10921Ralph Izard to the American Commissioners, 21 September 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères <Paris, September 21, 1778: I have learned that the ship Nile , Captain Goldsmith, has been taken while bound from London to Leghorn and brought into Marseilles. She carried 20 packages of my baggage addressed to Monsieur Antoine Martinelli, merchant, to be delivered to the abbé Niccoli. My name doesn’t appear on them as this might have...
10922Richard Grinnell to the American Commissioners, 15 September 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Guernsey, September 15, 1778: Captain Peter Collas and I sailed with Captain [Corbin] Barnes from Paimboeuf August 29. We were captured September 1 by Captain Abraham Bushall who treated us like brothers. We fell in with Captain Niles whose schooner Spy had been taken by a Jersey privateer. Niles and Barnes succeeded in throwing all papers overboard....
10923John Bondfield to the Commissioners, 2 February 1779 (Adams Papers)
Captain Jason Laurence belonging to the Schooner General Arnold Arrived here Yesterday by a dutch Ship being put on board by a Jersey Privateer that took the Schooner the 1 Decr. fifteen Leagues from Belle Isle. He informs me the Vessel belonged to Genl. Arnold that she was the first that had been Launcht at Phila. since the recovery. He left that City the 4 Novr. had on board Packets from...
10924John Paul Jones: Memorandum for the American Commissioners, [3 July 1778]: résumé (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Harvard University Library <[July 3, 1778: ] I came to Paris when I learned on good authority that the minister wanted to speak with me on a matter of great utility to the United States. Permission to sell the prizes, or an exchange of prisoners, was not in immediate prospect; and something had to be done to assuage the Ranger’s crew. The minister pledged me to reveal his plan to no one,...
10925Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 3 July 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Passy, July 3, 1778: On your verbal instructions I have ordered the repair of arms at Nantes to be stopped and the workmen paid off according to the agreement. Please let me know whether this is satisfactory. > Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 258. With Mercier more than a year before: XXIV , 100–1. Only a fifth of the old fusils had been repaired:...
10926Meinert & Cie. to the American Commissioners, 9 June 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons l’honneur de vous accompagner ci Joint une requete, qui nous a etée envoyée par un malheureux Prisonnier à Brest, pour lequel ou bien sa liberté nous nous interressons, raport à sa nombreuse famille. Daignés Messieurs nous faire part de vos intentions dans la correspondence que vous tiendrés avec Monsieur J.D. Schweighauser. Nous sommes avec...
10927Sartine to the American Commissioners: Two Letters, 14 November 1778 (Franklin Papers)
(I) and (II) Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives J’ai mis sous les yeux du Roy, Messieurs, les raisons qui pouvoient determiner sa Majesté a accorder la liberté aux Sujets des Etats unis prisonniers en France. Mais elle a pensé sagement que cette faveur ne doit être accordée qu’à ceux qui ont été pris sur des Batimens americains et forcés de...
10928Sartine to the American Commissioners, 16 August 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
LS : Harvard University Library; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives; two transcripts: National Archives <Versailles, August 16, 1778, in French: In answer to your letter of the 13th on the question of prizes and prisoners, I enclose a copy of the regulations with revisions to articles 2 and 14. I will at all times receive with pleasure your...
10929Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 24 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Virginia Library M. Boux has been on board the Lion for a passage. Capt. Nicholson wished to accomodate him as well as he could, but on account of the many am[erica]n Passengers who have escaped hither from England he has not been able to make such provision as he desired and as M. Boux expected. He therefore returns to Nantes, and seemed rather disgusted with his...
10930C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 16 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I know that you received my letters of 2 and 8 December. Since then, I have had the honor of writing you three more, dated 18–24 December, 1–3 January, and 12–15 January. Yesterday, the 15th, in the evening, just as I was sending off my last, the French Ambassador sought me out in order to have me meet with our friend to confirm, on the Ambassador’s behalf, that this morning he will present a...
