Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams and Benjamin Franklin, 1 March 1785

To John Adams and Benjamin Franklin

Mar. 1. 1785

Mr. Jefferson’s compliments to Mr. Adams and Doctr. Franklin and sends them his notes on the1 treaty with Prussia. He prays Mr. Adams, when he shall have perused them to send them to Dr. Franklin and proposes to meet them on the subject at Passy on Thursday at 12. o’clock. He sends the Prussian propositions, Mr. Adams’s and Dr. Franklin’s notes, and the former project and observations which were in the hands of Colo. Humphreys.

RC (PPAP); endorsed. Not recorded in SJL. The “notes” and other papers were presumably not enclosed, but carried by the messenger who delivered this letter. TJ’s comments on the treaty with Prussia may, in fact, have been utilized later as part of the text of the Commissioners’ letter to De Thulemeier, 14 Mch. 1785, q.v., notes 4 and 8. See also the following document proposing certain changes in De Thulemeier’s translation.

1The word “enclosed” is deleted at this point.

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