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Results 1071-1080 of 184,431 sorted by author
I hope you are safe landed at Jamaica, before this time, with Mr. Smith and my sweet boy; how often have I thought of him, amidst the turbulent waves, which have so frequently encompassed us upon our passage, and prayed that you might have met with more prosperous gales, and a shorter passage than has fallen to our share. On the 20th of April we embarked from Cowes, from whence I wrote you; we...
Thursday is My Red Letter Day. then I usually get your favours, and a package of papers. the last thursday was particularly so. I received yours of the 10 13 15 & 17 th of Feb ry , and two Letters from our Dear Sons one dated Helveotsluice Nov br 7 th from the Minister, the other of the 9 th from the Hague. the wind had been contrary for near three weeks, and he poor fellow cooped up in a...
I received by the post of Yesterday, Your kind favour of Jan ’ry 28 th and I am the more solicitious to reply immediatly to it, in order to rectify a mistake which mr shaw must have made, if he said, that I had determined never to go to Washington. So far from it, that I know not any thing, which would give me more pleasure than visiting that city, and Many Towns in its vicinity. Mr shaw may...
Mr otis will tell you all the News in this quarter of the Earth, where Wickedness abounds of all kinds. I hope however there may be found Rightous sufficient to save the city. we have a senator—you see by his Letter what he is capable of. the Government is not found sufficently strong to punish him according to his Demerrits, or he would not have been permitted to have escaped, nor do I think...
I think my dear Betsy that some Letter of yours must have faild, as I have none of a later date, than that which you sent me from Haverhill by mr Wilson, by which I find that you are studying Musick with Miss White. This is an accomplishment much in vogue in this Country, and I know of no other civilized Country which stands in so much need of harmonizing as this. That ancient Hospitality for...
Mr. Morton has given me great pleasure this morning by acquainting me with the appointment of our Worthy Friend to the Bench. Have I any influence with him? If I have I beg he would accept. I know very well what he will say, but he has long been accustomed to Courts and the office he held led him to some acquaintance with Law, and his own abilities will easily qualify him to fill the place...
I inclose to you a memorandum which I received from Mrs Smith, the Receit given you for the Money I have received and will forward in a Letter to mrs Copley but at the same time I wish to know how she is to come at the money lodged in the Bank. perhaps mrs Gray has taken measures for that, but as I feel myself in some degree responsible to mrs Copley I wish when I write to her & state the...
Tis no small pleasure to me, to hear of the great proficioncy you have made in the French tongue, A Tongue Sweet, and harmonious, a Tongue, useful to Merchants, to Statesmen; to Divines, and especially to Lawyers and Travellers; who by the help of it, may traverse the whole Globe; for in this respect, the French language is pretty much now, what I have heard the Latin formerly was, a universal...
Your favour of Jan’ry 19 never reachd me till the 26 of this Month. The only reason why I did not mention the recept of your Letter November 27 and acknowledge with thanks Mr. L ovel l ’s kind care and attention to the Box which arrived safe was oweing to my not receiving the least intimation of it, till after my Letter was sent to the post office. In reply to a certain congratulation, can...
The pleasing Emotions excited by the sight of a Letter, in Your Hand writing, were similar to those we experience at Meeting long absent Friends doubly endeard to us, by the perils and Dangers through which they have past. I rejoice my dear Madam that you have recoverd so much Health, as to be able to assume your pen, and Such a portion of spirits, as to discover the same flow of soul which...