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I hope you will not deem my addressing you an intrusion; but I am compelled by my necessities to do so. I am at present receiving but one dollar per day—in the Navy Yard at this place, which is not sufficient to supply myself and family with the necessaries of life. I am now eighty & odd years of age, and having filled the station which I did for thirty & odd years, I think it a great hardship...
Mr. Madison being entirely disqualified by present indisposition to reply to your letter of the 22d ulto., he desires me to do it for him. I therefore enclose a brief note of the characteristic events of his life, and a list of his printed works now recollected. The list does not of course include his share in the printed proceedings of the old and new Congress & the Convention & Legislature...
Mr. M. being at present too much indisposed to use his own pen desires me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th. instant, and to thank you for your friendly solicitude on the subject of his health. I am sorry to say that the change in it since you left Montpellier has not been favorable. You need not be assured of the pleasure he always feels in the society of his friends...
I have recd. sir your letter of the 6th. I know of no propositions to codify the laws of the United States, or of any particular state on the plan of Mr. Bentham other than those made by Mr B himself. Most of the states have doubtless revised their laws, with a view to their general improvement, and adaptation of them to the change of Government by the Declaration of Independence—such were the...
At the request of Mr. Madison who is too feeble to write, I subjoin a copy of the reply he dictated to an application renewed by C. S. Todd, thro’ my sisters, for the same object with that lately addressed to yourself. He adds his thanks for the copy you forwarded him of Armstrong, and his cordial respects. Allow us all to unite in the same tender to Mrs. Coles & yourself. "I have recd....
My wagon which is setting out to day will deliver two Hhds of tobacco. They were made from fresh mountain land and cured without smoke, as indeed was the rest of my crop, and I understand were neatly put up. You will best judge of the most favorable moment for selling them & let me know the proceeds. 2 Please forward by return of the wagon the following articles. P. S Your letter informing me...
I feel it to be my first and most grateful duty on my return from the delightful pilgrimage to the shrine of Montpelier to enquire after your health & welfare which I hope Mrs. Madison or Miss Payne may be good enough to write a line to inform me of without troubling you. It has given no little poignancy to the great regret I experienced at being obliged to leave your residence to attend to...
’L’amitié d’un grand homme est un bienfait des dieux’--Voltaire I am not certain that I have transmitted to you the following resolution unanimously adopted before the Institution of Laurenceville—If I have please pardon the freedom I have taken— "Resolved—That this Society, view with emotions of gratitude, the high regard entertained for its members by the Hon James Madison. John Q Adams....
I had the honor to receive your favour respecting the correspondence between yourself and Mr. Jeremy Bentham—in reply to some enquiries which I took the liberty of proposing to you. Will you excuse me when I further ask you to inform whether there have been any other proposals to codify your Law: who were the individuals proposing it and if their works were ever published to the world. I hope...
I Have received a copy of your speech on the 4th. & 5th. April, and on the supposition that I may be indebted for it, to your politeness, I tender my acknowledgments accordingly. The increasing pressure of my infirmities has of late, rendered my attention to the public proceedings very superficial. To the expunging question I have paid very little. The views taken in your speech of some at...