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Results 1081-1090 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received your kind Letter of the 23 Feb ry and was happy to learn that our Friends were all well. my son Set of on his return to Boston last week, in company with mr Gerry & Ames. he was desirious of going then that he might have the pleasure of good company. this tho a very agreeable circumstance on a long journey, will I believe scarcly compensate for the badness of the Roads at this...
1082Fryday 2 of July. (Adams Papers)
A fine wind and a pleasent day. Our sea sickness has left us in a great measure. Went all of us upon Deck to enjoy the fresh air, had our rooms cleaned out, begin to feel a little more reconciled to our confinement. Hemd a hankerchief upon Deck. Yesterday mor’g the Capt. sent an embassy to the Ladies representing the distressed state of our poor cow, who by the late Storm had been disabled...
If I had waited patiently for the post of Thursday Noon, I need not have had so much anxiety, but I had Sent on Wednesday to the office, and received my papers, & word that there were no Letters, so not having been very well myself, my Imagination conjured up that you were not only sick, but very sick, or you would not let two posts pass without writing. I was relieved by your Letters of...
I believe it was in some such cold weather as the present, that Solomon made the wise inquiry observation, if two lie together, they shall be warm, but how can one be warm alone? now if he had had such a Bedfellow as Louissa, he might have found, that two might lie together, and yet be cold, for I am sure I felt half frozen last night. Ever since thursday the weather has been most severely...
Your favour of December 9 came to hand this Evening from Philadelphia, by the same post received a Letter from Mr. L ovel l transcribing some passages from one of the same date to him, and the only one he says which he has received since your absence, and his pocket proves that he has written 18teen different times, yet possibly you may have received as few from him; the watery world alone can...
I wrote you to day by Mr. Smith but as I suppose this will reach you sooner, I omitted mentioning any thing of my family in it. Nabby has enough of the small Pox for all the family beside. She is pretty well coverd, not a spot but what is so soar that she can neither walk sit stand or lay with any comfort. She is as patient as one can expect, but they are a very soar sort. If it was a disorder...
The senate on thursday voted to have the dispatches from our Envoys made publick, and orderd them Printed, but not the instructions. I hope however that those too, will be published; the People will then be convinced that every word Containd in the Presidents message of the 19 of march can be justified both by the instructions given, and by the dispatches received, and that what Jugartha said...
Captain Callihans delay gives me an other opportunity of writing you, tho I have nothing material to add, but that I have pleasd my fancy in a peice of chintz which I have sent to my Neices. when I first came to this country near 3 years ago I bought one for mrs smith & an other for myself like it. it wore so well, washt so nice, & lookd so pretty; that I have been frequently seeking the same...
I received Your very friendly Letter Yesterday and thank You for Your communication which I assure You gave me heartfelt pleasure. I only have to regreet that a friend of mine did not close with the advise I gave him at the time when he perhaps might have been successfull, tho he listned to me with much attention, and was sorry he did not know the Lady. I fancy he had made some overtones to...
I set down to write you a few lines by the post, because I would not omit one opportunity. I received yours of August 6 but cannot tell what to do for you confined as I am here. I shall know what you would have me do by Mr. A when he returns. At present all my attention is taken up with the care of our Little Charles who has been very bad. The Symptoms rose to a burning fever, a stupifaction...