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Results 106651-106680 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
106651General Orders, 16 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lt Colo. Comdt Reid Adjt of the Hampshire The Hampshire Detachment is for duty tomorrow. At a General courtmartial held in Philadelphia the 22d May by order of the Secretary at War Lt Colo. Robertson President—Lieutenant John Armstrong of the 3d Pennsylvania regt, charged with evading his duty and behaving unbecoming the character of an officer and Gentlemn in his...
It has been agreed that Brigadiers General Paterson and Greaton shall continue with the Massachusetts Troops, in consequence of which Brigadier General Putnam is to retire, as soon as your Excellency determines which of the Regiments are to be Brigaded together the Brigadiers will take Command agreably to their Seniority and Majors of Brigade and Brigade Quarters, will be reported to your...
This Indenture made this sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three Between William Barry and Sarah his Wife of the County of Fairfax and State of Virginia of the one part and his Excellency George Washington Esqr. Command r in Chief of the Continental Forces of the other part Whereas Nicholas Spencer and John Washington did in the year of our...
As it is very uncertain how long it may be before the Honorable Congress may take the petition of the Officers of the Army, for lands between the Ohio river, and Lake Erie, into consideration, or be in a situation to decide thereon; the going to Philadelphia, to negotiate the buisiness with any of its members, or committee to whom the petition may be refered, is a measure none of the...
106655General Orders, 17 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel M. Jackson Adjutant Bowles For duty tomorrow the 1st Massa. Regiment. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
By some mistake or other the Horse was not sent for yesterday—the Dragoon comes up for him now & those small Tools which you conceived might be useful to me—among which I pray you to send me a small file or two; one of which to be very thin, so much so as to pass between the Teeth if occasion should require it. another one round . Have you been able to satisfie your self of the practicability...
I have the honor of transmitting to your Excellency for the consideration of Congress, a Petition from a large number of Officers of the Army in behalf of them selves, and such other Officers and Soldiers of the Continental Army as are entitled to rewards in lands, and may choose to avail them selves of any Previledges and Grants which shall be obtained in consequence of the present...
106658General Orders, 18 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lieutt Colo. Sprout Adjt of the 3d Massa. regt For duty tomorrow the 3d Massa. regiment. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have received the honr of your Excellency’s favor of the 9th and am very much obliged to you for the Extracts from Mr Laurens Letters of the 15th of March & 5th of April—By these it does not appear that the British Ministry are in any haste either to evacuate New York or finish the Treaty—both of which are devoutly to be wished—The latter, as it will put a period to my public life, I look...
I have the honor to enclose a Pamphlet which contains four additional papers that were not printed at the time when I forwarded my Circular Letter to you;these will now make the collection compleat, and shew the distressed state of the Army at the period of its approaching dissolution.I have the honor to be Sir Youre Most Obedt Servant. Sent also to Governors John Hancock, Meshech Weare and...
On Sunday last we were honored with your Excellency’s Letter of the 10th instt, and this day We transmitted to Sir Guy Carleton a Representation of which We do ourselves the Honor to inclose your Excellency a Copy; and the Reasons which induced us to make it, appear so fully from the Representation itself as to prevent the necessity of any further Explanation. Except some Provincials, no...
see letter of 28 February 1783 The above is a Copy of a letter I wrote your Excellency, upon the first opening of the packet for America; and I hope it has long e’er now, been honour’d by your perusal—this will I trust be delivered you by Mr Ralph Bowie in person, who goes out to settle at Philadelphia—And I sincerely hope, he will meet with that encouragement, his great Merit Deserves; should...
Though I have not had the pleasure of an answer, owing to the multiplicity of your engagements, yet by a few lines from New York I have learnt that You was so obliging as to comply with my request. We have now attained to a certainty of peace, upon which You have my most hearty congratulations. Your name will be deservedly written with honor & respect in every history of America. May it be...
For the purpose of Transporting my Books of Record & Papers with safety, I want six strong hair Trunks well clasped and with good Locks—If such are to be had you will oblige me by the purchase of them. In the margin is the Size which I think would answer best but if they should be smaller & of different sizes it matters but little—Mrs Washington will also thank you for three yards of black...
In my letter of this date, I forgot to put up the Inclosed silk as the pattern of that wanted for Mrs Washington. I am Sir Yr most Obt Servt NN : Edward S. and Mary Stillman Harkness Collection.
