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Results 106901-106950 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am this day favd with a Copy of Your Excellency’s Letter to my Assistant Mr Brooks, & on the...
I am again under the Necessity of applying to Your Excellency for a further Provision of Pay to...
If my Letter from Albany by the Count del Vermé has reached you, it would inform you that I had...
By His Excellency George Washington Esqr. General & Commander in Chief of the Forces of the...
Extract of a letter from Govr Haldiman August 19th 1783 to his Excelleny Genl Washington. “As the...
I am just now honour’d with your Excellency’s favour of the 13th & shall take the measures...
If I entertaind a wish to tread a land render’d sacred to Liberty by the virtuous efforts of men...
Money Payd to his Excellency the Commander in Chiefs Servants at Nuburg—By Lieut. Bezl Howe—the...
In consequence of your Excellency’s letter received yesterday, I have ordered Colonel Sprouts...
I have received your Letter of the thirteenth of August from Newburgh—The Business mentioned in...
The Inclosed Letter is an answer to a Letter received from Baron Stubend inclosing the plan for...
It is but this moment that your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th Instt has got to Hand. The...
I inclose to your Care my Answer to the Address of the Magistracy and Inhabitants of the Borough...
The Magistracy and the Inhabitants of the Borrough of Elizabeth beg leave to assure your...
It gives me the most pleasing sensations to find so cordial a welcome on my return, in peace, to...
I find that Sprout’s will not be able to march off much more than Three hundred Effective Rank &...
As a peace Establishment is I hear to take place, and as I feel an inclination to serve my...
While the publick testify their Sentiments on your Arrival please to admit a private (but...
I take the Liberty of inclosing to Your Excellency, a Letter for Lieut. Colo. Humphrys containing...
I have the Honor to inclose to your Excellency the Abstracts of Muster of the northern Army for...
the King having honored me since my return to Europe with a commission of inspector of his...
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I arrived here last night, & had my health...
Your several Letters of the 19 20 & 21 of this month are come to hand. My Papers being yet...
Major Gibbs marched with Sprouts Regiment yesterday morning very early—Having furnished him with...
Inclosed is copy of a Letter I had the honor of addressing your Excellency to Newburg. I have at...
Toute Nation, tout individu capable de penser, tout homme surtout qúi fait cas de la liberté, ne...
Johnny Lewiss trip to Philadelphia affords me an oppertunity to Congratulate you on the happy...
I have been favord with your Letter of the 12th of this month. Not having heard from the Quarter...
The inhabitants of Princeton & neighbourhood with the president & faculty of the college beg...
I receive with the utmost satisfaction & acknowledge with great sensibility your kind...
I cannot but think it essential that Congress should be informed of the disposition and conduct...
Congress feel a particular pleasure in seeing your Excellency, and in congratulating you on the...
I am too sensible of the honorable reception I have now experienced, not to be penetrated with...
I was honor’d with your Excellency’s Favor of the 24th Inst. late last Night. That Part of...
Captain Farley has this instant arrived here. The baron is at Saratoga and will be down in a few...
On the receipt of your Excellency’s letter of the 6th instant relative to the measures necessary...
The Books which your Excellency requested should be forwarded by your letter of the instant were...
last evening I wrote to your Excellency per express, transmitting the information by Captain...
The Gentleman who will have the honor of presenting this to you, delivered me the inclosed...
Your letter to Messr Ino. Searle & Co. was safely received and duly forwarded, in consequence of...
Lieutenant de baulieu & I both of late pulansky’s legion and the only remains of it as prisoners...
By His Excellency George Washington Esqr. General & Commander in Chief of the Forces of the...
Having just received the inclosed Letter from the Chevalier Heintz, containing propositions to...
I beg leave to give your Excellency the trouble of perusing a state of a private concern of mine....
I have the honour to inform your Excellency that the part of Colo. Jacksons who were here marched...
It is now time to deposit at West-Point as much wood as will be necessary for the use of the...
With all thy Countries Blessings on thy head And all the glory that Encircles Man, Thy martial...
I have the pleasure of enclosing an Act of Congress for erecting an equestrian Statue in honor of...
Mrs Washington informs me that you have been kind enough to offer her a recipe for the Colic—She...
I am very sorry to find by the Report of the Baron Steuben there is no probability that we shall...