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Results 10801-10830 of 184,431 sorted by author
108011778. April 7. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Travelled from Les Ormes, the splendid Seat of the Marquis D’Argenson, to Mer. We went through...
I thank you for your favor of the 14th. I am very well satisfied to send Capt. Barry with the...
Your Exhortation to Punctuallity and your Tic doulourouse had scarcely been read to my Family...
Mr Murray, whom I am glad to see out again will carry to Bath this Memorandum that We are all...
I have received your favour of this days date, together with four thousand florins in cash, 175...
I have received from your Father, a Letter dated August the first, in answer to mine. It has been...
The President of the United States requests the Company of the Secretary of State, with the Heads...
10808May 3d. 1771. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Last Evening I went in to take a Pipe with Brother Cranch, and there I found Zeb. Adams. He told...
I thank you for your address, presented to me, by your Representative in Congress Mr: Cochran— It...
I nominate Robert Hamilton to be Marshall of the District of Delaware in the room of Allan McLane...
When I was a Boy, not ten years old, I heard Smith Richard Thayer, a great Authority, say “When...
Last night I received your favor of the 23d and I hasten to give you an answer. The paper...
I have received only this morning your Letter of the 4th. of this month. Its Contents are of much...
It would be of little Consequence to Us, whether there was a Union between Great Britain and...
Your Favour of the Sixth of this Month, reached me, three days ago, I am much obliged to you, for...
New York has appointed an ample Representation in our Congress, and have appointed a provincial...
In the 392 Page of the third Volume of your History you say that “After Mr Adams’s return from...
I went to Court Yesterday Morning, if not in despair, with very faint hopes of ever receiving an...
10819Octr. 24th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Before sun rise. My Thoughts have taken a sudden Turn to Husbandry. Have contracted with Jo. T...
After spending the day very happily with a Number of our Countrymen in Commemoration of our...
Mr. Le Roy the Bearer of this is a native of N. York but has lived nine years in Amsterdam with...
10822April 11. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles, with Dr. Franklin and Mr. Lee—waited on the Count De Vergennes, the Secretary...
In page 26, Mr. Hamilton says, that the mission “could hardly fail to injure our interests with...
The enclosed letter from Gen Lee recommending in very strong terms Mr King for collector in place...
108251783 May 1. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the Marquis de la Fayette, with the other American Ministers and others. Visited the...
Every line from you exhilarates my spirits and gives me a glow of pleasure—but your kind...
I dont know whether I have acknowledged yours of the 12th. Feby.: that of the 25th. came to me...
Inclosed is a letter from Gen Lincoln, incloseing a certificate from the marine society in favor...
I have received and heard Mr Troups letter to Judge Livingston of the 23d of January 1822. you...
This Line will go by the Ship Hugh Johnston William Johnston Master bound for St. Petersbourg....