John Jay Papers

To John Jay from the Governor of Virginia (Edmund Randolph), 5 December 1787

From the Governor of Virginia (Edmund Randolph)

Richmond Decr. 5. 1787.


In your letter, inclosing the Morocco signals, you desire them to be delivered to American masters of vessels.1 The council have interpreted this expression to mean masters of American vessels; that is, of vessels belonging to American citizens. They seem justified in this construction, by the Morocco treaty itself. One instance only of granting these signals has occurred; and the captain was not proved to be an American citizen; but we were satisfied only, that the vessel was American property. If we have mistaken this matter, be so good as to inform me. I am Sir with great respect Yr. mo. ob. sert.

Edm. Randolph

The hon’ble Secretary of Foreign affairs

ALS, DNA: PCC, item 78, 19: 575–78 (EJ: 11018). Endorsed. LbkC, DNA: Domestic Letters description begins Domestic Letters of the Department of State, 1784–1906, RG59, item 120, National Archives (M40). Accessed on description ends , 3: 308 (EJ: 2211).

1See JJ’s circular letter to the states of 27 July 1787, above. According to the OFA Journal description begins Daily Journals, Office of Foreign Affairs, 1784–1790, 2 vols., Papers of the Continental Congress, RG 360, item 127, National Archives (M247). Accessed description ends (EJ: 3782), JJ received this letter on 16 Dec., and replied on 17 Dec., below.

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