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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
11 Franklin, Benjamin Cushing, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Cushing, 2 April 1774 1774-04-02 ALS : American Antiquarian Society; copy: Public Record Office My last was of the 22d past, since...
12 Newenham, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Edward Newenham, 8 March 1794 1794-03-08 The enclosed was left behind by the Captain of Ship, who promised to take it along with the...
13 Barclay, Thomas American Commissioners Thomas Barclay to the American Commissioners, 7 … 1786-11-07 I wrote to you from Cadiz the 2 nd: of last month, a Copy of which goes under the cover of this...
14 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 25 … 1819-09-25 The information in your last letter, of your return to your garden and your records has given me...
15 Franklin, Benjamin Jackson, Richard From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Jackson, 1 June 1764 1764-06-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society My last to you was of the 1st. of May, since which I am...
16 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 3 May 1790 1790-05-03 a letter is received from Mr Dumas, begun Dec. 4 & ending Jan. 26. the only interesting passage...
17 Adams, John Adams, Samuel From John Adams to Samuel Adams, 28 February 1780 1780-02-28 The Marquiss, who loves Us, will deliver You this. He will tell You every thing. Arbuthnot,...
18 Editorial Note On 19 April the States General recognized the United States as independent and John Adams as its...
19 Franklin, Benjamin The Busy-Body, No. 2, 11 February 1729 1729-02-11 Printed in The American Weekly Mercury , February 11, 1728/9. All Fools have still an Itching to...
20 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 31 December … 1793-12-31 I have the honor to enclose you a statement of the expenditure of the monies appropriated to our...
21 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 17 March 1798 1798-03-17 A private opportunity offering by way of Hamburgh to write to you, I eagerly embrace it, and hope...
22 Stewart, Walter Washington, George To George Washington from Walter Stewart, 26 August … 1782-08-26 I find by this days Orders your Excellency has directed a Board to meet in Order to Examine the...
23 Taylor, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Taylor, 31 August 1812 1812-08-31 When I saw Genl. Moses Green last he requested me to write you and inform you that if there was a...
24 Jefferson, Thomas Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From Thomas Jefferson to … 1824-10-09 I have duly recieved, my dear friend and General, your letter of the 1 st from Philada, giving us...
25 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 8 July 1777 1777-07-08 Yours of June 23d. have received. I believe there is no Danger of an Invasion your Way, but the...
26 Jefferson, Thomas Huntington, William Thomas Jefferson to William Huntington, 2[4?] July 1818 1818-07-24 Th: Jeffe r son asks the favor of mr H u ntington to dine with hi m on Sunday ensuing. RC ( DNDAR...
27 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 8 May … 1796-05-08 Your note of the 5th. instant accompanying the information given to you by G.—— M.—— on the 4th....
28 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 5 November … 1799-11-05 Col. Bentley, in his letter of the twentieth of October, strongly recommends Reuben Beale and...
29 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 August 1767] 1767-08-15 15. Finishd sowing the 39 Inch Cut of Corn in the Neck with 44½ Bushl. Wheat. Finishd sowing that...
30 Jefferson, Thomas Minor, Peter Thomas Jefferson to Peter Minor, 18 November 1810 1810-11-18 Your favor of the 10 th came to my hands the last night only, and I hasten to reply to it, being...
31 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 6 September 1787 1787-09-06 I am Sorry to give you the trouble of this Commission: but I fear it will not be effectually done...
32 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 18 … 1822-11-18 In settling some business with M r Garrett to day I find (for the first time I have known it)...
33 Morris, Robert Jay, John To John Jay from Robert Morris, 19 October 1781 1781-10-19 I believe Kitty Livingston has availed herself of this good Conveyance by Matthew Ridley Esq r ....
34 Gill, Moses Washington, George To George Washington from Moses Gill, 15 May 1793 1793-05-15 The Barer, Capt: John Whitney, is a Gentleman who Served in the late Continental Army with Good...
35 McGurk, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James McGurk, 10 October 1802 1802-10-10 I Beg lave once more to adress yaur Exilency as the Onley and last means that I have for my life...
36 Adams, John Quincy 27th. 1786-05-27 No reciting this morning. I was employed all day in studying mathematics, which are the most...
37 Jefferson, Thomas Orleans Territory Legislature From Thomas Jefferson to Orleans Territory Legislature … 1805-12-28 To the Speaker & House of Representatives of the territory of Orleans The expressions by which...
38 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 May 1797] 1797-05-23 23. Wind Easterly & rather Cool.
39 Addison, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Addison, 11 July … 1798-07-11 I have this day paid to Col. Pickering (Mr Wolcott being absent) Seventeen hundred dollars to be...
40 Robert Cary & Company Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Cary & Co., 10 August … 1762-08-10 Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 10 Aug. 1762. On 26 April 1763 GW wrote to Robert Cary...