debts of J. P. Todd., of which you will please to apprize him. Your Professional Agency in making the application needed no apology.   I thank you Sir for the kind language expressed in relation to myself and beg you to accept my respects & my good wishes RC (MHi : Law School Library).
Your last letter I received just as I was leaving Win r and owing to my being busy there, and since my arrival , I have failed to answer it. I visited Charlo lle for the purpose of seeing the University , and had expected to have the pleasure of seeing you, but as you will testify, was dissappointed, the buildings however I saw, and felt much pleased with; as to the design there is something...
The Washington Federalist of the 1st. inst. has published what he calls the ‘Etiquette of the court of the US.’ in his facts, as usual, truth is set at nought, & in his principles little correct to be found. the Editor having seen a great deal of unfounded stuff on this subject, in that & other papers of a party whose first wish it is to excite misunderstandings with other nations, (even with...
Ingraham’s case for carrying on the slave trade. 1801. Feb. action of q.t. institd. by J. W. Leonard Nov. verdict & jdmt for 14,000 D. & costs. does not appear that any term of imprismt entered into the quantum of punmt adjudged. act of 1794. c.11. §.4. inflicts 200. D. for every slave, by qui tam. 1800. c.51. respects slave trade betw. foreign ports, or in forn. vesls. the conviction then has...
b.  In the transaction of your forn. affairs we have endeavd to cultivate the frdshp of all nations & especially of those with whom we have the most importt. relations: we have endeavored to evince by our conduct that we do justice on all occasions, and frdly offices where our duty to others will permit that peace and happiness are our first objects, and mutual exchanges of superfluities as a...
The plan proposed by the gentleman from Northampton, freed as it has been from one of its Elements, [taxation], appears to be entitled to a favorable consideration: It is not liable to objections which are so decisive with those, who oppose the rival plan. The original and real ground of opposition between the two parties, is that one basis of representation for both Houses of the Legislature,...
The government of the US. being desirous of informing itself of the extent of the country lately ceded to them under the name of Louisiana, to have the same, with it’s principal rivers, geographically delineated, to learn the character of it’s soil, climate, productions, & inhabitants, you are appointed to explore , for these purposes, the interesting portion of it which lies on the Arkansa...
relative to the written agreement between Eliz. & John Henderson the probability is it was only an agreemt instead of a lease of the house . Kemp Catlett was the only witness to it; but he knows nothing of it’s contents, nor does he even remember the appearance of the face of it, having had nothing to do with it but to sign it as a witness. Richard Price saw the instrument soon after it’s...
a paper prepared by Mr. Madison a short time before his death, in which he re-examined the question of the power to establish a Bank—written in consequence of its having been represented, that his signature of the Bank bill proceeded from a change of opinion on his part, of the constitutional power of Congress on that subject— Ms (fragment) (ViU) .
Proceedg. f. c. to yt qualfcn ′ wch ye Constn reqres. befre. my entrnce. on ye charge agn. conferd. on me † it is my duty t. exprss. ye deep sense I entertn. ′ of ys new proof of confidce. frm. my f. c. at large † & ye zeal wth. whch. it inspires m. ′ s. t. condct. myslf. ′ as m. best satsfy yr just expectns. ″ on takg. ys station on a formr occn, ′ I declrd. ye princples. on wch. I belv.d. it...
Having alluded to the Supreme Court of the U. S. as a Constitutional resort in deciding questions of Jurisdiction between the U. S. and the individual States a few remarks may be proper shewing the sense and degree in which that character is more particularly ascribed to that Department of the Govt. As the Legislative, Executive & Judicial Departments of the U. S. are co-ordinate, and each...
As this advice, if it ever see the light will not do it till I am no more it may be considered as issuing from the tomb where truth alone can be respected, and the happiness of man alone consulted. It will be entitled therefore to whatever weight can be derived from good intentions, and from the experience of one, who has served his Country in various stations through a period of forty years,...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received last Night yours of the 7th. Instant. From what I know of Capt. Wickes and his Carracter, I am persuaded he is not capable of the Injustice you mention, and that the Matter must have been misrepresented to you. However, being desirous not only to procure Justice, but if possible to give Satisfaction to all of this much respected Nation, who...
Canons of Etiquette to be observed by the Executive. 1. Foreign ministers arriving at the seat of government pay the first visit to the ministers of the nation, which is returned: and so likewise on subsequent occasions of reassembling after a recess. 2. The families of foreign ministers recieve the 1st. visit from those of the National ministers, as from all other residents and as all...
Mr. M. agreed to purchase the House & lotts of Mr. Cutts in the City of Washington under the following circumstances. A considerable sum had been left under the controul of Mr. Cutts subject to the call of Mr. M. which it was expected would be delayed for a very short time. Before the call was made Mr. Cutts yielding to sanguine calculations both as to profit and the prompt means of replacing...
