James Madison Papers

James Madison to I. Irvine Hitchcock, 4 November 1830

Montpellier Novr. 4. 1830


Your letter of the 20th. Ult. was not recd. till yesterday. It probably took some erroneous course before it arrived at the Post Office near me. (Orange Ct House)

I enclose $4 in discharge of the acct. forwarded. The blame of delay is chargeable in part at least on Mr. Skinner; as will appear from my letter to him of Apl. 14. 1829, in which I requested him to mention the balance due from me. His silence contributed to prevent my thoughts from recurring to the subject.

The letter above referred to will shew that the withdrawal of my name from the subscription list of the American Farmer, was not the effect of any diminished sense of the merit of the work; and having no reason to doubt that in the present hands it will be equally entitled to my good wishes for its continued success, I add them to the respects I pray you to accept.

James Madison

RC (CSmH); draft (DLC).

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