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Some taxes are, however, more partial in their first operation than others; and, in some cases, they totally ruin one part of the community in working their way into general diffusion. Others are particularly objectionable on account of the mode of their collection. When they employ too many hands in proportion to their produce, and thereby not only cause a serious deduction from the...
L : American Philosophical Society Permettez que j’aie l’honneur de vous offrir deux petites pièces qui ont paru depuis peu dans cette ville, à l’occasion des fêtes que nous avons Célébrées avec tous les bons français, et les Anglo-Américains vos braves Compatriotes. Si ces deux pièces ont l’avantage de mériter votre suffrage, accordez-leur, je vous en supplie, Monsieur, la grace d’être...
AL : American Philosophical Society This letter, undated, unsigned, and in an unidentified hand, survives among Franklin’s papers. Internal evidence indicates that it was written by someone in the colonies and at about the middle of the eighteenth century. Because the problem of colonial union was being so actively discussed in 1754, it is tentatively assigned to that year. According to your...
Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from medical testimony, that ardent spirit as a drink, is not only needless, but hurtful; and that entire disuse of it would tend to promote the health, the virtue and happiness of the community, we hereby express our conviction, that would the citizens of the United States, and especially the Young Men , discontinue the use of it,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Monsieur franklin est suplié de vouloir bien se rappeller l’Engagement pris avec Madame helvetius de diner aujourdhuy mercredy a auteüil chez M. hebere ou il sera toujours desiré avec la meme ardeur. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin / a Passy In an unknown hand. BF started to draft an answer on the address sheet of Dubourg’s letter of the same day:...
Draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society The author of this document, which survives among Franklin’s papers, might have been any one of several well-informed members of the anti-proprietary party who was in Philadelphia at the end of December 1755. The handwriting has not been identified. The manuscript consists of three pages, the first two of which are numbered 5 and 6, and the...
Resolved that the Rector be authorized to appoint to the Chair of Antient Languages, for the term of one year from the date of Such appointment, with a salary not exceeding $1000, & with the usual fees paid to that chair, either of the following persons, they being preferred by the Board in the order herein named; that is to say: Dr Gessner Harrison, M. L. Tracie, R. Reynolds; and if neither...
AL : South Carolina Historical Society; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society If your Excellency will reffer for No. 3—to the extract of the letter sent from Holland you will find the danger express’d therein, nearly realized (by that Nation’s enthusiasm for America’s Cooling) and if not particularly attended to before too late, the best fruits of that connection will be lost, with the...
Front March 27 1836. Forwarded for the Lawrville Lyceum at the request in its name, of a Book from my library, and as a token of the respect I feel for an Institute patronizing youthful talent Back to the youth of a free country < >, on a subject particularly adap< > Fragment (NjMoHP) .
Wednesday the 14th. Present the same members, & Chapman Johnson and Joseph C. Cabell. On motion resolved; That the sentence of the Faculty pronounced on the 22d. of May in the present year expelling John Willis, a student of the University, is approved; and that the sentence pronounced on the 4th. of the same month expelling the student, Robert W. Walton, is also approved. Resolved, That a...