July 11—The Board met. Present James Breckenridge, Joseph C. Cabell, William H. Broadnax, and Thomas J. Randolph. John H. Cocke appeared and took his seat at the Board during the day. The Board was organized by calling General Breckenridge to the Chair. There having been a new appointment of Visitors by the Executive of the State since the last meeting in obedience to the act of Assembly...
32II. Draft Bill, 23 October 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
An act Regulating the clearance of Armed vessels— Be it enacted &ca that no vessel armed or provided with the means of being armed at Sea, in which, or the Cargo whereof, a Citizen or inhabitant of the US. shall be interested or embarked shall Receive at any Custom house of the US. any clearance, or be suffered to leave the port where she is found so armed or providd. but on Security given to...
Vol. 4. p. 324--"to encourage Agriculture"--How 332--Agricult. manufs. Come. & navy may be protected agst casual combts within [draft?] 449. not too much regulat—meet [un?]equaly [ ] in foreign intercourse 453—"foster fisheries for navy", & food, & protect manufacrs. adaptd. to our [ ] these rules of action [five? fine?] principle of Constn. 5. p. 31 "Take a broader field of Legisln., whether...
To George Wythe, judge of the High court of Chancery of the district of Richmond in the commonweatlth of Virginia.  Humbly complaining sheweth unto your honor your orator Craven Peyton of the county of Albemarle that Bennet Henderson late of the same county being in his lifetime seized & possessed in feesimple of a tract of land therein on the Rivanna river surrounding & adjacent to the town...
Tomson J. Skinner of Massachusets to be Commissioner of loans for Massachus ets William Few of New York to be Commissioner of loans for New York Daniel Humphreys of New Hampshire to be Atty for the US. in the district of New Ha mpshire Thomas Rutter of Maryland to be Marshal for the district of Maryland. Joshua Prentiss of Massachusets to be Surveyor of the   of Marblehead and Inspector of the...
An Act for the more effectual preservation of the peace in the harbors and waters of the US. & on board vessels. Foreign armed vessels within the harbours. committing breaches of law. A.G. l. 4. after ‘felony’ insert ‘infraction of revenue-law or other statute.’ I had rather extend the provision to cases cognisable by the authority of individual states. but if this be objectionable, the cases...
List of Vegetables (perhaps non-descripts) from the River Washita Racine à Chevreuil (Deer’s root) This root is a globular farinaceous body from the size of a hen’s egg to that of a Mellon; it is without stem, leaf or any part above ground, & there are scarsely any perceptible fibres in the form of roots connected with the principal body. It is covered by a fibrous thin husk of a blackish...
Sketch of the Apparent, Monthly Balances—Advances in the Presidents a/c with J Barnes will Appear from the Annexed Statem. Commencing 1802 1802 Monthly Int. a 6 ⅌ Ct Jany 30. To Amt of a/- rendd. ⅌ leds. 117. 5346.55. Feby 8. By Warrt. deducted  " 2000.  Feby. 8th 3346.55. 16 50. to Mar 4 To Amt includg Errors & Advances 7361.70
(Those who deny that the power of Congs to regulate foreign commerce includes a protective power, yet contend that the power grantable to the States to impose duties on, it was intended to provide for a protection or substitute, and who rely for a proof on the testimonies of L. Martin, must yield to the inference that the protection is a branch of the comercial [expansion sign] power, distinct...
Payments by the Treasury for Navy Department in 1805 Drs. 2 Feby. } 250,000 to 30 March April } 295,000 & May Credit given in London Stg. 18,000 80,000 Drs. 625,000 Payments for War & Indian Departments January to May 1805
Friday, July 18. In the intervals of the meetings of the Convention, the Board met and passed the following resolutions. Resolved That Mr Monroe & Mr Johnson be a committee charged with the duty of preparing during the recess of the Board of Visitors, and of reporting to them at their next meeting, a plan of Executive government for the University. After the expiration of the term of Service...
The Board met according to adjournment. Resolved That the Visitors will expect from the professors a faithful compliance with those enactments which require weekly and other reports to the Chairman, and, in general, that marked attention to the laws of the Institution which is necessary to recommend them to the respect and observance of the Students. Resolved, That Mr. Conway’s application for...
Benjamin Galloway of Elizabeth Town Washington County and State of Maryland respectfully presents the Underwritten to the Senate and House of Delegates of the State aforesaid in General Assembly convened— That the State of Maryland now is, and of Right has been a free and independant State ever since the fourth day of July one thousand seven hundred and seventy six. That Luther Martin now is,...
N. Hampsh. 5. Verm. 4. ✓ — Betton, Silas ✓ — Chamberlain ✓ — Claggett. Clifton. ✓ — Chittenden Martin ✓ — Hough David ✓ Elliott James ✓
A quorum of the Board was not formed untill Friday, July 12th. when John H. Cocke & Joseph C. Cabell appeared and took their seats. A communication from Mr. Madison, Rector was received, apprising the board of his inability to attend their session; whereupon Joseph C. Cabell was elected Rector pro tempore. The following committees were then appointed, viz Of Inspection; Messrs. Cabell, Cocke,...
