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Results 106621-106650 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I had the honor early in the Month of April, to address your Excellency, on the subject of visiting my Friends on Long Island, (from whom I have been absent seven years) requesting to return Via New York. Unsuccessfull in that Application, I now beg leave to ask the same Indulgence I did then. I have the Honor to be Your Excellency’s most Obedient and most humble Servant DLC : Papers of George...
I accept with much pleasure your kind Congratulations on the happy Event of Peace, with the Establishment of our Liberties & Independence. Glorious indeed has been our Contest; glorious, if we consider the prize for which we have contended, and glorious in its Issue: But in the midst of our Joys, I hope we shall not forget that, to Divine Providence is to be ascribed the Glory & the Praise....
Your Congratulations on the glorious & happy Prospects of Peace, which were conveyed to me in your Letter of the 25th of March, were exceedingly gratefull to me, & met a most agreeable Welcome. Pleasing as it is to me, my Dear Baron, at all Times to hear from you, this favor was rendered peculiarly so by the Event which introduced this happiness—an Event, in the Attainment of which you have...
I do not blame you for the wages which you gave Evans; I have no doubt of your having engaged him upon as good terms as you could, and as it was my wish to have the work forwarded, this was all I had a right to expect. In one of your letters (speaking of the difficulty of getting workmen) you recommend it to me to engage some of the Enemy who were prisoners with us—Many of whom you say, are...
106625General Orders, 12 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel H. Jackson Adjutant Davis The 4th Massachusetts regt is for Duty tomorrow. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have received your Excellency’s Letter of the 9th Current, and Three Hundred Discharges by Col. Stewart, the Bearer of this, and I have furnished him with the Return required; their is but a few Men in the Regiment that do not wish to leave the Service as soon as possible, yet their is not however a single Man amongst the whole that will be satisfied to move from this Place on Furlough or...
Give me leave to Present to You Mr de Beaune a french officer Whom Respectable Persons Have So much Recommended that I Could not deny Him this letter of introduction—He is Well Spoken of, and Wishes to Improve Himself so as to Become Proper for a Consulship in America. We are Anxiously Waiting for letters from the Continent, and independant of Public Concerns, letters from My dear General...
I have the Honor to transmit to you, Copies of a Memorial of sundry Officers of the Invalid Regiment, and the Opinion of a Board of Inspection on their several Cases; which you will be pleased to lay before Congress for their Consideration & Determination. With great Regard and Esteem I have the Honor to be Dear Sir Your most Obedient & humble Servant, DNA : Item 149, Letters and Reports from...
106629General Orders, 13 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lt Col. Comt Mellen Adjutant of the 3d Regt For duty tomorrow the 3d Massacht. regiment. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Enclosed I have the honor to present your Excellency the arrangements of the four reformed Massachusetts regiments, and the New Hampshire corps. Some few of the Massachusetts officers have been arranged on the principles of seniority—I wish the arrangement may be left so far open that in case any of the senior officers should prevail on the juniors to exchange with them, it may be done. This I...
Mr Geo. Mason Junr who sailed lately from Nantes has a Letter from me to You. I have within these few Days past, read & admired your address to the army and their Proceedings in Consequence of it. Such Instances of Patriotism are rare, and america must find it difficult to express in adequate Terms, the Gratitude she owes to both. Such a Degree of Glory, so virtuously acquired, and so decently...
By His Excellency George Washington Esqr. General & Comr in Chief &ca Permission is hereby granted to Lieut. Henry Thompson, a British Officer, to carry Dispatches from Sir Guy Carleton to Gen. Haldimand, to proceed from this place to Canada, by such Route as he shall find most convenient & eligible—All officers civil & Military are requested to afford him—such Aid on his Journey, as may be...
106633General Orders, 14 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel Tupper Adjtt from the 6th regimt For duty tomorrow the 6th Massachusetts regt. Such Officers as are not attached to any particular Corps, who may choose to remain in Camp in consequence of the orders of the 6th instant, will be pleased to report their names, Rank and the regimt to which they lately belonged, to the Adjutant General by the 17th instant. The...
The enclosed is Copy of a Letter I have just received from Sir Guy Carleton I take an early Opportunity to transmit it to your Excellency, for the Information & Consideration of Congress. With great Esteem & Respect I have the Honor to be sir Your Excellency’s Most Obedient and most humble Servant DNA : Item 152, Letters from George Washington, PCC—Papers of the Continental Congress.
Mons. le Compte de Grasse having requested me to have the two pieces of Artillery presented him by Congress forwarded to him without delay, I endeavoured to urge the engraving and getting them ready to be shipped by the Duc de Lauzun, who sailed from hence about three weeks ago. I was led to believe by the Quarter Master that they should certainly be ready in time, and I accordingly wrote the...
