To James Madison from James Maury, 28 September 1802
From James Maury, 28 September 1802
Liverpool 28th. Septemr. 1802
My last letter was of 14th. instant, to which praying reference, I now have the Honor to inclose you a price current for the Articles of Import from the United States.
Since the Peace the Application to me from distress’d American Seamen is greatly increased by the Numbers which have been discharged from the British Navy, and I have endeavoured to relieve the United States of the expences of their support by requesting the Masters of our vessels to take them, agreeably to the law of 14th. April 1792, but have the Mortification to tell you that these requests of mine are of late so frequently refused that I wish to be informed whether it would not be adviseable to have the refusing Captains represented to the proper Officer of the United States with the needful Vouchers for enabling him to issue process against them in the Courts there for the Fines they incur and, if you think it adviseable, I pray you will be pleased to name to me the Officer to whom I am to address myself & the Kind of documents which will ⟨be⟩ admitted as Proof. I have the Honor to be with Perfect Respect Sir Your most Obed. Servant
James Maury
The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James Madison, Secretary of State series. The original abstract contains additional annotation and source information.