10931James Moylan to the American Commissioners, 7 January 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to refer you to my letter of the 2d. instant, and altho’ I am not yet in the situation you prescribed for me to transact your Bussiness here, I am nevertheless induced, as well from the season of the year, as the reports of Captains Thompson and Green, to inform you; that the Ship Durass of near Eight hundred Tons Burthen, which is here for...
10932Dumas to the American Commissioners, 6 March 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Algemeen Rijksarchief J’ai reçu l’honneur de la Lettre de Mr. Deane. Comme il dit fort bien, de grands événemens sont à la porte; et ici, comme par toute l’Europe, nous ne sommes pas peu en suspens à cet égard. Je suis charmé, mais nullement surpris, du plaisir que lui fait le personnage avec lequel il a plusieurs fois diné: similes similibus...
10933The Comte de Vergennes to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 9 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I have received, gentlemen, the undated letter that you did me the honor to write. Rest assured that we will, as much as circumstances will permit, take its contents into consideration. You may rely on the sincere interest that the King takes in the prosperity of the United States. I have the honor to be very perfectly, gentlemen, your very humble and very obedient servant LbC ( Adams Papers...
10934Ralph Izard to the American Commissioners, 25 August 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: National Archives, South Carolina Historical Society; two transcripts: National Archives <Paris, August 25, 1778: I lately received a letter from Florence recommending we attempt to involve the French court as security in any attempt to procure a loan in Genoa. Should I apply to the count de Vergennes on the subject or do you believe the...
10935Dumas to the American Commissioners, 31 July 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens de recevoir les doubles des deux Lettres du Committé des affaires étrangeres, que vous avez eu la bonté de m’envoyer. Voici quelques Extraits des Depêches ministériales pour ce qu’il y avoit de plus essentiel. Ici rien de nouveau, si ce n’est que la désertion est très forte parmi les troupes de la république. Pas moins de 1500 déserteurs pendant...
10936Dumas to the American Commissioners, 19[-24] January 1779: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief <The Hague, January 19[-24], 1779, in French: The only thing that happened at the Assembly of Holland was the reading of the ambassador’s latest memorandum. I met five times today with the French ambassador and as often with our friend. January 20: The pensionaries of Amsterdam have expressed to the ambassador their hope...
10937Sartine to the American Commissioners, 7 October 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
LS : Harvard University Library; copies: National Archives, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society <Versailles, October 7, 1778, in French: I have received your letter of September 26 supporting the request of Mr. Izard for the restitution of his belongings. I do not see how the commercial treaty applies in this case as Mr. Izard’s name is not mentioned in the bill of lading and...
10938John Bondfield to the American Commissioners, 2 May 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this instant receiv’d a Letter from Charles Town by Cap. Ducass who left that City the 30 March. He met a few Leagues from the Coast of France a French Snow bound into this Port on board of which Vessel he put as esteeming it safer all the Letters and Packets he had in charge. The Snow is expected in to Day. I shall see forwarded (if there are any)...
10939C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 18 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
J’ai vu notre Ami. Il y a deux Committés, pour besogner, l’un sur de nouvelles plaintes auxquelles les Anglois viennent de donner lieu; l’autre sur la réponse à faire au Mémoire de Mr. l’Ambassadeur de France, dont je vous ai envoyé copie. On ne saura le résultat que la semaine prochaine. On m’a envoyé d’Amsterdam, afin d’en faire part au Congrès, la Protestation imprimée de cette ville contre...
10940Dumas to the American Commissioners, 24 March 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Voici ce qu’on m’écrit d’Amsterdam en date du 22e. “On soutient aujourd’hui, que la guerre a été déclarée vendredi à Londres contre la France. L’agitation est visible ici: l’un par la crainte pour ses fonds; l’autre par celle que notre république ne soit embarquée avec...
10941Peter Collas to the American Commissioners, 1 August 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I late master of the brigg Triton belonging to the United States of America which was Captur’d by the Enemy within bell Isle, On my Return here from England, I Protested Against the Said Captur’s therein Showing where And by whom taken and the Value of the Said brigg and her Cargo, which Protest you have been Pleased to Present to the Minister,...
