106901From George Washington to William Pearce, 10 January 1796 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: to William Pearce, 10 Jan. 1796 . On 17 Jan., Pearce wrote GW: “I Receved your...
106902To George Washington from William Pearce, 10 January 1796 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 10 Jan. 1796 . On 17 Jan., GW wrote Pearce: “Your letters...
106903From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 10 January 1796 (Madison Papers)
The House of Representatives have been latterly occupied with a pretty curious affair. Certain...
106904To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 10 January 1796 (Jefferson Papers)
The House of Representatives have been latterly occupied with a pretty curious affair . Certain...
106905Certificate on Robert Lenox, [11 January 1796] (Hamilton Papers)
I certify, that I have an impression on my memory as strong as a circumstance so remote, and of...
106906To Alexander Hamilton from William Heth, 11 January 1796 (Hamilton Papers)
I should have written to you long since, but from some doubts that a packet to you might excite...
106907[Diary entry: 11 January 1796] (Washington Papers)
11. Snowing very moderately till Noon with the Wind at No. Et. Then Rain—wch. carrd. all off.
106908From George Washington to Henry Lee, 11 January 1796 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 26th Ulo has been received, & nothing from you since; which is embarrassing to...
106909To George Washington from Gouverneur Morris, 11 January 1796 (Washington Papers)
When I wrote to you on the fifth Instant; of which Letter a Copy is enclos’d, I had not Time to...
106910To George Washington from George Smith, 11 January 1796 (Washington Papers)
I did myself the Honour of writing your Excelly once & again on the Subject of Mr William...