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Results 1081-1090 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
My hands have been so full since my return home that I have been prevented, till now, from availing myself of your kind permission to address you, in relation to some of the important & interesting subjects, discussed by us, during my recent visit to Montpelier. I do not intend however, at this time, to touch those vital questions, in the discussion of which you have lately taken part, & to...
James Madison, ⅌ order Bought of Wm. F. Gray 1 Rm. Letter paper 4.75 1 " Writing paper 2.50 1 tb. Sealing Wax 2." _____ $9.25 The above named articles are sent to Mr. Allen’s as you directed. I have not in store any such paper as the sample you sent me. I will order some forthwith, and I hope to have it by this day week, and will send it to you by first opportunity. Very Respectfully Your obt....
I recd. yesterday your letter inclosing the Bills of Exchange for Messrs. Nicklin & Johnson, and gave them immediately the proper destination in the compleated form. The approach of the day when the annual Report of the Visitors for the Genl. Assembly is to be made, will apologize for my reminding you of the request that you would soon follow the example of your Predecessor in the...
I have recd. my dear Sir your letter of the 9th. inst: and Mrs. Madison unites with me in offering congratulations on the event which it communicates, and which opens for you the welcome prospect of so much domestic happiness. The friendly feelings we have thro’ a long period entertained for you, will assure you of the sincerity with which we make the offer, and add to it, with our cordial...
I enclose the accounts of the Bursar and Proctor of the University; also a report for the President and Director of the Literary Fund— This last, Mr. Davis informs me, you had requested him to prepare. The close and uninterrupted demands of his chair upon his time have induced him to devolve the duty upon me. I have endeavoured to embrace in the report all that seemed to me material to...
Several of the members of my Class, and one or two individuals of Charlottesville, have requested me to deliver some instructions on the Principles of Dentistry ; and I have determined to do so, unless, the measure is opposed by yourself or the other members of the Executive Committee. The compensation which I am to receive is only $10, each, which will not much exceed the actual expense I...
The desire of possessing some memento of individuals eminent for their talents or their virtues, and who have moved in a conspicuous sphere in the eye of the world; is so common that, perhaps I scarcely need any other apology, when I confess that the hope of obtaining the Autograph of a writer whose political works, from my youth to the present day, have been foremost in my regard, is the...
Being on a visit at this place from Albany, a friend of mine here, Mr I. K. Tefft has expressed a wish to address you on a particular subject, and as he feels some delicacy in doing it, I have volunteered on the strength of the paper acquaintance with which you have honored me to offer him an introduction. I will only say that he is a gentleman of fine literary taste and of a truly deserving...
Enclosed you have the answers of Mrs Bell & Tapscott to a Bill in chancery filed in the Daviess Circuit Court, by Mrs Willis & yourself: the death of Bell & non-residence of some of his Hiers precluded you from the F C Court; & I was compelled with great reluctance to institute the Suit in Daviess under the most perfect conviction, that every method would be resorted to, to sustain them in...
In all the events of my chequered life, I have ever considered you and Mrs Madison, my best & dearest friends, to whom I owed more than to all the world. Through good and through evil report, you were always the same and I therefore experience much delight in announcing to you both my marriage with Mrs Ann McLean, the widow of the late munificent John McLean, which took place on the 4th inst....