10942Dumas to the American Commissioners, 18 August 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <The Hague, August 18, 1778, in French: Nothing worthy of writing has occurred since I last wrote. I visit the French ambassador daily and, through him, received the Gazette de Yorktown that Mr. Franklin had entrusted the Chevalier [Georges Grand] to forward to me. Today’s Gazette de Leide is filled with its contents. I’m enclosing a copy of a letter I sent...
10943Gabriel de Sartine to the Commissioners, with a Contemporary Translation, 21 September 1778 (Adams Papers)
J’ai reçu, Messieurs, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 17 de ce mois. Je ne doutois pas que les reflexions que je vous proposois Sur la Necessité d’etablir pour les reprises faites en mer une parfaite reciprocité entre les deux nations ne vous parussent de toute Justice. Je Suis fâché que vous n’ayez pas entre les mains une Copie des loix des Etats unis relativement à...
10944Tristram Barnard to the Commissioners, 9 October 1778 (Adams Papers)
Your humble petionner hath ben from America this four years in the English Services though not in Goverment Services of any kind nither have I any kind of pretentions or clames to any honour in Supporting the just cause of America any further then Releveing many prisoners with Money and means to make thare Escape from England. Therefore wishing to be of more Services then I have ben I have a...
10945——— Boux to the American Commissioners, 26 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous avez appris par mon oncle les raisons qui me font rester a terre et l’imposibilité qu’il y à que je puisse partir sur le lion comme vous me l’avez ordonné par votre derniere. Vous avez aussi sçu les petites mortifications que j’ai eu avec le Capitaine Nikleson. Je ne vous cacherai pas que je suis aise qu’il ne se soit pas trouvé de place pour m’y...
10946Ralph Izard to the Commissioners, 10 October 1778 (Adams Papers)
I have just been favoured with a communication of M. de Sartine’s Letter to you of 7th. instant, in which I am referred to a course of Law for the recovery of my Baggage, on board the Ship Nile, carried into Marseilles by a French Privateer. This I can not approve of, as my claim is founded on an Article in the Treaty which expressly declares that the goods of an American put on board of an...
10947Gabriel de Sartine to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 6 September 1778 (Adams Papers)
I have received, gentlemen, the letter that you did me the honor to write on 30 August. I have sent to M. de Vergennes the necessary passport for the British vessel charged with the exchange of the prisoners held by England and the United States, and shall give the necessary orders to ensure that your prisoners at Brest will be more closely watched until the moment of exchange. I have the...
10948Dumas to the American Commissioners, 27[–30] June 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief <The Hague, June 27[–30], in French: I have written the Grand Pensionary that the treaty has arrived, and the Grand Facteur has approved my letter. June 28: The Grand Pensionary has set our interview for tomorrow morning. Last night came your packet of the 22nd, which I devoured with interest. I could not avoid the...
10949Dumas to the American Commissioners, 10 November 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: National Archives <The Hague, November 10, 1778, in French: Tomorrow the Admiralty will issue its advisory, refusing to negotiate with Sir Joseph Yorke and insisting on the restitution of the captured ships, but ruining everything by in effect suspending convoys. Our friend seems embarrassed. Another person says...
10950Horneca, Fizeaux & Co. to the Commissioners, 7 September 1778 (Adams Papers)
Nous venons de Recevoir par M. Withalle, le Livre contenant les Promesses du Congrés, Revêtües de leur Coupons et de Vos Signatures. Il ne nous manque, pour entamer, leur Négotiation; que vos ordres et Vos Instructions Relativement aux fraix, et aux alloüances que nous devrons accorder aux Preneurs en Sus de L’Interet Stipulé à 5 pour Cent. Nous avons l’honneur d’etre tres Respectueusement...
