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Results 10831-10860 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
The Brig Lady Washington Cap: Rowntree arrived here yesterday from James River Virginia loaded with Tobacco. She sail’d from thence the 8th. July. The Captain tells me the two army’s were then in the Jerseys, and that the Enemy’s ships were still in the Delaware, in order I suppose to insure it’s retreat if necessary, that General Washington’s army amounted to 18,000 men, the people in general...
By Yesterdays’ Post I had the honor of receiving your Letter of the 19th of April. What could have occasioned its not reaching my hands before now, I cannot say, unless the Person who was entrusted with sending it by the Post might have detained it to answer some particular purpose. You inform me in your letter that I am charged in your Bankers Account with upwards of one hundred thousand...
I take the liberty to crave your referrence to the letter I had the honnor of writing to you the 22d. instant being Still deprived of your long wish’d for favours, the Sole motif of this, is to inform you, that one John Gibson Master of an English Smuggling vessell which arrived here this morning, tol’d me that Six Russian Ships of war vizt. three of 90, and three of 74 guns, are arrived in...
I take the earliest opportunity to answer the observations addressed to me in the letter which you did me the honor to write to me the 13th. instant on the project of a regulation for the prizes and prisonners of the respective U States. I Conceive that I have fulfilled the object by digesting anew the 2. and 14 Articles of which I annex another text with copies of the different Laws that have...
I have done myself the Honor of writing Several Letters to Congress upon the Subject of Remittances, for Debts I have contracted in this place on public Account; in Some of which I requested Liberty to draw upon you Gentlemen for the Amount, as being the most Sure and eligible Plan of procuring Payment. I have not as yet received any Answers to my Letters, but expect them with great...
My last was of the 17th. I have just received, translated, and delivered a German letter to the Grand Facteur. While waiting for him to return it after making a copy, I have the honor to inform you that the Dutch States General have adjourned and that the Prince is leaving for Los in Overyssel. No new instructions were given Count Welderen because: 1. after doing his duty in reclaiming the 2...
I have received, gentlemen, a letter from Nantes by Mr. J. D. Schweighauser, the agent of the United States of North America. Charged with the disposal of the prizes taken and sent into Brest by the frigates Ranger and Providence , he asked me about the formalities to be observed in the sale of the said prizes. I answered that it could be done amicably either aboard or ashore, but that there...
I hope that you have received my letter of the 23d, which I had the honor to send you from Amsterdam, and in which is found your draft of the letter under consideration. Two of us here, and one in Amsterdam, are eagerly awaiting its return from you, in due form, so that I may present it, &c. We have agreed that I would add, verbally, the insinuation that, from what I have gathered from your...
Having lately Arrived in a Very fast Sailing Vessell from the State of Virginia whose Owners not having it in their Power to arm her in that Country gave me full power So to do here (As well to take the Advantage of any thing that might Offer as to protect our Vessell and Cargo). I therfore take the Liberty of Requesting the favour of your granting me a Commission for that purpose, and least...
Nous avons l’honneur de nous referer à nôtre lettre du 24 de ce mois, et celuy d’annoncer très humblement à vos Excellences que depuis hier il est arrivé sur nôtre rade un Batiment Anglo Americain de 20 Canons nommé le General Muffelin Mifflin commandé par le Capitaine Daniel MaKenil McNeill venant de Portsmouth dans La nouvelle Angleterre, c’est depuis 4 mois que le dit Capitaine est en...
Des Américains et autres nous ayant confié quils étoient retenus dans le desir de se signaler par le defaut d’apui et le manque de fonds, nous avons eü L’honneur de vous demander pour eux une Commission en Course sous votre pavilion. Votre intention ayant été de ne la remettre qu’a un capitaine que vous honorez de votre bienveillance il est venu icy et nous a paru bien méritant et tout a fait...
Your letter of the 25th Ultimo I received by Yesterdays post: I frankly ask your pardon for the undue liberty which I took the 16th Ultimo when I ventured to sign a draft upon you for the purpose of supplying the people under my Command with necessary Cloathing &ca.—and I promise you never to be guilty of the like Offence again. I hope you do not however mean to impute to me a desire to...
Here, Gentlemen, is the substance of twelve pages in folio, in Dutch, that I have just skimmed through. The dispatches from Cologne, Paris, Elsinore, Hamburg, Brussels, London, and Smyrna contain nothing of interest to you. One has here reliable reports of a suspension of arms in Germany until 1 August; and it is generally thought that peace will follow. The King has summoned his chief...
Nulla dies sine linea. J’ai eu l’honneur de vous communiquer l’ordinaire passé l’article insidieux que Sir J. Y. avoit fait placer dans la Gazette de Lahaie, et la dépêche du Cte. de D——d. Le 16 j’envoyai à Leide ce que vous trouverez ci-joint. Le 17e le Gazettier d’ici, par ordre de Mr. le Baron de Reischach Envoyé de la Cour de Vienne, chanta en réchignant la palinodie suivante. “Nous sommes...
Hier matin je reçus de Sir G——Gd. le paquet contenant la respectée vôtre du 2e. Juin. En conséquence je me transportai d’abord chez le g—— F——. Il étoit hors de ville pour tout le jour, dont j’employai le reste à tirer d’abord une Copie du Traité, pour les cas où je pourrois dans la suite des évenemens en avoir besoin pour le service auquel j’ai l’honneur d’être employé. Ce matin le g—— F——...
