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Results 106901-106950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
This will be delivered by my sons in Law Robert L. and Edward P Livingston. One being a senator...
A circumstance has arisen here that has given me the most serious uneasiness because it has...
A gentleman late from Spain presented me with an inkstand made of the rock of Gibraltar; I was...
The enclosed pamphlet is sent you by a Federalist, who sincerely desires your election to the...
I have in a few days past received from Virginia $2500, which will prevent the necessity of my...
Knowing Your arduous engagements at this time for the Publick I am unwilling to obtrude myself...
I have erased the names of my Brothers between whom the above Letter passed, to leave you at...
I have this day written to mr. Wagner to send me the commissions for the Orleans territory with...
RC ( LC : Rives Collection of Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Mar. 3, 1781.” At my return from...
22 December 1804, Bristol. “Since my last respects to you of the 29h. of Augt. ⅌ the Ship Lewis...
I have the honor to enclose you, a Copy of a letter addressed to me by His Excellency Nemesio...
I here send for your acceptance a copy from a new edition of my Lecture on the pernicious effects...
J’eusse addressé déjà ma plainte au Gouvernement fédéral relativement à la perte de l’Impetueux,...
§ From George Davis. 23 July 1806, Norfolk. “I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your...
J’Esperois presenter moi même à Votre Excellence Les Deux lettres que J’ai L’honneur de lui...
C’est avec bien du plaisir que le Cen. Pichon donne à Mr. Madison communication de l’extrait ci...
I have at present 500 Dollars, which I will forward, with great Pleasure, by Post if you desire...
Your letter to Dayton I think perfectly right, unless perhaps the expression of personal sympathy...
Letter not found. 5 January 1795. Acknowledged in JM’s letter to his father of 26 Jan. 1795 ....
§ From Anthony Merry. 22 May 1806, Washington. “I have the Honor to transmit to you inclosed, for...
My Circular was answered by Gen l Breckenridge, approving, as we had done, of the immediate...
The undersigned chiefs and Warriors of the Oneida, Onondaga, Stockbridge Tuscarora and Seneca...
A. Lyon Member of the House of Representatives will do himself the pleasure to wait on the...
I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 6th. of June—it gives great satisfaction not only...
20 September 1804, Le Havre. “In my last I mentiond that the British frigats were stationd of[f]...
1 That the President be authorised to cause to be inlisted, a number of the men provided by the...
The change of posture given to our national Affairs by the suspension of the Orders in Council...
On the 27. Ultimo I received a letter from Capt. Dent of the U. S. Brig Hornet, which mentioned...
Will you come and sit an hour before dinner to-day? also take soup with me tomorrow? Since...
A gentleman going from hence by Lorient to Boston furnishes me an opportunity of recommending to...
I beg leave to acquaint You that, in obedience to the orders of the Secy of War, I have organized...
Since my last it is decided that Monroe is to be your opponent. The Interest of both Gabel &...
4 June 1812, Savannah. “The enclosed Resolutions have been adopted at a general and very numerous...
I take the liberty of handing your acct. since the last settlement. Having a pressing occasion...
It gave me great pleasure, on my return from Washington some days ago, to hear that your health...
24 October 1812 , “ Ogdensburg River St. Lawrence .” Informs JM that he has served as a captain...
The enclosed papers are Submitted to the Consideration of the President. If the recommendation of...
I return you all the papers recieved from you by yesterday’s mail, except Mr. Burnley’s, which I...
Col. Patten of the post office here, was so good as to hand me your obliging letter relating to...
… Permit me to congratulate you & my country on the renovated state of the affairs of the United...
Herewith you will please find Copies of Letters from Naples, Marseilles, and Barcelona, which I...
§ From Josef Yznardy. 10 June 1806, Cádiz. “On the 31st. ultimo arrived in this Bay homeward...
I have received yours of the 21, & 19th. instt. On a closer inspection of the details from...
I am engaged in a literary pursuit, which I believe to be very interesting to my country, & in...
I am going to talk to you my friend and brothers, This day I talk to you, the one who sits in...
I have the honor to present you a copy of a poem that has obtained some considerable reputation...
Had I Not a proper Reliance on the Steadiness of Your Sentiments I Might fear You Have forgotten...
The presedential election bill of the Senate labours in the house of Reps. A motion to postpone...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of the opinion of the Attorney General on the subject of...
18 May 1803 . JM knows how much trouble “the Adventurer Bowles” has given Spain. Was assured in...