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Results 1081-1110 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
It would be singular indeed, were I to permit your friendly note of March 9 th. to pass...
It may perhaps afford you satisfaction to learn that M r Adams and his secretary pro tempore...
Mr. Brown is here, and I cannot miss the Opportunity by him, to write you a Line. I know not how...
We are very much affected with the Loss of Charlestown—it seems the most disagreable Affair, We...
It was highly gratifying to M r. Vaughan and myself to find by General Dearborn that we still...
The Gentleman by whom I meant to send the inclosed was obliged unexpectedly to return to...
Expecting Baron Polnitz to call every moment, I have only time to acknolege the receipt of your...
I beleive cousin Thomas has wanted his Trunk. I hear that Barnard did not sail till last week I...
Dont be two much alarmed at the Report of an Attack of Boston. The British Court are pursuing a...
I have at last heard from atkinson I had just Sent a long Letter to sister when I receiv’d one...
On the 13 of Feb. I left you. It is now the 3d. of June, and I have not received a Line, nor...
After twenty odd days spent in climbing Mountains, sinking into Valleys, tumbling over Rocks,...
I am almost affraid you do not love me so well as I hoped you did— If you had have known how much...
At half past four this Morning, I mounted my Horse, and took a ride, in a Road that was new to...
After having so long delayed to answer your very affectionate letter I feel perfectly ashamed of...
Permit me My Dear Madam to express my warmest gratitude for your kind attention, in conveying me...
your kind and affectionate letter of the 9 th instant has been duly received.— For the favourable...
M rs. Cranch informs me that a kind letter arrived from you at Washington since my arrival here,...
Mr. Hall, by whom this Letter will be sent, will carry several Letters to you, which have been...
I have your favor of the 23 d: inst: before me. The Country looks so pleasant and inviting in the...
The President of the United States having understood that Mrs Adams intends visiting the Theatre...
I have at length made up my mind to accompany my brother and his lady to Berlin. In justification...
Yesterday, I had the Pleasure of dining with Mr. Purveyance. There are two Gentlemen of this Name...
The Legion of Lauzun has arrived, and We hope has brought the Orders of Congress, for Us, but We...
I arrived here, last Evening, in good Health. This Morning, General Whipple made me a Visit, at...
Three of our Company, have now the Small Pox upon them, Wheat, Badger, and Elderkin. We have seen...
I have had the pleasure of seeing and perusing two or three letters from you to my Father and M r...
A Promiss made to my son to spend a week with our Friends at Braintree is readily Caught at nor...
Inclosed are Some Signal Accomplishments of Prophecies. Be cool and discreet in your...
The Fall of Dr. Ch urc h, has given me many disagreable Reflections, as it places human Nature...