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Results 10921-10950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives (two); transcript: National Archives J’ai l’honneur Messieurs de vous envoyer la copie d’une lettre ecrite à M. de Sartine par le Consul de France a Madere. Vous y verrez toutes les circonstances de la conduite qu’un corsaire americain nommé Jean...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honnor to address you my last the 15th. inst. advising you the arrival of Two wounded Seamen taken in the Lexington, and by a former I inform’d you on a Seperate slit [slip] of paper of the Taking of the Brigantine l’aimable Reine Capne. Paul Berthelot, bound from Martinico to this port, by the Swan Capn. Wm. Meadows, which carry’d her to New...
Letterbook summary: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Rendu compte des mêmes rapports de la Lettre précédente. Prié encore qu’ils m’écrivent des choses obligeantes pour Mr. Van Berckel. Instruction pour conserver le beurre. Demandé des nouvelles de Mr. Symeon Deane. We have again silently expanded his abbreviations. The previous letter is that of Dec. 30; the instructions about butter are those...
My last was of yesterday. I have just returned from seeing our friend and, although this letter cannot be mailed today, take the opportunity to give you an account of our conversation while it is still fresh in my mind. The gentlemen from Amsterdam returned with strong instructions from their constituents. This perhaps will result in a third address, even more serious than the previous ones....
ALS : American Philosophical Society The credit which I received on the public Banker, from the Commissioners is exhausted; & I should be obliged to you if you would let me know whether it is most agreeable to you to renew that credit, or that I should draw on you for what money I may have occasion for. I have the honour to be Gentlemen Your most obt. hble Servt. Addressed: To / The Honble...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Lorient, April 27, 1778: The Lord Chatham , a prize taken by the Ranger , has arrived in Brest.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 61.
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: National Archives <Lorient, December 9, 1778: I forward the enclosed memorial from gentlemen who were taken prisoner under my command. They observe that “I am well acquainted with their situation.” Their present treatment is incompatible with reason, law, and humanity. Of the two hundred prisoners on board the Patience , only one hundred thirty...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Amsterdam, October 27, 1778: I will sail for St. Eustatia next Wednesday or Thursday, as no direct passage for America is available. Had I been able I would have told you sooner, so you could send more dispatches. I doubt that Admiral d’Estaing is in the precarious situation reported by the English newspapers. American affairs provoke conflicting opinions...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure of acquainting you, that I arrived here the 17th and am happy in finding the Providence Frigate Captn. Whipple, ready to part for America I have embarked on board, and flatter myself with a Speedy and safe passage. After Compliments of Respect I have the honour to be Gentlemen Your most Obedient very humble Servant Addressed: Honble...
AD : American Philosophical Society I ask the Commissioners Whither they do or do not mean that the Ranger should depart before her Prizes are Realized? Whither the advances paid to the seamen must be deducted from their Prize Money, and at what Rate? And whither it is not inexpedient for a ship that is Crank, that sails slow, and that is of a triffling force, to pursue a tract where there is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Harvard University Library, National Archives (two) I had the honor of writeing to you from Nantes the 27th ulto. The affair of Quiberon (which I did not then know of) is now in every Brokers mouth. Strange! that nothing can remain Secret. Should I find that Force likely to depart within a few days I will Avail myself of its protection, especially...
ALS : New York Public Library I have this day renderd an account to Mr. Deane of the Sums disbursd by me on the Public service; I would have given it in sooner, but that I wishd and hopd to have had it in my power to have reimbursd the Whole. I render it to Mr. Deane because the money was cheifly expended under his orders and directions. I offer to become accountable to the Honorable the...
ALS : University of Virginia Library; copies: National Archives (two); transcript: National Archives <Nantes, October 8, 1778: I have yours of September 30 indicating that I am to be deprived of the commissioners’ advice beyond that concerning the money extended me. It has been my position all along that I am responsible only to Congress but I fail to see why you have charged me with...
I have communicated to M. Sartine, gentlemen, the letter in which you request that an escort be provided for the vessels about to sail, which are bound for ports in the United States. This minister has just replied that it is not possible to provide an escort for the entire crossing, but the vessels in question will be conducted to waters where they can be safe from the attacks of enemy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: National Archives <[after November 17, 1778]: I have received your very extraordinary letter of Nov. 17 and thank you for presenting my case to the count de Vergennes. You say that if I subscribe to the declaration and take the oath of allegiance to the United States you will give me the customary passport to Calais. Unless this passport will remove...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been for several Days down to the Ship and left her at St. Nazare. I have done with both the French Ships. I beg you will please to apply for an order to wait in Quiberon ’till all the Ships join else I am afraid the Brune will be left. Poor Mr. Morris has finished his affairs in this world. I am much concerned at being absent, but every care was...
