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Results 10831-10860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
After so long Silence it may be expected I shoud introduce this Letter with an Apology for my...
Your two favours both of the 22d came to hand yesterday. His Excellency had been all the day out...
The complain[t]s of your corps dayly increase—You will immediately on receipt of this send it off...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to The President of the United States—He has...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of the 23d Ulto With Mr. Thos...
Last Night Colonel Gist joined me he has * Troops—our united Force amounts to §. I am now on my...
The vacancy on the bench of the Supreme court occasioned by the death of Judge Patterson has...
The President, Requests the honor of Mr. Rush’s Company at dinner Tuesday the 19h. inst. at 5...
But for the channel through which the order of Mess rs Craven Peyton , Robert Peyton & Burwell...
You who know with what painful sensations I saw you depart for College, can readily imagine how...
In a late Conference with which I was honoured from the General Court, it was mentioned that a...
Being in Company, some months past at Cumana on the Spanish Main; When the Conversation turning...
28 December 1801, New York. Announces that he has obtained the consent of every one of his...
1084416th. (Adams Papers)
Took a walk after leaving the office, with Thompson and Putnam. We were for calling in at Mr....
10845[Diary entry: 12 July 1799] (Washington Papers)
12. Fresh Southerly wind in the morning; clear; Mer. at 68. After noon a little lowering. Mer. 82...
The same uncertainty continues respecting the recommencement of the war. Both austria & Prussia...
With the Drawings &c I received your Letter of the 3 rd Inst: & am sorry that the Description of...
[ Boston, August 3, 1792. On August 14, 1792, Hamilton wrote to Lincoln and acknowledged receipt...
In your letter, inclosing the Morocco signals, you desire them to be delivered to American...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 3, 1779 . Discusses plans for Indian expedition. Df , in writing...
I am much obliged by the respect which you are so good as to declare for my public and private...
10852[Diary entry: 30 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
30. Light showers between day break and Sun Rising—with thin Mists afterwards till Ten Oclock....
10853[Diary entry: 2 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
2. Clear, with little or no Wind in the forenoon but Southerly afterwards.
I now dispatch one of the youths I had some time ago the honour to mention to you, whose...
I have in charge from Congress to transmit to your Excellency the inclosed Resolution of the 20th...
Your confidential and interesting letter of the 10th instant, came duly, and safely to hand. With...
I have lately read in a scurilous Pamphlet entitled “an examination of the various charges...
William Shaw was here to spend the Sabbeth, and brought with him his Letters from you; he shew me...
Agreably to the opinion of Genl. Harrison and myself expressed in our last letter to you, I shall...
I have received your letter of the 29th of March with it’s enclosure, and have Captain George...