10951Ralph Izard to the American Commissioners, 12 January 1779 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: National Archives I had the honor of writing to you, in the 2d. instant informg. you that the credit wch. I had receivd from the Commissioners was exhausted, & that I should be obligd to you if you woud let me know whether it was most agreeble to you to renew it, or that I shoud draw on you for what money I might have occasion for. As this matter appeard to acquire no great deliberation,...
10952John Gilbank to the Commissioners, 21 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Last Tuesday Week Mr. Dobrie informed me of an Additional mortification I had received by your refusing to accept my Bill, adding at same time that you informed him You had wrote to me; Since which time I have, without Effect, been waiting for your letter. It is to be lamented that such a Fatality should attend your Correspondence as to subject your Answers to miscarriage or some other Cause...
10953Vergennes to the American Commissioners, 24 September 1778 (Franklin Papers)
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copies: Library of Congress (two), National Archives Par la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 28 du mois dernier, Messieurs, vous avez demandé l’entrée libre dans le Royaume et l’Exemtion de tous droits des effets de beaucoup d’Américains qui se trouvent en Europe, et qui sont dans le dessein de retourner dans leur...
10954Dumas to the American Commissioners, 3 April 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (incomplete draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Ce que vous venez de voir, vous apprendra ce que j’ai fait à Amst[erdam] et que je n’ai point à regretter la peine du voyage. J’ai été de retour ici mardi avant Mr. Van B[ercke]l. Avanthier matin je l’allai voir. Il me dit, qu’après que nous eumes diné ensemble, dimanche passé, il avoit assisté ce jour-là, et le...
10955John Gilbank to the Commissioners, 4 November 1778 (Adams Papers)
I took the liberty some time ago to write to your Excellency’s informing you of the Situation in which I found myself, and requesting to be supplied with Money for necessary Expences in the manner in my Letter mentioned or otherwise as should seem meet. Not having since that time been favoured with any Answer, I am under the necessity of applying to Your Excellency’s again to be informed, by...
10956Elisabeth-Angélique Lalouëlle to the American Commissioners, 18 September 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
L : American Philosophical Society <St. Malo, September 18, 1778, in French: Bernard-Alexandre Lalouëlle, my son, embarked in January, 1777, on the Reprisal , Capt. Wickes, as second surgeon at the salary of 72 l.t. per month, plus two shares of the prizes. He performed brilliantly the amputation of the arm of the second officer in command. When the Reprisal , having taken several prizes,...
10957J. D. Schweighauser and Others to the Commissioners, 7 November 1778 (Adams Papers)
The repeated Captures of American Vessells, many of which notwithstanding the Convoys we have had off this Coast have been taken the day after their Separation, and the Knowledge obtained by Our Enemies of the time of Our Vessells sailing, which induces them to cruize at a greater distance to watch the Moment that the French Frigates part from their Convoy, incline us to wish for more...
10958[Ferdinand Grand]: Memorandum for the American Commissioners, [before 28 August? 1778] (Franklin Papers)
AD (draft): American Philosophical Society Le Congrés a authorisé ses Comissionaires a emprunter en Europe 2 millions Stl. soit 46 millions argent de france remboursable dans 10 ans a l’interret de 6 pct. tous fraix faits. Les Comissionaires ont en consequence commence par faire imprimer pour 4 millions de promesses. Quoyqu’ils n’en ayent pas encorre fait usage ils ont tout lieu d’esperer que...
10959John Bondfield to the American Commissioners, 14 June 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am strongly importuned by Captain Cassels the Bearer for a Letter of Introductions to your honors in his favor. Mrs. Cassels his Wife who is come over in order to proceed as they assure me to America, is from Philadelphia. The purport of Mr. Cassels Errand to Paris is to exert his endeavours to obtain the restitution of a Ship belonging to him and his...
10960John Bondfield to the American Commissioners, 28 April 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 28, 1778: I received on the 25th by Mr. Haywood your letter of the 15th, and have from Capt. Tucker the list of provisions; the officers will inspect them tomorrow. The mast has delayed the work.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 63.