This Indenture made this Henshaw day of July one thousand eight hundred and A Madison nine, between James Madison and Dolley P. his wi[fe] the county of Orange, of the one part, and William Smith, of the same county, of the other part— Witnesseth, that the said James Madison and Dolly P. his wife for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred dollars to the said James by the said William...
ALS : Henry E. Huntington Library In Compliance with your Request I this Morning applied to a Virginia Merchant for Information, Whether the Courts of Virginia are now shut? and if so, from what Causes? particularly whether from any Resolutions of the People there to avoid Payment of their English Debts, as you told me had been insinuated by a Person in Administration. Inclos’d I send you the...
Aborn Henry. to be Consul. Martinique Aborn Thomas was one of the Midnight appmts as Coml. Agent to Cayenne. he is of R.I. no comn. ever went. Henry Aborn must have assumed the deputn witht authority. MS ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ); in TJ’s hand, undated; written as an endorsement to Tr of Robert Allyn and others to Henry Aborn, Saint-Pierre, Martinique, 8 Feb. 1805 (see below). In their letter of 8...
Office of the Colonization Society This certifies that the Hon. Daniel Waldo is a Member for life, of the American Colonization Society. (MWA) .
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America, To       Greeting: Reposing especial Trust and Confidence in Your Integrity, Prudence and Ability I have appointed you the said      Minister Plenipotentiary for the United States of America at the Court of His Britannic Majesty, authorizing you hereby to do and perform all such matters and things as to the said place or office do...
In the great mass of our country Middle Southern & Westward The progress towards a final consolidn of sentiment in matters of government has reached that ultimate term beyond which perhaps it is not desirable it should extend. that there should be some difference of opn, some opponents to the prevailing one is certainly wholsome. they are as watchmen over every department of the government,...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 15, 1756. I arrived here last Night. We met a Number of Waggons on the Road, moving off with the Effects of the People of Lehi Township. All the Women and Children are sent off out of that Township; and many of them have taken Refuge here; all in great Confusion. The Substance of the Action at Gnadenhutten, as we have received it from...
1805. June 4 . in bank 56 .69 Salary for May 2083 .33 borrow bk US. 1979 . borrow bk Columb. 1484 .25 5608
Heads of a lease to Richard Gamble. 5. fields North of the road, of 40 acres each. to wit 4. on the Shadwell tract now leased to J. Perry, and one on the Lego tract, adjoining to the Upper field of Shadwell, including the ground already open there & about Reynolds’s house, & as much more to be opened adjacent as will make up 40. acres. the lease to commence Oct. 15. 1804. (being John Perry’s...
Notes of Wabash Salines. on Saline creek which empties into Ohio 16. mi. below Wabash the Saline is 16. miles up the creek, which is navigable, & 16. miles across from the nearest part of Wabash. the bed or saline marsh is about 20. yards square. it ought to be so worked as to make 100. bush. salt a day. this would require boilers of 15,000. galls. contents. containg. 40. galls. each, they...
Notes on a Draught for a second inaugural Address. The former one was an exposition of the principles on which I thought it my duty to administer the government. the second then should naturally be a Compte rendu, or a statement of facts, shewing that I have conformed to those principles. the former was promise : this is performance . yet the nature of the occasion requires that detail should...
Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia declared at a late Session almost unanimously, that S. Carolina was not supported in her doctrine of nullification by the Resolutions of 1798, it appears that those Resolutions are still appealed to as expressly or constructively favoring the doctrine That the doctrine of nullification may be clearly understood, it must be taken as laid down in the Report of...
All Govts. hitherto bad: either tending to despotism, or to anarchy & thro’ that to despotism. The expedt. of fedl. repub: aiming at a security agst both, merits a fair experiments, and the good wishes of all. [It h]as worked well as yet. It has controul’d the Genl Govt. thro the States, as in al: & sedn. laws, and the States when flying individually out of [thorn] yr. orbits have under the...
The plan proposed by the gentleman from Northampton, freed as it has been from one of its Elements, (taxation), appears to be entitled to a favorable consideration: It is not liable to objections which are so decisive with those, who oppose the rival plan. The original and real ground of opposition between the two parties, is that one basis of representation for both Houses of the Legislature,...
Saturday, July 12. The Board met, present the same as yesterday. Resolved That James Monroe & John H. Cocke compose a committee for the purpose of examining & reporting on, the minutes of the Faculty proceedings. Resolved That Chapman Johnson & W. C. Rives compose a committee for the purpose of enquiring into & reporting on the state of the Funds. Resolved as follows: Professor Long having...