1081William Stephens Smith to Abigail Adams, 21 March 1798 (Adams Papers)
It would be singular indeed, were I to permit your friendly note of March 9 th. to pass unanswered, and not to thank you for forwarding the letter from the west-ward, which accompanied it, I should not have taken the liberty of desiring my correspondents to have addressed letters to me, to the care of the Presidents secretary, had I not experienced the basest treatment thro’ the line of the...
1082John Brown Cutting to Abigail Adams, 25 April 1787 (Adams Papers)
It may perhaps afford you satisfaction to learn that M r Adams and his secretary pro tempore arrived at the Crown Inn within the ramparts of this naval arsenal last evening before eight, after a journey as pleasant as coud be expected considering the unverdant aspect of far the greater portion of the country through which we travel’d. To speak candidly (excepting the farm at Cobham) I never...
1083John Adams to Abigail Adams, 27 November 1778 (Adams Papers)
Mr. Brown is here, and I cannot miss the Opportunity by him, to write you a Line. I know not how often you receive Letters from me, so many are taken, or sunk: but I write as often as I can. I have received some Letters from you, which will occasion your Name to be classed with Mrs. McCaulay and Mad ame Dacier for ought I know. Johnny is very well. Stevens had a fall Yesterday which hurt him a...
1084John Adams to Abigail Adams, 23 June 1780 (Adams Papers)
We are very much affected with the Loss of Charlestown—it seems the most disagreable Affair, We have ever met with. I dont know that the Consequences will be bad, but the Loss of so many Men, ships, and Artillery and stores is heavy besides the Town. To maintain it, they must weaken themselves at N. York and elsewhere. We hope to hear of something to ballance it. I inclose a Paper, giving an...
1085Sarah Vaughan to Abigail Adams, 19 May 1800 (Adams Papers)
It was highly gratifying to M r. Vaughan and myself to find by General Dearborn that we still retained a place in the memory of yourself & the President; tho’ we live retired we wish not to be forgotten by those we love & esteem. I do not wonder that you & the President should be surprized at our being able to fill up our time without Politics or dissipation, but when you recollect that we...
1086James Lovell to Abigail Adams, 2 July 1781 (Adams Papers)
The Gentleman by whom I meant to send the inclosed was obliged unexpectedly to return to Baltimore. I do not find, upon breaking the Seal that it can give Mr. Rivington much Amusement. I am sorry to find by this day’s Receipt of yours of June 10th. that you had not more Satisfaction from the Arrival of the Alliance. You will know, by what Genl. Ward had to convey to you, that an Expression in...
1087From Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 11 December 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
Expecting Baron Polnitz to call every moment, I have only time to acknolege the receipt of your favor of Nov. 24. and to answer you on the subject of the bill for 319 livres drawn by Mr. Adams in favor of Mr. Bonfeild. I had never heard of it before, and Mr. Barclay calling on me this morning I asked of him if he knew any thing of it. He says that such a bill was presented to him, and he...
1088Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, [after 22] September 1790 (Adams Papers)
I beleive cousin Thomas has wanted his Trunk. I hear that Barnard did not sail till last week I hope your son has arriv’d safe but wonder that we have not heard from him. He promiss’d to write. The parting on our side was hard I cannot think of it without a Tear He had so indear’d himself to us all by his affectionate behaviour & amiable manners that he was to us a Son & Brother may a good...
1089John Adams to Abigail Adams, 21 May 1777 (Adams Papers)
Dont be two much alarmed at the Report of an Attack of Boston. The British Court are pursuing a system which in the End I think they will find impolitick. They are alarming the Fears of the People, every where. Wentworths Letter was contrived to terrify Portsmouth. Other Threats are given out against Boston. Others against the Eastern shore of Virginia and Maryland. Now Philadelphia is to be...
1090Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 10 June 1798 (Adams Papers)
I have at last heard from atkinson I had just Sent a long Letter to sister when I receiv’d one from her & another from Cousin Betsy— Sister is full of anxiety about her Daughter & well she may be—for by both the letters I think her in a fix’d consumtion— her cough is better but her Fever runs high & She has night Sweats & is So weak she can ride but a few miles in a day. Cousin Betsy Says She...