The return of Doctr La Moyuer (who has been sick since he came to this place) affords me an oppertunity of acknowledging the receipt of your several letters of the 20th and 30th of May, and of the 1st and 7th Instt—and to thank you for your attention to the different matters I gave you the trouble of. If the Books which I required in one of my former letters, & were not then to be had are now...
106667General Orders, 19 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Trescot Adjt from the 2d regt For duty the 2d Massachusetts regt. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
In the month of Jany 1780 Capt. Sewall lost all his Baggage by fire at West point, upon his representation and request to your Excellency you were pleased to send me directions from Morristown to give him an order on the Clothing Store for a supply of such articles as he had lost or such of them as might be in Store which was done and Sundry articles received and Charged, Capt. Sewall is now...
I had the pleasure to write you the 14 of this month—in answer to you Lre respecting the outrage committed on Mr DeLancey—I have now the honor to transmit you Extract of Governor Clintons Letter to me on the same Subject—I am &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
In ansr to Your favor of the 2nd Ulto I need only inform you, that Congress having taken measures in their Resolution of the 26th of May, for the eventual reduction of our force, & the Honble Secry at War having undertaken to carry that Resolution into execution so far as relates to the Troops South of the Delaware; it is probable you will have received his Orders on the subject, before this...
At a meeting of the Convention for establishing the Society of the Cincinnati, this 19 June 1783, Voted That His Excellency the Commander in Chief be requested to Officiate as President General, until the first general meeting, to be held in May next. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
106672General Orders, 20 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel H. Jackson Adjt from the 4th regiment For duty tomorrow the 4th Massa. regiment. The Troops of this Cantonment will march on monday morning 5 o’clock by the left—The senior Brigadier in the Massa. Line will conduct the Collumn over Butter hill to West-point—The Baggage with a proper Escort to go by water, application for the means of conveyance must previously be...
General Washington presents his Complts to Mr Lockwood & requests the favor of his company at dinner . DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Doctr La Moyaer, by whom I expect you will have received my letter of the 18th had scarcely left this when your favor of the 17th accompanied by Vertots Romish Histy & Watsons History of Philip the III were put into my hands. For sending me the latter unasked, please to receive my thanks—I shall be obliged to you for sending me by the first good conveyence the following Books which are...
106675General Orders, 21 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
Lieutt Colo. Commandt Reid for duty tomorrow. When the Army marches from this Cantonment, a Detachment is to remain to do the ordinary duties at Newburgh &ca. They will be releived every nine days—for this duty the four Hampshire Companies will commence tomorrow. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I am greatly mortified that our circumstances here oblige us to trouble your Excellency with a detail highly disagreeable and perplexing. I presume your Excellency has recd copies of letters from Colo. Butler and Mr Henry, forwarded a few days ago. All endeavours to oblige the men to return to Lancaster proved ineffectual. They entered this City yesterday morning in a very orderly manner and...
This Afternoon I dispatched an Express to your Excellency (a copy of whose dispatches is inclosed) informing of the mutinous conduct of the Troops in the Barracks in this City, part of whom lately came in a mutinous manner from Lancaster. I thought proper to call Congress together this evening since writing by the Express, in order to deliberate on the proper steps to be taken in consequence...
In the month of January 1782, while your Excellency was at Philadlephia and I in command on Hudson’s river, you were pleased to send to my care several circular letters addressed to the governors of the eastern states, calling upon the states to make exertions, as was therein mentioned, at the same time directing me to transmit with those letters the returns of the number of men each state had...
It having been reported to Head Quarters that there is an error in the Arrangement of Officers in the Masstts Corps of Artillery, by the omission of Capt. Sargeant (without his knowledge or consent, the Commander in Chief directs me to refer the matter to you with the Enclosure, that in case there has been a Mistake it may be rectified, and that a complete Return may be sent back to Head...
Your Excellencys favor by Dr La Moyeur was deliver’d to me last Eve’g, I shall Immediately procure the Trunks, with the Labels agreable to the Directions. Colo. Smith has been supplied with Cash, for the payment of such Books &c. as he has purchased, for your Excellency, which sum with the Amount of the small Articles sent by me, shall be Transmitted by the next Oppurtunity—Mr Benson leaves...