Copy: Algemeen Rijksarchief Ma derniere étoit du 21e fevr. Elle vous portoit, outre les Extraits et dépêches ministrales de Lisbonne, Ratisbonne, Vienne, Berlin, Dantsic et Petersbourg, un autre Extrait de la Lettre de mes amis d’Amsterdam, sur lequel j’espere que vous me favoriserez d’une prompte réponse, par rapport à son double objet, surtout quant aux listes et directions qu’ils demandent,...
Je n’ai répondu, Messieurs, qu’à la premiere partie de la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 12 de ce mois, et la Seconde partie renferme des objets interessants. Sans doute, il Seroit a desirer que l’on put rendre á leur Patrie les Matelots Americains que l’habitude ou la Violence ont attaché au Service de l’Angleterre, et se procurer le double Avantage d’accroitre les...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, May 5, 1778: I sailed from Virginia as master of the Mercer , with tobacco consigned by Congress to the Delaps. On May 4 my crew mutinied and took me in to Whitehaven, where I was imprisoned until I escaped and found a vessel that arrived here yesterday. I tender you my services. Several local merchants have made me offers, but I shall wait until...
L : American Philosophical Society The house of Basmarein & Raimbaux was going through difficult times. A dynamic man in his early thirties, Basmarein was full of schemes; he had helped Lafayette make his getaway on the Victoire , organized a packetboat service, opened a branch in Charleston, sent more than sixty ships to America in eighteen months. But his losses were tremendous, possibly...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society I had the honour to address you on the 24th Ultimo. Since without the pleasure of any of your favours. The Scarsity of many necessarys in America, and the practibility of adopting plans less inconvenient and expensive to the Country then have been pursued for some time past to the manifest prejudice of the United States in numberless respects, I shoud be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (incomplete draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je crois ne pouvoir vous donner de plus agréable nouvelle, que celle de l’arrivée, en bonne santé de votre grand ami le Facteur. Nous avons eu un entretien d’une heure ensemble, lui, le Substitut et moi. Vous pouvez facilement en conjecturer la nature, sans qu’il soit nécessaire de la hazarder sur le papier....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recived Yours of the 2d instant from Mr. Maylon [Moylan] along with the Dispatches for Congress which I will secure readey for Sinking in case of danger according to Your Orders. When the dispatches came to hand I was all clear for sea, and now onley wates for a favorable opportunity. Ther is certin information of seven saile of English Cruizers off Bil:...
Si vous n’avez pas eu de mes nouvelles depuis ma derniere du 13 au 18 Sept, je n’en ai pas moins été occupé au service des Etats-Unis, comme Sir G. pourra vous l’attester. De 10 jours que j’ai passés à Amsterdam, j’en ai employé un aux ordres du g—— F——, deux avec notre Ami, et les sept autres, renfermé dans une Chambre, à écrire sur vos Promesses 615 Numeros, 2460 folios, 2255 fois A, et 2255...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, January 22, 1779: When I arrived here Mr. Dobrée informed me that, according to you, I claimed to have been captured by a privateer which was partially owned by his father. He asked me for a written statement of what the captain had said, but I preferred to send it to you, as a representative of the country to which I am accountable. I shall now...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is with Pleasure that I Can Inform your honnours that this Day a Rived heare the Brigg Interprise Capt. Paul Peas from London Bound to the Braizels. She was Taken by Belpoole french frigate of thirty two Guns. I have the pleasure of Informeing your honnours that Capt. Francis Macy in the Ship Pitt from London was Taken the Same time by the Venger french...
LS : American Philosophical Society We the subscribers (persons put on board the Drake by Capt. Jones’s order, from the Ranger, to man her, under the Command of Lieut. Simpson,) do hereby testifie, that when a sail was seen on Our Lee quarter at Day Light in the morning of the 5th. May, the Drake (then in tow by the Ranger,) was hail’d from her, and ordered to Cast Off and to make the best of...
ALS : University of Virginia Library Agreeable to the orders of Mr. Dean and Mr. Lee I have the honour to transmit Capt. Adams’s Deposition properly authenticated. I have no american News, there being no Arrivals since my last, but I have just heard a melancholy account of Capt. Wickes having foundered on the Banks of Newfoundland. This I am much disposed to disbelieve, and the more so as I...
I have receiv’d from every Forge from Angoulerme to Bayonne returns of their proposals and offers for the Cannon you Commission’d me to purchase. Not One of them will engage to compleat the delivery before February. The dryness of the Season deprives them of a supply of water nessessary to execute the Work in Less time. I have survey’d the Arsenals hoping to find there to Borrow and to...
Two copies: Library of Congress <Versailles, December 22, 1778, in French: You are undoubtedly aware that American seamen escaping from English prisons often arrive in French ports without the basic necessities. I can instruct the commissioners in ports where you have no agents to treat these men as they would French escapees. Regarding British prisoners taken by Americans, I propose they be...