In conformity to Mr Izard’s request, I take the liberty to enclose to your Excellency a Letter from Mrs Delancy to him, describing the outrages which have been committed in the County of West-Chester, I am well assured that every species of licentiousness and disorder hath, and will meet with your displeasure; and I have therefore informed Mr Izard, that measures have been taken, for the...
We do ourselves the Honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 2d instant, covering the Act of Congress of the 26th ulto, and We also do ourselves the honor to transmit your Excellency a Copy of a Memorial which We presented to Sir Guy Carleton on Monday last, to which We have not as yet received our answer, except a Verbal Message by his Deputy Secretary that he did...
His Excellency the Commander in Chief having recd your Letter of the 13th inclosing the Arrangements of the reformed Regts & Corps in this Cantonment, directs me to acknowledge it, & to inform you that he fully approves of the alteration you have made, as well as of such others as you may judge proper & conducive to the good of service. I have the honor to be With perfect respect Sir Your Most...
I have transmitted to Governor Clinton the Letter of Mrs De Lancey, which you ‘was pleased to inclose to me. The Acts complained of were committed at a Time when neither civil or military Government existed in that part of the Country. & while Measures were concerting for their Re:establishment under American Laws & Polity—those enormities, being totally abhorrent to my Disposition, as soon as...
The enclosed paper relative to the Services & Claims of Capt. Goodale, was put into my Hand by Brigr Genl Putnam, with a Wish that it might be laid before Congress. Something peculiar appears in Capt. Goodales Case; and his pretensions, being founded entirely on the Idea of Merit, I am desirous they may be represented in a favorable Light. Should Congress, from a Consideration of his Services,...
At the Inspection of the Canadian Regiment for the Month of May, I find One Lieutenant Colonel Promoted to the rank of Lt Colo. Commt, one Major to that of Lt Colo., And three Captains to that of Majors, which with Major Reid gives this Regiment four Majors. These Gentlemen newly Promoted are plac’d in the Above Ranks without any proper Authority, and I Cannot think myself Justified in...
His Excellency directs me to reply to your favor of this Day—and to mention that he knows no Authority under which Genl Hazen has acted in makg the late promotions you intimate nor has the Comr in Chief received any particular Instructions from Congress or the Secty at War respectg any promotions in his Regiment—the promotions you mention are therefore to be disregarded in the Musters, until...
106643General Orders, 15 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For duty tomorrow Lt Col. Comdt Sprout Adjutant from the 2d regt For duty tomorrow the 2d Massachusetts regiment. As soon as the furloughing of the officers and Men who retire from the field in consequence of the Resolution of Congress published in the orders of the 2d instant is compleated and the incorporation of those who continue in service has taken place, (in order to prevent...
I am honored with your Excellency’s Letter of Yesterday—I some Time since recommended to the particular Attention of the Courts of Justice: The Outrage said to have been committed by a Party headed by Mr Honeywell in the lower Part of West Chester County and I have not a Doubt but—proper Measures will be taken for the Punishment of the Offenders—I am happy at the same Time to inform your...
The Letter to Lord Fairfax which accompanied your favor to me of the 22d of March, went into New York immediately upon its arrival at this place; & no doubt obtained a ready passage to England. I should not have delayed so long to inform you of this, & (as you seemed to desire it of me) to have announced the Ratification of the Provisional & Preliminary Articles of Peace, had I not been sure...
Hutts being divided and allotted to the four reformed Massachusetts Regiments I have directed the Troops to move into their Quarters tomorrow morning accordingly which compleats the reform of the Regt. The reform has broken up the Commandss of the Brigadiers and renders some orders from your Excellency respecting them necessary as soon as you may think it proper in the present state the...
In answer to your Letter of this date, I am directed by the Commander in Chief to inform you, that it is his pleasure, that two Brigadiers from the Masstts Line should continue with the Troops for the present, they will determine, under your direction, which of the three retires. As the present position of the Troops is only temporary, it is probable, that when the whole Army of this...
You are too well acquainted with the merits of Colo. Gouvion to need my testimony either of his Services, abilities or worth; and yet, my wish to see them rewarded, induces me to repeat & even to impress them upon you—I do not take the liberty of bringing this officer directly before Monsr the Count de Segar but if the communication of my ideas of his deserts and my desire to serve him would...
I have the Honor to Transmitt your Excellency the Inclos’d Return of the Officers & men of the Rhode Island Regmt who Retire from Service on Furlough untill the Ratification of the Definitive Treaty of Peace Shall be announced by Congress—likewise those that Continue in the Field—having a Number of Sick I have thoughtt it Expedient to Continue the Surgeon so long as they may Require his...
I have received your favor of the 12th of April from Berkley, and am obliged to you for the Acct contained in it of our deceased Brothers affairs. I have since heard that his Widow survived him but a little while. I am also obliged to you for taking upon you the direction of my mothers Interest at the little Fall Quarter, which I believe has been under most wretched management. equally...