10961The Comte de Vergennes to the Commissioners, 18 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
L’on vient enfin de decouvrir, Messieurs, Les Effets du Dr. James Smith de New York. Ils sont a la Douane de Calais, et consistent en un Paquet contenant 12 Napes, 12 Couteaux et 12 fouchettes de fer, a Viroles d’Argent. Si M. Smith pretend introduire ces effets dans le Royaume, il ne Sauroit se dispenser d’en acquitter les Droits ordinaires, Mais Si Son Intention est de les renvoier en...
10962John Thornton to the American Commissioners, [17] December 1777 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society I arrived here yesterday, and delivered this morning all the letters, except those of Lord North and Sir Gray Cooper; what ever advices I shall receive from Mr. H[artley] shall be punctually follow’d. I have the honor to be Gentlemen Your most Obedient Servant: My letters, if you should send any direct No. 57 Newman Street Oxford Road. Notation: Thornton...
10963James Moylan to the American Commissioners, 29 June 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Lorient, June 29, 1778: The frigate Oiseau convoyed a schooner out of the bay and returned with a prize, a Jersey privateer, which had on board three Marblehead seamen as prisoners. On their release I sent them on the frigate to Brest, where Capt. Jones will doubtless receive them.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 242–3.
10964Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, [3 March 1778] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last of the 28 Ultimo I have recvd. advice that the Duchesse of Grammont still remains at St. Nazarre. I hear that two Ships of War which were designed to join the Fleet are returned to Rochfort, we have therefore judged proper to detain the Grammont ’till further orders, in hopes that you will be able to obtain these Ships for a new Convoy: Mr....
10965Joseph Wharton Jr. to the Commissioners, 26 September 1778 (Adams Papers)
You need not I presume be informed of the difficulties which the People of the United States continue to suffer through the great scarcity of Salt. To lessen these difficulties, and at the same time to benefit myself, I propose during the present Winter to send several Cargoes of that necessary Commodity to our Countrey, and I wish to do it from Portugal rather than any where else, on account...
10966William Lee to the Commissioners, 23 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
In consequence of directions to me from the State of Virginia, to endeavour to obtain from the French Ministry a quantity of Canon, arms and ammunition, for the use of that State, I applyed accordingly to Count de Vergennes, when his Excellency replyed, that was a business in the department of the Secretary at War, and that he tho’t it best to get you to apply to Prince Mont Barry for them:...
10967Sartine to the American Commissioners, 14 July 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society (two), National Archives (three); transcript: National Archives <Versailles, July 14, 1778, in French: The inhabitants of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon may receive few or no supplies, and be in great distress, if some of the victualers I have sent are intercepted; and by the time we hear of it there will be no remedy....
10968Marie Silvestre Grand to the American Commissioners, 5 May 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mme. Grand presante une requette a Messieurs Les Deputés assemblés pour luy accorder un jour pour luy faire l’honneur de venir Diner ches elle a commencer des samedy Prochain son demenagement ne luy ayant pas permis de le faire plutot. Addressed: A Leurs Excellences / Messieurs Les Deputés / De Lamerique septentrionale Mme. Ferdinand Grand. The date set was...
10969Dumas to the American Commissioners, 2 October 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief <The Hague, October 2, 1778, in French: Since my last letter I have spent ten days in Amsterdam in the service of the United States-one day with the Grand Facteur, two with our friend and seven writing 615 numbers, 2460 folios, 2255 times “A” and 2255 times “Passy 31. Aoust 1778” on your promissory notes. When I left...
10970Peter Frederick Dobrée to the American Commissioners, 11 August 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Harvard University Library My Father in law has just now comunicated me the Honorable Mr. Lee’s Letter of the 4 Instant, which he received Yesterday, together with sundry extracts which would greatly alarm me, was not I consious of my Innocence. I will not take too much upon those precious moments which you so laudably dedicate to your Country, to refute the false accusations contained...