This morning arrived here the Schooner Milford Cap: Blackwell from Rapahanac River in Virginia after a passage of 33 days; she has not brought any letters for you, or public papers of any kind, but the Captain tells me that the new levies were compleated in Virginia and that they were to march a few days after the 28th. of March to General Washington’s Camp about 16 miles from Philadelphia, in...
This, with my affectionate wishes for your prosperity, may serve to acquaint you that Congress has this day resolved “That William Bingham Esqr. agent of the United States of America, now resident in Martinico, be authorized to draw bills of exchange at double usance on the Commissioners of the United States at Paris for any sums not exceeding in the whole one hundred thousand livres tournois,...
Since I had the honor to write you the 2d Instant there are arrived at this port two ships the One from Savanah the other from Charles Town. They give an account of many Vessels loading for Europe at Charles Town and of the Arrival of a Spaniard from the Havanah with Specie in a very large Vessel that he was loading with Rice for Cadiz. By the Sales returnd from Georgia they must be greatly...
Although I have seen the Grand Facteur and our friend every day, since nothing extraordinary has happened, I have postponed writing to you until the States General adjourned. The major question during this assembly was the proposal to increase troops, but because it was firmly rejected by the town of Amsterdam, it will certainly not be adopted. There were great debates in the Assembly on the...
I would Inform you that on the 28th of August Last I a Rived heare from London I had att that time Just obtained my Discharge, from the Belile Belle Isle man of war of Seventy four Guns. I was Impressed on board of her at Sea and without asking my Leave they made mee a mid Shipman on board. A few days after faling in with I Reland I Tok o the oportunity by a fishing boat to write to London to...
My fever not being yet sufficiently removd to permit me to come to you; I write to you to submit the absolute necessity there is of informing the Minister without delay of the State of our Finances and that the Supply we have askd is immediately necessary. It is possible they may wait for such information before they put the intention we are told they have of supplying us in execution. We...
ALS : Dartmouth College Library; copy: National Archives <Lorient, December 9, 1778: A Virginia pilot boat arrived in twenty-three days from Boston. Her captain reports that comte d’Estaing had sailed on a secret mission a fortnight before, that the Somerset was lost on Cape Cod and her crew made prisoners, that the Providence, Boston , and Ranger arrived with prizes, that the Raleigh was...
Sans Etre Connu de vous Je prens La liberté de Vous Ecrire, Parce que Je Pense que les Réprésentans d’une nation, qui doit son Existence à ses Vertus, sont assés amis des hommes, pour Vouloir Bien, Eclaircir un de leurs Semblables Sur les moyens qu’Il Se Propose de Parvenir au Bonheur. Les Travaux d’une Vie active, honorables puis qu’Ils Sont Utiles, dérogent En france, par L’Effet d’un...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Chaillot, May 17, 1778: Because I am not well enough to come to Passy I send you my drafts of important letters; alter them as you wish. If our subordinates disregard our orders, and involve us in debt without accounting for what they spend, we and the public suffer.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 130.
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. and Mrs. Amiel present Compliments to Mr. Franklin and Mr. Adams, will do themselves the pleasure to accept their obliging invitation for next Friday. Addressed: Doctor Franklin / Passy For the husband see the note on Lee to BF above, April 2. The Amiels were frequent dinner guests of the commissioners; so was Jonathan Loring Austin, who also accepted on...
I have the honor to inform you that this day Arrived here a Virginia Pilot boat from Boston in 23 days. The master reports—that Comte Destaing had saild from thence a fortnight before on a Secret destination—that the Summerset was lost on Cape Cod, the materials saved and the Crew Prisoners —that the Providence, Boston, and Ranger were Arrived having taken two or three Merchant Vessels—That...
Mr̃ Jefferson’s compliments to M r. Adams & D r. Franklin, and incloses to them the letter to the D. of Dorset on the separate articles. he also sends one on the general subject & in the general form as had been agreed when they parted last: but thinking that it might be better, by reciting what had been done with mr̃ Hartley to keep the ground we have gained, and not to admit that we...
AL : American Philosophical Society ⟨March 1, 1785: Mr. Jefferson sends Mr. Adams and Dr. Franklin his notes on the treaty with Prussia. When Mr. Adams has perused them, he should send them to Dr. Franklin. Mr. Jefferson proposes a meeting at Passy on Thursday [ March 3 ] at 12 o’clock. He sends “the Prussian propositions, mr. Adams’s & Dr. Franklin’s notes, & the former project & observations...
LS : American Philosophical Society Your Letter informing me of the Alteration of your Intention, not having reached my House till some time after the Hour you had appointed for setting out for Versailles, I was gone before it arrived. I informed Count Vergennes, that you were coming, & we waited till 5’ O’Clock under no small Embarressment, especially myself, to conceive what detained you....
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd present Compliments to Messrs. Franklin and Adams, and will do themselves the honour to dine with Them on Saturday next. Addressed: Messrs. Franklin & Adams For the two see XXVI , 343 n. In the husband’s hand. We assume that they were accepting for the celebration on Saturday, July 4, to which the commissioners invited all the American...